Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 428 The long-planned insect swarm

Blood Spider.

Swarms of blood spiders, like mountains and seas.

Da Heimei, who was about to evacuate, was the first to bear the brunt.

After several blood spiders killed his personal guards, they even scuttled the small boat. Then more red worms jumped on the platform and rushed towards the Bee Prince.

The leader of the black converters quickly retreated with injuries.

Only with the desperate resistance of the guards around him, he escaped.

Behind him, there was an endless stream of the same beasts.

He ran towards the center of the platform in panic.

The place where I originally wanted to escape has now become a safe haven.

Da Heimei was horrified and inexplicable.

"Why is this happening!"

Because of that human being, he finally figured out the key and seized the only chance of survival——

Da Gelin will be trapped here by the red swordsman until he is killed.

But the cautious little guy managed to get into the iron dome.

He might have died long ago.

only myself.

There is still a chance to make a comeback and become the final winner.

How could such a change happen!

The blood spiders jumped out of the water one by one, their sharp feet nailed to the steel frame, and they climbed up as if fighting for it. If they were slow, they would be stepped on top of their heads by the brothers and sisters behind them. They pile up together, layer upon layer like a tide.

Some of them were still chewing the caught snakehead fish in their mouths.

Some were gnawing on the severed limbs that had fallen into the water.

Those ferocious carnivorous fish schools have changed their nature and stopped pecking at the corpses - in front of the blood spiders, they are clearly the ones being hunted!

As for those gangsters who were smart enough to jump into the water and want to leave.

Then he had already been secretly ripped out of his heart and lungs by the blood spider below.

They couldn't imagine it.

The real danger is beneath the surface!

I don’t know how many of the corpses floating on the water were caused by this, but in the chaos, no one noticed these abnormalities at all.

Just like the Hounds blowing up bridges and planks - to prevent people from escaping and to block reinforcements.

Because of the existence of blood spiders.

It was doomed from the beginning, no one can leave here alive!

At this moment, the blood spiders rushed up to the high platform, and the smallest one was lying on the ground, which was half a man tall. Their steps were like knives, their fangs were sharp, and their carapace was as thick as a natural iron armor, bathed in blood. A dark red light.

As for their quantity.

A group of blood spiders that devoured the corpses of the largest group of stone rats killed in battle, and under the deliberate protection and feeding of the army, expanded without restraint...

In terms of size alone, it already exceeds any of its wild counterparts!

Although limited by the development time and the control ability of the insect mother, this blood spider army is still not as good as the combined insect tide that attacked Skinning Town before.

But at this moment, they directly bypassed the defense line.

Fight closely with the gang members on the elevated platform.

There is no city defense, no crossbows, no buffer zone...

Even experienced skinners still need three or two people to work together to kill an adult blood spider, not to mention the exhausted hound gang and black converters who have been in conflict for a long time - even if they are fighting each other He can hardly hold a weapon in the fight.

At this moment, such a swarm of insects.

Kill as much as you want, be brave and fearless of death.

They are the worst ecological disaster in the swamp!

The Hound Gang and the Black Switchers, the two gangs who were fighting each other with their enemies, were suddenly attacked by the swarm of insects, and they were neither psychologically nor physically prepared.

For them, today is a battle for the throne of the swamp.

It is also a war to settle grievances that have lasted for decades.

They gritted their teeth, squeezed out the last drop of blood, used up the last bit of strength, and would soon decide the winner.

But at this last moment.

How could a natural disaster strike?

Is it really a trick of fate?

But no matter what, now everyone is treated equally and only needs to consider one issue.

That's how to escape with your life in the fangs and claws!

People are being killed every moment.


What reflected in Da Gelin's eyes was the same red tide.

"How can this be?"

She didn't expect the current situation at all.

As a swamp person, she certainly knew about blood spiders and their habits - but the one in front of her was full of abnormalities from their appearance to their behavior.

Blood spiders are bloodthirsty and will not let go of any living creature.

This is the horror of them.

But it also means that if the insect swarm wants to hunt, it will first attack the guards and residents on the outside, and there will be no cover-up - how can they seek the near and seek the far away, give up the fat in their mouths, and deliberately lurk in this iron Water near the dome.

Liberating one's nature only takes a moment.

But suppressing instinct is extremely difficult.

The blood spider in front of me... seems to have been trained!

This is better than the swarm appearing here.

Even harder to believe.

And this kind of timing, action, arrangement... doesn't look like a coincidence.

It was as if someone had planned this for a long time.

"Roar!" The red swordsman roared again. He was holding a blood spider in his hand. To an ordinary person, it was already an adult of average height. In front of this giant, it was like a little guy.

It was it just now, jumping on the red swordsman's back.

The plasma exploded, and the red swordsman's palm crushed it.

Then, the giant rushed straight towards the big Green.

"Damn it." Da Gelin faced him again - in this case, there were too many distractions.

To be honest, although the insect swarm was sudden this time, it was not impossible to deal with it - the premise was that the people on the elevated platform worked together and organized a counterattack under her leadership...

But this premise itself is impossible!

Not to mention that the two feuding gangs could no longer cooperate, even she herself had to deal with the monster Red Swordsman, unable to escape - the other party was also being attacked by blood spiders, but the injuries were nothing.

On the contrary, even if the red swordsman loses his mind, his instinct can still recognize who is the most threatening existence in the audience.

Continue like this.

Regardless of her victory or defeat against the red swordsman.

Everyone on the elevated platform will become the blood spider's meal.

The rain falls like a curtain, the white mist is hazy, and red shadows flash.

In Da Gelin's peripheral vision, members of the Hound Gang fell one by one.

A thought came to her mind——

If there is really someone behind the Blood Spider.

Then his thoughts are exactly the same as his own.

"Turn this place into an isolated island."

But now, the land plank road has been cut off by the Hound Gang.

The waters are blocked by blood spiders.

The Iron Dome was ablaze.

Such a coincidence... or a combination of forces could completely seal them off.

The difference is that.

Da Gelin plans to become the final winner.

But the result is like, everyone is going to die here!

"Wait!" Da Gelin thought of something, and in a flash, her shoulder was directly scratched by the inscription blade, leaving a deep scar that could be seen in the bone.

But she wasn't depressed, and she didn't seem to feel any pain.

On the contrary, his eyes were shining brightly.

"There is another place..."

She kicked a blood spider into the red swordsman's face, rolled over and dodged his pursuit.

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