Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 378 The spying predator

--a few minutes ago.

If someone suspects you of doing something, the best way to respond is not to argue but to actually do it.

For example, when they suspect you are a shadow person.

The dream of the road on the wooden pile, silently thinking in my heart.

His long swamp clothes disappeared, as if dissolved in the wind, and were replaced by dark green straps wrapped like poisonous snakes, wrapping his entire body along his torso, exposing only the necessary joints.

Loading the mod takes time, but canceling it is instantaneous.

Compared with dressing up temporarily, putting on the swamp ninja costume in advance and then releasing the "appearance fixation" module when needed makes the change of costumes many times faster.

But corresponding.

Tonight, in a short period of time, Lu Meng will no longer be able to appear as the deputy leader of the Skinners.

He took out the mask from the black backpack that appeared behind him and put it on his head.

Come on, take a deep breath.

Jump straight into the water.

[Swimming: 34 (Proficient)]

When Lu Meng first entered the swamp, he had already mastered the [Swimming] skill to the basic level. After such a long period of time, he was familiar with the swamp environment, so he was naturally well prepared.

Whether it is Huangshui or Shizhen, there are plenty of water pools around for training.

Although it is still not as good as those native swamp people who have been accustomed to water since childhood, with the breathing mask of the Sheungshui Tribe for easy ventilation, it is more than enough for underwater activities.

By the way, Lu Meng's outfit is already a high-end product provided by the real Miss Kageto. If placed in the Water Tribe, it can only be used by elder-level Jonin.

On the suspended elevated platform, anti-slavery rebels were being chased and intercepted by Union City warriors.

Under the silent water, black fish swam past a dark green figure, occasionally stopping to patrol. A black fish opened its mouth curiously and exposed its fangs, wanting to take a bite.

But immediately, as Lu Meng tilted his head, they faced the rusty mask.

Their figures are reflected on the resin-molded goggles.

The fish swam away in panic.

Instinct is enough for these creatures to realize that this is not the drunkard who fell into the water in the past, but a predator like themselves.

He is waiting too.

With the sound of two splashes of water, Lu Meng could see a small woman diving directly into the water like a fish, and even shook off the crossbow arrows that followed - but Jaeger behind her was there. Not so lucky.

The thin man was not good at swimming, and his thigh was injured, so it was difficult for him to even swing his legs to paddle.

He was half-supported and half-pulled by Bo, holding him like a buoy and carrying him into the water.

If it weren't for Jaeger's extraordinary physique.

Even if the water can come out, it must be choked.

The wounds on his body pumped out a mist of blood in the water, and the black fish smelled it and followed him excitedly, like a group of crows in the water.

"Whether they can escape or not depends on these people."

Lu Meng thought casually.

Anti-slavery people will not act rashly

In this Shark Village, there should be a way out for them.

Due to the chaos of the scene, some people were eager to escape and others were eager to hunt, but they all failed to notice the 'swamp ninja' who was in a stealth state and floating motionless in the water like a ghost.

Until Lu Meng saw the reflection of Bee Man.

The bright white warrior's heavy armor reflected the candlelight, and his body swayed in the water, like a dream that was about to be broken.

He surfaced slowly and put the breathing tube of his mask out of the water.

Take a deep breath.

Then he climbed onto the bottom of the elevated platform and struck suddenly!

Bingfeng's eyes were green, and he could only feel the world spinning.

The next moment, the cold night water poured into his mouth and nose.

The incident happened suddenly and he took several large sips.

Water also entered the lungs, and Bing Feng felt a burning pain, and he couldn't help but cough again.

However, after all, Biyan is well-trained and responds promptly.

He forced himself to calm down and suppressed the urge to cough and shout - doing so by falling into the water was tantamount to suicide and would only aggravate drowning.


The samurai commander could clearly feel the touch on his ankle just now.

Someone gave him a hand!

But it was dragged underwater.

Bi Yan's first thought was of the two escaped assassins - they actually shot back and attacked him while everyone was relaxed.

It can be considered brave and resourceful.

The soldiers did not sit still and wait for death.

At the same moment it touched the water.

He had already subconsciously drawn the knife and slashed it below himself.

As an elite among professional warriors and a fighting race in the hive, even if something unexpected happened, he never let go of his saber because of nervousness.

The hand of the bee man tightly grasped the handle of the knife.

He is always on the verge of being able to be inspired at any time and transform into a battlefield killing machine.

The delicate famous knife stirred up rapids under the water, and countless bubbles rolled and burst, turning into a white light, whistling dullly.

Bi Yan's speed of drawing out the knife was not much slower than on the shore.

In the hinterland of the United City, dust rolls like wild dragons are often set off, and a true warrior must be able to swing his sword even in the face of mountains of dust and strong winds that blow away cattle and sheep.


With all their strength, Soldier Bee actually cut through the heavy pool of water.

There was a muffled sound.

He cut empty.

Bing Feng was completely submerged in the pool of Shark Village.

The hand that grabbed his ankle only held it for a moment.

After breaking the balance of the soldier and bee and pulling him into the water, he immediately broke away with one blow, and the timing was as precise as a machine.

It seemed that even Bi Yan's counterattack was expected.

The pond water flowed into the gaps in the warrior's armor, and the soldiers' movements slowed down several times in an instant.

He struggled and fell slowly.

And Bing Feng's heart was as cold as the ice water around him.

With Bi Yan's physique, he could hold his breath for several times longer than an ordinary person. It was unlikely that he could be killed by drowning alone.

The gang members on the shore and the men in Eyesocket Town were able to rescue him soon.

But at this moment, he was in the same space as him.

There is also a mysterious, cunning and cunning predator. This person has been watching in secret until now, and he only showed his fangs. He may launch an attack from any direction at any time.

He is far more dangerous than this deep pool of water.

People on the shore may not know this news.

As a result, the situation may be misjudged and the rescue opportunity may be missed.

Bi Yan no longer struggled.

Being able to enter the swamp, he has naturally undergone owl training. However, wearing this heavy armor that is restrictive, even the local swamp people are unable to move, let alone the soldiers who are only half-baked in the assault.

He held his breath, held the knife in both hands, and protected his head.

This is the only weakness in his body that is exposed.

Soldier Bee's figure was like a solidified warrior statue, falling slowly from the sky. The lights on the shore can no longer penetrate the water, and the pressure and darkness sweep in, wrapping everything around them.

Bi Yan makes good plans and remains unchanged in the face of all changes.

As long as those who stick to the shore enter the water, the sneak attacker will naturally be driven away. There is no need for you to fight the enemy in the areas where the opponent is good at.

Although the heavy warrior armor on Soldier Bee's body once became a burden, as long as it did not float upward, it was still his most solid protection.

It symbolizes Union City's ace craftsmanship.

Very few of the shabby weapons in the swamp could hurt him.

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