Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 377 The intervention of the nobles in robes (joint chapter)

The soldiers' heads are flat and large, and they cannot wear exclusive samurai helmets.

The equipment, also known as the 'Iron Antler Pocket', has long iron branches extending from both wings of the head. Some say it can help the wearer defend and resist knife attacks on the battlefield, but it is more often used as a deterrent - —In United City, even in the crowd, you can see such a dress from a distance, and the civilians will naturally avoid them as if they are respecting ghosts and gods.

But now, even there is no such decoration.

The soldiers and bees still brought indescribable oppression to everyone around them.

"Sure enough, he is their lackey." In an instant, Jaeger and Bo looked at each other.

In the United Cities, there are many people employed as samurai.

But they are often like Huang Jun who fled to Scone Town. They are impoverished and engage in private fights and murders to support their families. They even have to rely on their masters to provide weapons. In essence, there is no difference from the domestic slave thugs raised by the nobles, but they also have the title of samurai.

Such cannon fodder is not worthy of the master's armor.

Only the private hooded guards composed of noble children and the core elite of the empire would be willing to use such well-forged iconic warrior heavy armor.

In Union City, there are no bee nobles.

Then the identity of the other party is self-evident.

A warrior commander serving a lord. Their status is no less than that of high-level paladins, and their strength is equivalent to the core of a hundred regiments of guards, but their equipment is more sophisticated.

The soldier warriors blocked the attack by relying on their armor alone, but they were not in a hurry to launch an attack.

Instead, he looked at Da Heimei.

"Thirty percent... In addition to the original sales, Lord Glade also needs at least 30% of the profit." Bingfeng said.

As a hive prince, being treated by a soldier bee in an almost commanding tone made Big Black Eyebrow feel uncomfortable from the bottom of his heart, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Because this is not a beehive.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Okay!"

Glade, the lord of Eyesocket Town, is not from a traditional noble background.

He was a member of the merchant guild.

He bought this title from a declining aristocratic family. In the political system of the United City, only nobles are qualified to exercise power... However, now that their finances are deteriorating, they also accept the sale of their official titles.

The person who created this precedent was none other than Long En, the current chief of the imperial cabinet and the president of the merchant guild.

They were born into wealthy businessmen and often wore gorgeous clothes, so they were also called "robed aristocrats".

In contrast, United City also used military force to build its country. The traditional nobility dates back to the earliest times, and they all had military exploits. They are also called "sword nobles".

Da Heimei felt his heart bleeding.

The Black Converter originally planned to open a secret drug factory in 'Stober's Adventure', transport the cannabis leaves produced in the swamp there, make black extract and mix it into bloody rum for sale around the world.

Among them, it happens to rely on the trade network of merchant guilds.

From there, they got in touch.

As expected, Glade was from the merchant guild, and the price he gave was just within his seven inches - the black converters could be profitable and would not give up production, but the majority of the sales were completely occupied by the guild.

Da Heimei had no intention of agreeing to this condition.

At least, you have to use them to help you gain an advantage in the alliance.

But now, because of the sudden attack of these two inexplicable assassins, he had to turn to these minions of the United City to throw out his chips in advance.

"Very good." Bing Feng's words seemed to have no emotion, just business.

The influence of his genes extends beyond the hive.

They are thick-skinned, obedient to orders, and simple-minded...the key is that they were born and raised lowly, and have always been the favorite and best thugs of the United Cities. There are even slave traders who go to the hive tribe to poach soldiers and bees, kidnap and train them into slaves to meet the military needs of the empire.

Among these soldiers, there was even a monster that could scare even the nobles themselves.

However, with the holy war of the Holy Empire outside and the constant harassment of anti-slavery and northern rebels inside, that person will not be easily deployed unless it is a key battlefield. He is almost equivalent to the pillar of the Union City's national defense. .

Jaeger and Bo prepare to retreat.

Although he failed to kill Da Heimei, he forced these enemies to appear in advance, making it easier to deal with them later.

The enemy is bright and we are dark.

Compared to being in public, they have more ways to assassinate and destroy people alone.

And looking at the other person's appearance... for some reason, they misjudged his identity.

Just when the soldier bee warrior and Da Heimei reached an agreement, the two of them had already retreated to the floating platform and the edge of the venue.

Although one of Jaeger's hands was stained with blood, it was a skin injury caused by the shock from the impact on the armor, and it was not serious if the force was withdrawn in time.

After all, flesh and blood has its limits.

However, it is more than enough to deal with the ordinary gang members who block the way.

And Bo's figure is even more agile.

Even the crossbowman who arrived could only chase after her feet with the rain of arrows he fired.

However, just as they were about to break out of the encirclement.

Another black convert stands in front of the anti-slavery people.

Under the black leather jacket, he only wore armor on his chest and abdomen. He looked a little lower than the samurai commander...

Another samurai!

This time it was a bee prince.

The Black Converters are originally composed of bee people, and Glade specially sent out the hive people's henchmen he trained to hide among them without violating the rules.

Previously, when they saw Big Black Eyebrow being assassinated, they were all indifferent. It wasn't until the big leader of the swamp gave in that they took action one after another.

Iles, who witnessed this scene, was also wary.

He understood who the guest Da Heimei was talking about.

The warrior chief is a general who commands countless followers in the outside world, and he also symbolizes the city-state under the United Cities, Eyesocket Town.

They were lurking in the swamps and must not have come alone.

How many Union City soldiers are there among the Black Converters?

With the support of Eyesocket Town and the merchant guild represented by the "robed nobleman" Glade, Big Black Eyebrow will surpass the Skinner and become the most powerful competitor of the Hound Gang in this alliance.

Even if this support is only one percent or less of the projection power of United City... But placed in the swamp, this is a shadow that cannot be ignored.

This is the confidence of the Bee Prince.

At least, when Iers saw the warrior warriors appearing, he knew that from now on it would be impossible to put pressure on the big black eyebrows like in the past.

However... there was also anger in Iles's heart.

This goes against the rules of the Shark Village Guild.

Not allowing the forces of the three kingdoms to intervene is the iron rule that everyone agrees to - otherwise, even if you can defeat all the powerful people in the alliance and ascend to the throne... then you will be the king of the swamp in the end, or just the king of the swamp. A puppet planted here by other countries?

The swamp has maintained its independent status for thousands of years and will be destroyed.

——This beast should be killed together.

Iles tightened his grip on the knife, his palms sweating.

However, he didn't say anything.

This is not a problem that he can solve - Da Gelin must come forward to be able to compete with it.

The samurai chief, who had finished negotiating with the big black eyebrow, dragged his long sword and walked towards the surrounded Jaeger and Bo.

Among the black converters, bees walked out from time to time.

I don’t know if they are gang members or Union City soldiers wearing black leather clothes.

The hounds were bewildered.

The complexity of the situation was beyond their comprehension.

It stands to reason that the "Shadow Man" and his swamp ninja (Bo) came to assassinate the big leader of the black converters. They have a common enemy and should help.

However, Da Heimei's trump card was revealed.

This bee prince is in collusion with the United Cities outside the swamp. In comparison, the Water Tribe people who live together in the dense forest of the swamp, although they love and kill each other, seem to be more friendly.

Jiege and Bo can't control their love and hatred.

The thin man punched out, but before the wind of the punch came, the petite Bo stepped on his shoulder and jumped out in the direction of the punch.

The hive warrior who blocked the two men did not react in time. The girl came around behind him, grabbed her neck, and raised her head to the sky.

The next moment, Jaeger penetrated his fragile throat.

The bee-man's head rolled to the ground, and the anti-slavery people tore a hole through the crowd, trying to break out.

But at this time, the samurai commander behind him had already caught up.

The lower limbs of the soldier bee are slender, but they can step very firmly. He took small steps that seemed awkward, but he walked faster and faster, leisurely, and was behind the two of them in an instant.

He drew the sword with a rough posture and slashed backwards. The same arc was smooth and beautiful, and savagery and elegance were organically integrated.

The blade of the knife went straight to Pu Bo's back.


Jaeger turned around and kicked, hitting the middle of the long knife, causing the steel blade to tremble.

However, the next moment blood splattered.

——The soldier bee warrior presses the handle with both hands and twists it.

It hit Jaeger's inner thigh.

He staggered, and Bo quickly caught him.

"Is it okay!"

"As long as you're okay!" Jaeger lowered his voice and said urgently, "Otherwise, neither of us will be able to leave!"

He can't swim!

As he spoke, Bo had already dragged the man and jumped into the water.

The crossbow arrows shot in one after another, like raindrops, causing ripples, but no corpse was seen floating out.

The soldier and bee warrior stood on the shore, the long sword in his hand trembling slightly.

He sheathed the knife and loosened his claws.

The man's whip was so powerful that he almost couldn't hold the knife, but he just managed to fight back.

My hands are still numb now, so I can't pursue him.

Bingfeng was suspicious.

If his weapon hadn't been made by a Skeleton Blacksmith and replaced with an ordinary modified knife, it might even have been kicked out of shape.

This kind of skill...isn't like what they call Shadow Man...

And more like what Lord Glade mentioned, those...

Bingfeng's brain has always been bad, and now he can't remember.

But it doesn't matter. Afterwards, just report it to the noble attendant sent by Lord Glade. That person is the decision-maker of their trip to the swamp. I believe he can tell the difference.

He only needs to be responsible for killing people and delivering messages.

Just think and use it for fighting.

"Hurry up!" The big black eyebrow behind him caught up.

He ordered the black converter, but he just hid secretly on the side of the soldier bee, his eyes showing surprise.

The elite of Union City did not disappoint themselves.

The previous unhappiness of being forced to trade and cut off flesh was instantly wiped away.

And this time I came to attend the dinner.

It's only a part of their strength - after all, the soldiers in Eyesocket Town are not only the bees, but the rest are hidden among the affiliated forces of the black converters.

He began to feel.

With their help, even without the Red Sword Group, they can still compete with the Hound Gang.

However, there is still a haze in the heart of the Bee Man Prince that has not dissipated.

At this moment, it was even more intense.

That is: the failure to capture Princess Shaq.

If he could succeed at that time, he wouldn't have to give up profits to Eye socket town in the drug-making trade; even, if he had this hostage in hand, he could apply for cooperation with a higher-level presence in the merchant guild.

That's not all the support I received.

It doesn’t even cost anything.

It can be said that it is a white wolf with empty gloves.

Da Heimei made his fortune by running a casino, and he himself was also an experienced gambler. At this moment, the Bee Man Prince felt that he had missed a chance to make a comeback, and his heart felt like it was being burned by a flame.

He suppressed his anxiety, regained his composure, and looked at the soldiers, preparing to say a few words.

The bee prince smiled and said: "Lord Biyan..."

The warrior chief was about to nod when suddenly, his foot slipped and he fell backward.

In the eyes of Big Black Eyebrow, who was gradually stunned, he, who was wearing heavy armor, fell into the deep pool of Shark Village behind him as if in slow motion.


The water splashed and white foam flew everywhere.

"Master Biyan fell into the water!"

In the open-air hanging hall of the venue, the black converters and the Union City soldiers mixed in were in a mess, making the scene a mess.

In order to hunt down the two assassins who escaped.

The gangsters who are good at water have already jumped into the water to search for them, but they are far away.

Most of those on the shore, as well as the Union City soldiers, didn't know how to swim.

——This samurai commander also has blue eyes!

Moreover, he was wearing the full heavy armor of the United City warriors. If he fell into the water, it would be like having his whole body tied with rocks and filled with pig iron. He would sink straight to the bottom, and even if he tried to struggle, he would be unable to do so.

Something unexpected happened.

Iles on the side was also shocked.

Around him gathered the remaining members of the Hound Gang at the venue. As the owner of Shark Village, Hound lives in this city built on the swamp every day, and most of them are people with excellent water skills.

If you don't know how to swim, if you make a mistake, the ball will be dead.

Ilse couldn't help but smile.

He didn't intend to help.

The other party has already seen him. At this time, if he rushes forward again, do he really think that he is being taken advantage of?

However, Iles didn't think the problem was serious.

The water on the shore was slippery and I just lost my footing.

There are so many gangs and ships of the black converters. Even if they don't know how to swim, they can fish out the samurai commander if they rush forward - and now someone is already shouting and taking action.

He was just happy to see the other party lose face once.

Let people know: This is a swamp, not your United City.

The dense wetland forest can kill your soldiers and generals at any time - in this regard, Shark Village is only the safest place among them.

You can't even handle this, how dare you show off?

He was looking forward to seeing the blue-eyed man drinking muddy water and being forced to perform artificial respiration.

However, Iles also had doubts.

He remembered clearly that just now the Soldier Bee Warrior was still one step away from the edge of the platform.

And with Bi Yan's strength, even in a fierce battle, he can stand as steady as a mountain, walk like the wind... and will not fall into the water so easily.

After much deliberation, it can probably only be explained as an accident.

Ilse didn't take it to heart.

People make mistakes, and bees are no exception.

——No one in the audience noticed it.

Just before the blue-eyed Soldier Bee fell into the water, under the cover of night, a wet hand hung upside down from under the platform and suddenly grasped its slender ankle.

And the arm was wrapped with a dark green strap.

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