Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 395 The Last Skeleton Craftsman (Complete Chapter)

In the darkness, Green touched the wall, and it felt cool to the touch, as if it were made of steel.

"If it were outside, even the harpoon cannon wouldn't be able to blast it away."

He tried a comparison.

"Same, it's the same inside," Lu Meng said, "If someone makes trouble here, we won't be able to escape even if we want to-"

Several people were stunned when they heard this.

Although this is an unlucky thing to say, it is still true.

Sola spoke calmly: "The Dancing Skeleton Man was originally a shelter, and then it was continuously expanded and transformed into what it is today. After the collapse of the the era of wilderness, only places like this can bring people safety."

Three small dots lit up in the darkness.

It's the camera lens on the skull.

"Deputy leader, follow me."

Lu Meng moved forward, and several people followed closely.

The sound of footsteps echoed gently along the way, which seemed to be a long passage.


As he was walking, Seto kicked something under his feet.

She drew her sword with a clang, and a green light suddenly appeared, pointing at it.

Cang Cui also set up a crossbow.

It was rude to wind it at someone else's house, so he had already wound it while he was outside.

"It's okay." Lu Meng stepped forward and squatted down.

He touched it with his hands and moved it so that everyone could see it more clearly.

But he is also a skeleton.

But this skeleton man lay on the ground, his head broken, and there was a faint arrow in it.

The wooden arrow shaft has long since decayed.

Lu Meng looked at Sola.

"Of course, people have broken in before." The Skeleton Man's voice had no special change. "After all, it is not the center of Shark Village, the current 'Iron Dome', that is the main shelter."

He walked not far from the skeleton of the skeleton and picked up a white bone.

This time, it's human.

The human skeleton was wrapped in old clothes. Apart from being tattered, the clothes had no obvious scars.

"Starving to death," Sora said.

This shelter is the Skeleton Man's private place, and no food is prepared.

As long as the blocking door is opened and the enemies are separated, even if they cannot be eliminated immediately, the outcome can be left to time.

Naturally, the Skeleton Man doesn't have to worry about eating... Once the energy-saving mode is turned on, the consumption is pitifully small.

Lu Meng nodded.

Along the way, they could still see various similar traces and wreckage, and the other people almost thought they had arrived at a ruins that had not been opened for a long time.

However, there is obviously an owner here.

That skeleton boss.

It has not been cleaned for such a long time. It can only be said that his logic circuit is quite casual.

As for hygiene issues, it is obvious that electronic germs will not breed and will not affect the lives of skeleton people.

After twists and turns, when Sora pushed open the last door, light finally appeared in front of their eyes.

It was an orange-red fire, with vague human figures swaying in it.

"Kurt," Sola paused and took a step forward, "Long time no see."

As far as the eye can see, there is a large long steel table, which is filled with various standard tools, as well as industrial raw materials and semi-finished products... However, judging from the dust, it has not been touched for a long time.

A black iron figure sat quietly on a chair, with a kerosene lamp hanging high above his head.

Hearing the voice, he stood up: "Sora, I didn't expect you to come."

There seemed to be surprise in his tone.

"Don't be ridiculous, you already knew it." Sora stepped forward and just stood quietly in front of the man. There was no need to embrace the etiquette of human society. The greetings after a long separation had already been completed. "It's useless to pretend to me. of."

It's not that the other party can predict their arrival, but when everyone enters the shelter, the owner here certainly has a way to know.

"Ha." The new bone man said calmly.

"You know, I am the Skinner now." Sola introduced, "This is our deputy leader."

Sola turned to everyone again: "Kurt, the current boss of Dancing Bone Man..."

"He is also the only one left in the swamp, the last bone craftsman."

"Not anymore." Kurt said calmly, "Just have fun outside."

"Nice to meet you," Lu Meng said.

He thought of the forbidden area in Huangshui Village, where a skeleton craftsman was also buried.

These skeleton men once spread their branches in the swamp and built village strongholds everywhere, hoping to leave the seeds of civilization... But in the end, only the shelter in Shark Village remained. The few skeletons that lived among them survived.

"'Vice-leader'?" Kurt looked at Lu Meng, "So, that old boy is not dead yet."

"Big Gray is still in good health." Lu Meng replied.

"It's okay for you to tell others, but you can't deceive me." The bone man craftsman said, "His surgery was performed here. I know his condition very well."

After Big Gray was gutted by a blood spider, his serious injuries were not something that ordinary outside doctors could cure.

And his general surgical style of body modification is obviously not a contemporary technology.

"Human, tell me, what kind of injury did you suffer this time?"

Kurt sat back in the chair, and the mechanical body made a crisp and sharp collision sound with the same steel seat.

"You kid," he looked at Sola without waiting for a reply, "Only at times like this will you think of me."

As a bodyguard, Sora actually left the sanctuary after the establishment of the Dancing Skeleton Men and went their separate ways.

But say so.

As the few of the same kind left in the swamp, they still have friendship in private. If they really need anything, they will help if they can.

The last time, Sora came to this place, it was for his big boss.

"How long has it been since we last met?" Kurt sighed. "I always miss my maintenance bed. Let me tell you, there is a shortage of fuel in Shark Village right now, but we can only start work a few times."

This bone craftsman does not specialize in medical skills.

But with the automatic assistance of the [Maintenance Bed], he can also deal with the injuries of ordinary creatures.

For them, even if it is only half a bucket of water.

It can also surpass most people in this world.

"Seventeen years, six hours and thirty-five minutes... let's not mention this." Sora said, "It's true that I'm thinking about your maintenance bed, but you misunderstood. It's not our deputy leader who wants to use it."

"It's me." The skeleton man unbuttoned the lower half of his uniform.

There are obvious signs of repairs on the exposed mechanical body. It looks like it was pieced together with garbage. It should have fallen apart long ago, but a magical structure is supporting its operation.

The wear and tear is quite severe.

The mechanical repair kit can keep him alive, but it can't stop him from becoming more and more vulnerable.

"This..." Kurt was stunned, "It's like this, why didn't you come earlier."

"No time," Sora said.

——This is of course a lie. The most important thing the Skeleton Man lacks is time.

The reason is very complicated. As a Skinner, Big Gray might not mind if the Dancing Skeleton Man often comes and goes in Shark Village, but the Hound Gang might not.

If the suspicion is serious, it may bring trouble to this friend.

The Dancing Skeleton Man has a life-saving artifact called the "Maintenance Bed", but not many people know about it. Otherwise, if the gangs in the swamp fight and kill, they will inevitably end up with missing arms, broken legs, or serious injuries... At this time, whether you save them or not, it will be troublesome and will attract covetousness.

Therefore, reducing the frequency of coming here is the best way to prevent exposure.

Seventeen years is enough time for people with lifespans as short as memory to forget many things.

"Stop talking, come up quickly, and I'll turn it on for you right now." Kurt shook his head, walked to the side, and pulled off a large piece of canvas.

A large machine with an appearance between a machine tool and a hospital bed was revealed. Its round shell had long been broken, and all that was left were exposed coils and mechanical parts. But the core functions can still work, but it will definitely be uncomfortable to sleep on - if it is not a skeleton.

On top of the machine tool, there are various manipulators suspended, which look a bit weird and make people shudder.

Sora took off his armor uniform and lay on it calmly.

While debugging, Kurt thought of something and looked at Lu Meng.

"Are you really not hurt?" he asked suspiciously.

You must know that just like Sora is self-aware and will not disturb him too much; it is impossible for the Dancing Skeleton Man to help outsiders without restrictions... This is not ruthless, but a survival law taught by history, and it is also a refuge. The tacit understanding of people of origin.

Even though Big Gray had an operation, he was still not completely healed.

After so many years, I did not come to see them, but could only seek help from secular doctors.

Sora is currently severely worn, but it has not yet reached the stage of endangering its operation. As his immediate boss, the other party can wait until he is seriously injured and then use the excuse of saving the Bone Man's subordinates to seek treatment. It is reasonable and reasonable.

This is an opportunity to save your life, why don’t you just give it up?

"Really not," Lu Meng said, "I just want to see the world."

He thought about it carefully.

The last time I was seriously injured, I made it with a blood spider.

But with this 'evil way' of properly inflicting self-mutilation and gaining the [Resilience] attribute, there is no need to deliberately beat the enemy, which can reduce the risk.

The higher the toughness, the lighter the injuries.

Plus the equipment attributes are getting better and better...

It can be described as a virtuous cycle.

"There is no need to doubt our deputy leader," Seeing Kurt still asking, Sola on the maintenance bed spoke up, "Actually, I had been seriously injured once before this, and this body has already been repaired."

"And that repair kit came from him."

"If it weren't for the deputy leader, what you see now might not be me, but a remaining chip."

Originally, he had thought out his last words, but unfortunately he swallowed them hard.

Kurt was stunned and looked at everyone.

Aoi and Seto, who were both present at the time, nodded now.

"It's just a coincidence." Lu Meng said.

This is not modesty. Strictly speaking, Ah Quan made his own decision - of course, he was very satisfied. Being able to accurately judge the situation and make decisions is not called self-assertion, but having an independent opinion.

If that young man had just stood by and watched like a miser.

Lu Meng would have to reflect on it afterwards: Did he employ people unkindly and make a mistake?

I keep the mechanical repair kit for my own use, and its current value is not as good as a pair of wound medicine.

But now it has gained the recognition of a skeleton guard.

It can be said that it is a sure profit without loss.

"Interesting." Kurt's eyes flashed.

He is a completely different model from Sora, with a larger head and not so many cameras. The visual sensor is like a microscope, which is more suitable for macro observation of details. The sound generator is installed on the chin, with a long strip like a crane's beak.

This is the Craftsman Specialized Skeleton called the P4 model.

He activated the maintenance bed and let it work on its own.

But he stood up and looked at the human youth: "What's your name?"

"Travel to the north."

"Okay, human, I remember." The skeleton craftsman said, "If you are willing to save my friend, that can be considered as one-half of my Kurt's friends."

"You gave up the opportunity this time, but I won't let you suffer."

After learning that Sola had brought people into the shelter, although he was not dissatisfied, he did not feel particularly happy. He just regarded it as a routine matter and left.

But now, the other party is not here for himself.

And if something really happened to Sola, Kurt wouldn't stand idly by - if he didn't say anything now, wouldn't it mean that he was even more 'unhuman' than a human being?

"In this case, I see that you are also a person who fights and kills all day long, and you must be very interested in weapons," he thought. "You can make a request, and I will make a weapon specially for you."

As he spoke, the skeleton man moved his fingers, and the mechanical shaft made a squeaking sound: "I haven't practiced for a long time. I don't know if the program has aged... but don't worry, at least it will not be worse than those little guys in Kaidun City who are fishing for fame!"

He has absolute confidence in this.

As a bone craftsman, what he is really good at is not medical treatment, but forging!

After running a bar for so many years, he also knew the outside world and knew that there was a group of craftsmen who had recently become famous. They came from the Skeleton Wasteland and called themselves the masters of Kaiton City... But when Kurt was out of curiosity, he actually got a handful of their samples. Only then did he sneer at the fumarole.

What a piece of junk.

During the Second Empire, this was really like junk.

He still had wrong and too high expectations for this era.

When he thought that the world regarded such rags as treasures, Kurt even had the urge to go out again - but he quickly suppressed it.

It is a crime to have a jade.

The same goes for having great skills.

Unlike his companions in the Black Desert, this skeleton craftsman can easily get into trouble even if he lives in a shelter.

Kurt's skills are certainly not as good as those of the Blade Walkers of the old empire.

Not to mention the legendary "cross".

It has not been forged for a long time, and the relevant data has almost been deleted and distorted.

But now, without revealing all the strength, it is more than enough to just get something out and give it to this 'half friend' in return.

The skeleton craftsman waited confidently and expectantly for the other party to speak and make requests.

Judging from his understanding of the technological level of the outside world, this should be a very weighty promise.

However, here's the surprise.

The room fell silent for a moment.

"...Boss Kurt," Lu Meng said, "otherwise it's better not to use it, right?"

"No." Kurt said firmly, "Skeleton Man never breaks an least I won't."

At this time, he saw the generous weapon Lu Meng was carrying and said, "This way, show me."

The skeleton craftsman thought that the other party was because of his appearance. He felt a little humorous at the moment, but he understood it...after all, he had to maintain the image of a leader who does not expect anything in return.

Then he is also 'understanding' for once.

Take the initiative to understand the other person's needs without revealing them.

"..." Lu Meng had no choice but to untie the moon-blade knife and hand it over.

Seeing this, Cang Cui and Seto looked at each other helplessly, and the little princess shrugged.

"Moon chopping knife?" After Kurt took it, the mechanical arm sank and he had to quickly hold it up with both hands.

He was a little surprised that the knife was much thicker than it looked on the surface.

After holding it firmly, the skeleton craftsman looked at it by candlelight:

"You use a machete, I can do this"

Kurt's voice machine died suddenly.

The material is solid, the ribs of the knife are straight, the blade is sharp, and the center of gravity of the shape is just right... Needless to say, his vision is great.

But this quality...

MK1 improved type...

Which colleague is this, got there first? ?

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