Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 394 The Dark Side of the Bar (Complete Chapter)

After the explanation, Yinying said goodbye to everyone.

Although the Bee Prince was the entrusted party, it was also a great gain for him to learn the news about his two friends.

At the moment, he was not in the mood to fish at the gambling table in the bar, but rushed back to the gang station.

To be honest, if people see him interacting with the deputy leader of the Skinners, it will easily cause gossip.

After Yinying left, the VIP compartment fell into silence for a while.

Lu Meng greeted everyone to divide the remaining drinks and fruits and take a rest.

At this time, Seto leaned into his ear and asked quietly:

"Teacher...can you find Hamut's family?"

Just like the exposure of Feiniu and the request from the Kingdom of Shake to find the lost princess, Seto himself, who was later found, felt that the Nameless One was omnipotent in this regard.

After all, he has created so many miracles.

For the little princess, Hamut took care of her a lot along the way. If possible, she also wanted to help this human drifter and end his regrets.

Seto himself couldn't think of a way.

Silver Shadow and Hamut himself have been paying attention and working hard for so many years, but there is no news... let alone her, a young girl who has just traveled far away.

The only hope left, then, lies with the Nameless One.

Although the other people didn't hear clearly, they could probably guess what they were discussing based on the situation, and their eyes couldn't help but look this way.

Very rarely, Lu Meng shook his head:

"Not sure."

If he remembered correctly, the regrettable news is that even in the game, Hamut failed to find the whereabouts of his wife and daughter.

Some players even discovered the unpacked data.

In the game's NPC library, there is no character or slave designed like 'Hamt's Wife'.

In other words, this is most likely just a background introduction.

Rather than an Easter egg left by the game production team.

However, a small piece of text in the game becomes a living tragedy for a person when it enters the real world.

Just like the short sentence in the history books, "When people are hungry, people eat each other", it can be skipped casually when reading.

There are many skeletons behind it.

Green hugged his chest and remained silent.

He had seen this human being's "intelligence gathering" ability, and the information about his enemy "Headhunter" came from this.

But obviously, this ability is not unlimited.

It's like knowing the enemy's information, but they won't just stay in a certain place and wait for you to find them.

Therefore, Worker Bee understood Lu Meng's answer very well.

Meiyu and Ned didn't have time to sigh.

But suddenly, they found that the white-haired young man was looking at them.

"Although there is no way to directly find the whereabouts of those family members," he said, "there is still a way to help our friends and grant another wish."

“Find the anti-slavery people.”

Lu Meng stood up: "You two, if you don't mind... you can tell me what you know."

——He really knew it.

The two smugglers looked at each other, but they were already prepared.

That's right...this is [the real world].

Lu Meng thought.

The light words in the game will turn into a living tragedy.

But, same thing.

The fate that cannot be changed even in the game is possible here!

Hamut has always believed that his family is still alive. This may be just a hint to himself after he guessed the truth. After all, if he doesn't even believe this, then what reason is there to continue? Even the last glimmer of hope has been eliminated. ...Although this hope will become increasingly slim as time goes by.

However, the time point where Lu Meng was.

A few years ago.

Now is the time of greatest hope.

This also means that although he cannot prevent events that have already happened, he is very likely to rewrite the final outcome of the story.

It doesn’t depend on cold data, just on themselves.

He has done such things many times.

After coming out of the Dancing Skeleton Man.

Silver Shadow took off his jacket and put on black clothes.

In the blink of an eye, his temperament changed from an ordinary bar gambler to a high-ranking official of the Black Converters.

On the elevated corridor, he walked like the wind, and all the bees he met along the way saluted him.

Even people from other gangs would make friendly or flattering gestures when they recognized Yin Ying.

The bee prince was in a happy mood.

My mission here is almost completed.

Not only did he learn that his two friends were safe and sound, but he also passed on all the information he had collected over the years, so he could not get anything more in a short period of time.

Hamut was just passing by.

After traveling all the way east, I probably won’t come back.

Silver Shadow didn't plan to leave the swamp, but he also didn't want to join a gang. Not only was he tired, but he was also worried about the killings.

Anyway, Da Heimei relies heavily on outsiders these days.

When the black converter's business develops in the future, he will no longer be needed. At that time, he will find a casual job and return to Ni Town to retire...

"Big boss."

He suddenly stopped and bowed.

The thick-lipped man in front of him was dressed in black leather armor, lined with chains, and holding a cane in his hand - he was the leader of the black converters with big black eyebrows.

However, in just a few days, this bee-man's eyes seemed to be a little gloomier again.

"Silver Shadow." He nodded.

"How's the investigation going on Dancing Skeleton Man?"

"Nothing trace of those people found..." Silver Shadow said quickly.

Yes, he was in the bar and also had a gang assignment.

Manhunts can be seen all over Shark Village.

The craziest among them are the hounds.

The second is the black converter who suffered the greatest direct losses. Big Black Eyebrow gave the order to die, not only for revenge, but also to give an explanation to the special envoy of United City.

On the contrary, another company of skinners who promised to hunt for assassins seemed to be a little fishy and did not search door to door like the others - but no one dared to accuse them.

For Silver Shadow.

He himself was born a slave, and because of his good friend relationship, he didn't have a good impression of the United City, and he initially opposed the cooperation between the two parties.

But in the past few days, he still took the initiative to take on a task.

Firstly, Yinying never disobeyed Da Heimei; secondly, he more or less guessed the identities of those assassins.

Than let the Swamp Gang catch them.

It's better to contact them yourself, at least there is a chance to change things.

This point actually coincides with Lu Meng.

However, Silver Shadow didn't lie either.

There is indeed no trace of the two assassins among the Dancing Skeleton Men. In terms of investigation intentions, he is not inferior to anyone else.

However, of course he concealed his secret meetings and conversations with Lu Meng and others.

The big black eyebrow glanced at him: "You still have to hold on tight."

"Yes." Silver Shadow responded directly without raising his head.

I don't know if it was because he drank too much wine, but when his drunkenness dissipated, he felt a slight chill on his back when the wind in the air blew him away.

At this time, he suddenly noticed.

Behind Da Heimei, there was another person.

He is also a bee prince dressed in black, but his body is slimmer and looks different from the gang members like Silver Shadow who have been crawling around in the swamp.

His eyes were looking forward, and there seemed to be a "bookishness" that could only be seen in nobles... No, even among nobles, it was considered elegant.

But this is just a bee.

"This is..." Silver Shadow couldn't help but ask.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce you," the big black eyebrow turned slightly sideways as if he just remembered it, "This is Yamudu, and he will be your colleague from now on."

"Senior Yinying, right? You've heard about it a long time ago." The bee man said with a smile, like a spring breeze, "I'm always at your disposal. I hope you'll take good care of me."

He took a step forward and extended his hand.

"It's easy to talk, it's easy to talk..." Silver Shadow was a little uncomfortable and held Yamudou's hand, which loosened at the touch.

At this moment, he felt that the bee-man's palm was much harder than he imagined.

As evening approaches, the dancing bone man is still bustling with activity.

But compared to the past, these days seem a little different...

"Boss, why don't you turn on the light?"

A gambler shouted: "I can't even see the cards clearly!"

The sky was obviously getting dark. Different from the brightly lit and neon setting in the past, the interior of Dancing Skeleton Man is getting darker and darker. Only the incandescent lamps on a few ceiling fans are still shining, casting halo shadows on the ground.

This is just a drop in the bucket for the lighting of the entire bar.

"It would be nice to have a few lights like this," a passing waiter replied casually, "It costs money to generate electricity!"

"How about you go outside and cut down some trees to help us burn firewood?"

Of course, having money now won’t solve the problem.

As Big Fang had noticed before, the Dancing Skeleton Man now does not have much fuel reserves - the reason why it could still operate all night before was because the battery still had enough power.

But after all, it is water without a source, and I won’t be able to hold on for a few days.

The gambler groaned a few times, held the cards almost to his eyes, read the words clearly and shouted excitedly: "The last one!"

There must be a comeback this time!

It was impossible to work.

But as the night gets darker and the light dims, even the most addicted gamblers feel that they have lost interest, not to mention worrying that the other party will take the opportunity to cheat.

When the first person leaves the field, the second one will follow.

But without anyone to play with, the crowd gradually dispersed and became deserted.

Except for a few scattered tables, the only ones left were drunkards who couldn't get up, and the waiters who changed shifts came out to clean up the mess.

There were still a few hours until dawn, and they had to hurry.

At this time, the compartment door opened.

Lu Meng and his group walked out. The cleaning attendant glanced at them and didn't care.

Lu Meng walked to his side:

"Excuse me, is your boss here?"

The waiter didn't look up and pointed in one direction: "If you want to find the foreman, he's over there."

This happens from time to time.

Or an alcoholic who is so drunk that he thinks his wine is watered down, or a gambler who wants to default on his money after losing money in gambling... They all like to clamor to find your boss.

But how can they take care of so many people.

What's more, the boss here has a special status and is not something that ordinary people can meet - even the big guys in the gangs.

"It's not your foreman, it's the boss of Dancing Skeleton Man."

the voice corrected.

Seeing that the other party was fighting to death, the waiter sighed inwardly, put down his sweeping tools, and was about to shirk the blame when a cold and hard voice came:

"Arin, do you still remember me?"

A humanoid figure stood up from behind Lu Meng. He was wearing a uniform, but what was exposed was a machine, and his features were still very obvious.

"Skeleton Man..." The waiter surnamed Lin was stunned.

Why are there other skeletons besides my employer...

"Have you forgotten?" The Skeleton Man made a hug gesture, "I hugged you when you were a child."

"You are..." The waiter recalled something.

"Then you shit on my hand..."

"Wait a minute!" Arin hurriedly stepped forward and tried to cover his mouth, but the Skeleton Man's voice generator was useless. "Uncle Sola, why are you here?"

"Come back and see." Sola's voice contained a smile.

Several people around looked at each other.

This waiter seems to be quite old, but he still has no qualifications in front of the Skeleton Man... Maybe this is what he has been brought up from childhood.

"Then this gentleman is..."

Arin took a deep breath, his face turned from red to white, he broke free from the quagmire of the black history being exposed, and turned to Lu Meng.

"My current boss," Sola said, "took us to meet the boss. I miss him too."

"Understood." A Lin nodded and apologized to Lu Meng again, "I was rude just now."

The waiter knows.

As a Skeleton Man who actively contacts outside forces, Sora will mainly obey orders, but he will never bring outsiders here easily, let alone ask to see his hidden friends from the past.

The person who can make him do this must be someone who is recognized.

For example, the former Big Gray, and the one in front of him.

This was also entrusted by their boss.

Lu Meng signaled that nothing happened, and followed the waiter to the iron gate of the back hall of the Dancing Skeleton Man.

A Lin called over a few other people. Most of these late-night waiters were orphans adopted here. They grew up here. They were different from the workers hired during the day and were considered core members.

Some of them recognized Sora and greeted him happily.

Arin took their keys, inserted them into the door locks one by one, and turned them together.

Lu Meng stood aside and watched secretly.

Judging from his [lock picking] skills, the protection of this iron door is no less than that of a major prison, and the keyhole design is not like contemporary creations.

Even if the opponent just stays behind closed doors, it may not be easy to attack them forcefully.

The thick iron door was activated and opened in response, slowly leaking a gap.

A turbid air rushed to his face, as if he had been depressed for a thousand years.

Seto wrinkled his nose.

Even though the miasma in the swamp is already very strong, smelling this smell still makes people feel a little uncomfortable for a while.

This place may not be prepared for ordinary creatures.

"Uncle Sola, please go in." Arin held the iron door and made a gesture of invitation.

Going forward, with his authority, he is actually not allowed to enter without any reason.

They, the employees, have separate living and working areas.

Sora walked in first. Not long ago...he had only been here once about ten years ago, and he misses it very much now.

The rest of the people entered one after another.

Lu Meng was last. When he stepped in, A Lin in the outer hall let go of his hand, and the iron door slowly closed under the action of elasticity, making a heavy sound.

With a click, the complex mechanism is self-locking.

The light and sound outside were completely cut off, and it was pitch black and extremely quiet inside.

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