"Hahaha..." The personal guards supported the big black eyebrows, while the bee prince let out a gasping laugh, rejoicing that he survived the disaster.

The red swordsman stopped Da Gelin.

This undead from the past, when he resurrected in the world, even the hounds were surprised.

Yamudou's final arrangement worked.

However, deep fear also appeared in Da Heimei's eyes.


The howling sound resounded under the rain curtain, shaking everyone's heart.

The current situation is quite strange.

The red swordsman and the big Green were fighting together, and they were indistinguishable - but no one dared to step forward to help, including the black converter on his side.

It's not that he's afraid of Big Green.

But he was afraid of the red swordsman.

This giant rampages wherever he goes, turning his sword into neat remains of severed limbs. He is invincible - but once he is released, he does not distinguish between friend and foe at all.

Whether it's the Hounds or the Black Switches.

Anyone who stands in front of him will be torn apart in the most brutal way. Because now in the military formation of the black converters, the red swordsman alone caused more kills than even the big Green!

Therefore, even if they hold such a killing weapon, they will not use it easily if they can't use it - no one can control him. The thing covered by the rain cloth is not a device, but a cage specially built for him.

The entire Red Sword Regiment only exists to guard and monitor Da Hash.

The reason why they can rise so quickly is because of the support of South United City.

"It's true that I can't call you Da Hash anymore... How can you look like the king you were?" The big black eyebrows like a crow looked at the marauding giant on the field, and he couldn't help but have a feeling in his heart. Xiaosuo, that is the sad feeling of a rabbit dying and a fox dying.

He once and also admired the other party.

In other words, without the precedent set by Da Hash, the current alliance would not have happened. The rest of the people would not have thought that there was a possibility for the entire swamp to unite - and they would not fight here. .


"You are a complete monster now."

The red swordsman's skin is festering and reorganizing every moment, red and yellow tissue fluid seeps out and is washed away by the rain, accompanied by scales and bone armor that are rushing out... It seems that the body cannot bear this force. The power generally disintegrated, and he was killing himself every second.

However, it is resurrected every second.

"But only in this way can it be possible to defeat Da Gelin!"


Big Gray turned around and stabbed, and the long knife penetrated the red swordsman's chest and abdomen again - just as the old skinned man Big Gray guessed, this hound's martial arts had long surpassed the king she once served.

But the next moment, a sharp sword slashed down.

Da Gelin had no choice but to let go and retreat. The steel sword left in the red swordsman's body was completely stuck by the proliferated muscles and bones, making it impossible to pull it out.

Click, it's like tofu on the chopping board.

Broken in two.

This is already the sixteenth weapon.

Her forehead was wet from the rain and clung to Big Green's cheek, showing the outline of her gritted teeth - she watched the red swordsman grab the broken knife and pull it out of the wound, and the granulation grew wildly to fill the hole.

Da Gelin also saw the weapon in the hand of the red swordsman.

It was a nearly five-foot-long weapon, resembling a sword, with two edges. The unknown metal material seemed to have red light flowing on it, like a rose and blood.

"Mingren..." She breathed out slowly, "You are indeed not dead."

Recognizing Daharsh did not rely entirely on his appearance - to be honest, due to the physical transformation of the red swordsman at this moment, his bones and head were very different from before, with only vague similarities in facial features.

The more important criterion is the inscribed blade in his hand.

The unique inscribed blade belonging to the king of the swamp, a symbol of strength, hegemony and royal power, disappeared after the "death" of Big Harsh. Some people think that it was taken away by the Shadow Man and lived in the Water Tribe - but only Big Green knew otherwise.

It just disappears.

When he appeared again, he cut off sixteen of his weapons in succession - these mortal irons were simply unable to compete with them.

In the world, only an inscribed blade made of the same material and never worn out can completely withstand the attack of another inscribed blade.

This is also the reason why Da Gelin contacted contemporary filmmakers... She had a vague premonition in her heart.

Da Gelin kept dodging and picking up weapons to fight back from time to time, but with little effect - the damage she caused might not be as good as the opponent's physical self-destruction.

She doubted it, even if she cut off the other party's head.

Given the current intellectual level requirements of the Red Swordsman, he might not even need a brain, but only a spinal cord reaction to continue moving.

What's more, their strength is not qualitatively different, and Hound can't find an opportunity to experiment.

Facing an invincible monster with a peerless magic weapon in its hand, even Big Green couldn't help but feel a little powerless - her physical strength was constantly being consumed, and if she was not careful, she might be killed by the opponent!

The red swordsman can make countless mistakes.

But she, Big Green, only has one life.

"He must have a weakness! But..." Da Gelin glanced at the battle situation.

Sure enough, the black converters were already beginning to retreat.

Without the leadership of Big Green, the remnants of the Hound Gang no longer have an overwhelming advantage over the coalition forces, and it is difficult to say that they can be wiped out on this platform.

But now, the big black eyebrow knows that he has been tricked.

Of course, he would not think about continuing to fight to the death, or staying to see the outcome of Da Gelin... He did make harsh words and bluff before.

For the sake of the overall situation, the most important thing right now is to merge with Yamudou on the periphery.

For this reason, while blocking the pursuit of the hounds, the bee guards mobilized the remaining boats and prepared to pick up their leader. As for the other gang members, many of them had jumped off the platform after the plank road was blown up. , wanting to swim to the other side by virtue of water skills.

After all, the only thing that was damaged was the plank road surrounding the platform. After crossing this water, they could quickly evacuate through other passages in the city.

"Big boss, come up quickly!" A personal guard stood on the boat and shouted to the big black eyebrow on the platform.

Through the rain and mist, the bee prince took one last look at the fight between the red swordsman and Big Green: the giant in blood could even dent the steel ground every time he ran. The inscribed blade in his hand, It is even more indestructible, and every crimson slash can break gold and iron - even giving people the illusion that he can tear down the entire elevated structure.

In contrast, Da Gelin was left in dire straits and was quite embarrassed.

Although he has not yet been defeated, it seems that it is only a matter of time.

Sure enough, as the hooded guard said, this is a 'sword' that Lord Grace spent more than ten years of hard work building. The red swordsman is not only the first result, but also a failure. Even if it is damaged, it doesn't hurt - But the sword must kill people. For this reason, those nobles even generously equipped it with the inscribed blade of its 'life'.

This is why Yamudou is willing to incorporate Chai Shi into the plan.

Mrs. Grace wanted to see the fighting beast more than collect it.

And if it is not in the war-level field, such a monster is invincible.

"Let these same kind of people fight each other..."

Da Heimei stopped caring about him and prepared to get on the boat.

But then, he froze.

——There seems to be something wrong.

The Bee Prince noticed: It was too quiet.

The water was too quiet.

The entire body of water was littered with corpses, and the blood-water dyed the waves red - not to mention the black converts who jumped into the water to escape, but even the hungry and bold black fish should have come out to look for food when they saw this.

However, none of this happened.

From the other side, there was no response from the escaped gang members.

Except for the falling rain, there was no movement in the entire water area.

This is absolutely impossible!

"No, come up!" the bee man yelled, just as he had time to take a few steps back.

A red blade penetrated the chest of the guard on the ship.


the other side.

"...What the hell is this?" Da Gelin stared blankly.

Just now, the red swordsman was about to charge up, and she was about to prepare for a counterattack - but the opponent suddenly roared on the spot, grabbed her back, and tore at her wildly, as if he was looking for something dirty.

The rising water vapor made the entire platform seem like a mist. Da Gelin was alert for a moment and could not figure out the other party's path.

But immediately, she noticed something was wrong.

Screams came from all over the edge of the platform.

The white mist is hazy, and red shadows come out of dehydration, baring their teeth and claws in the shadows.

But, even if it doesn’t look real.

The people of the swamp are also extremely familiar with them.

——Blood spider, insect swarm.

An endless supply!

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