Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 396 The boss’s promise

As a bone craftsman, Kurt's forging skills are not as good as those of the Blade Walkers of the old empire, let alone the legendary "Cross"... but he still has no problem beating the "masters" of the outside world.

The creation of the MK series, which was popular during the Second Empire, was his specialty.

Just when he saw the moon blade in front of him, Kurt's logic circuit was confused for a moment——

If the analogy is in humans.

That's an emotion called 'embarrassment'.

Upon closer inspection, the forging technique of this weapon is still a bit rough, as if it was made by someone who has not gone through systematic inheritance and learning. However, judging from the quality of the final mold, the grade can undoubtedly be determined as MK level.

Kurt originally had a sense of superiority.

Thinking about how the gift you gave could offset the other person's favor, it might even be more likely to win.

But now, people already have weapons of the same level.

Even if he goes all out and improves it by one or two grades, it is just the icing on the cake, and the weight is far less important than previously thought, and it is considered dispensable.

The bone craftsman recalled the promise he made a moment ago, saying that he would definitely satisfy the other party...

Imagine again, after the other party gets the finished product.

On the surface, he politely thanked me, but in fact he looked disappointed and disdainful in his heart.

"It was so full of words, I thought it was something good, but it turned out..."

--That's it?

Kurt immediately felt that there was really no place for his old face.

"Hmm... the handle of this knife doesn't feel very good..." He was a little bit stuck, so he had to look at the moon blade knife in the eyes of everyone, picking at every point.

We can only hope that the other party does not know the goods.

First, you forcefully create anxiety, and then brag about your work. This will increase the need for improvement... Although this trick is shameless, it is indeed common and effective.

Kurt has been running the Dancing Skeleton Man for so long, so he is certainly good at it.

But he didn't expect that one day he would actually use such an off-board move in the field of housekeeping.

If word spreads, it will make colleagues laugh for at least several decades.

the other side.

Seto poked the young man next to him with his elbow: "Teacher, he said the handle of the knife doesn't feel good."

Can it be improved?

Cang Cui whispered: "How can a bone man have any sense of touch?"

He is still as upright as ever.

Lu Meng: "..."

Kurt pretended not to have heard. As long as he didn't expose it, he was the authority here - the orthodox man wouldn't blush anyway.

However, the nitpicking is false.

What he was actually looking for was the inscription on the knife.

This is the habit of craftsmen.

At the level of bone craftsmen, the circle is already very small. Most of them know each other, and many of them are even still alive.

He would like to see it.

Who is this immortal person who was the first to get there...

"Beiyou...?" Kurt saw the sword inscription clearly and was stunned.

Who is this?

He couldn't remember any friend or competitor with this title...

But at this moment, a voice sounded in the skeleton man’s memory that had not yet been degaussed:

"May I have your name?"

"Travel to the north."

Traveling north...

Kurt slowly raised his head and their eyes met.

Lu Meng nodded: "It's me."

"Ahem, cough, cough," the skeleton man cleared his throat completely unnecessarily and changed the subject, "I thought about it and found that your weapon is enough. I have a better suggestion..."

His circuitry went wild.

It’s embarrassing enough that the gift isn’t substantial enough and hasn’t been delivered.

Not to mention picking and choosing his work in front of the master craftsman...

Kurt unconsciously came up with an idea.

Otherwise... we should close down the Dancing Skeleton Man and hide here for hundreds of years before going out to see people...

"Let's do this, Leader Lu," he turned around and looked at Sola, who was undergoing various robot automatic repairs on the machine tool, and said, "If one day, you or your friends are injured... based on your face, You can come here again.”

Doctors cannot heal themselves. Even if the other party is a famous doctor this time, this condition is still attractive.

As for ordinary injuries, they undergo such black-tech surgery and treatment.

Recovery speed can also be faster...

The key is.

This is also the only thing he can get at the moment... To get around, he still has to rely on the maintenance bed he has retained.

Kurt was surprised that Lu Meng, as the leader of the gang, was actually a blacksmith.

Moreover, the human beings in this era of lost civilization have mastered skills that have reached the threshold of their skeleton craftsmen.

During the Second Empire when the Bone Man was in power.

Human beings were once regarded as freaks because of their good learning, change, and endless reproduction. After the collapse of the empire, many outstanding people emerged among them.

But Kurt didn't expect that.

In today's day and age, you can still see similar people.

He couldn't help but recall the evaluation of the first-generation Skeleton Man and hero Stober:

——They have hope.

For such a blacksmith, his skills are in hand, and his future is limitless, let alone the reward of a finished weapon.

But... if the other party is not a gang leader and likes to fight and kill.

Maybe you can accept him as your disciple? Teach some skills...

The bone craftsman was thinking wildly.

"This is the best, thank you, Boss Kurt." Lu Meng leaned over and said with a smile, "But I hope I will never need to use it."

The promise of this skeleton boss is indeed valuable.

The great thing about the maintenance bed is that no matter what type or serious injury you suffer, as long as you still have breath and can support you lying on it, it means that it is almost impossible to die.

It is comparable to a god-level ICU (Intensive Care Unit).

They will automatically repair your broken body.

Lu Meng still remembers: In the game, if you want to gain toughness, in addition to feeding blood spiders or fog men and other monsters like you do, there is another evil way that is to lie down on the maintenance bed and then find a bunch of enemies day and night. Stop and beat you up...

If you're injured, you'll be treated; if you're knocked unconscious, you'll be woken up.

It's equivalent to losing blood and giving milk at the same time.

It's better than a massage... Of course, the taste is probably no less than Lingchi.

In the current murderous environment of Shark Village, with Boss Kurt’s promise, the Dancing Skeleton Man is simply a disguised ‘resurrection point’.

After listening to Lu Meng's words, Kurt shook his head.

I want to sigh, but I can't.

The reason why he wanted to promise weapon products in return was not only because he really felt that the other party would use it, but also because it could be a one-time deal.

If you take something and leave, the relationship will be wiped out.

They will have no unnecessary correspondence.

And the opportunity for treatment promised to the other party cannot be fulfilled immediately - this means that others can come to me at any time, and there is no telling when the payment can be made.

Plus, just like the other person said.

If the injuries are serious enough that they need to go out of their way to seek treatment... then they will definitely face a lot of trouble. Taking them in will easily lead to trouble.

Kurt had always wanted to avoid this.


The dancing skeleton, Nellie who is still hanging on the sign...

This is your own fate.

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