All materials and furniture have been burned, and all that can be left are made of steel.

The clothes were reduced to ashes, the body was twisted into a ball, and the skin was dehydrated and scorched.

The armor they wore was glowing dark red, and the originally bright silver and neat surface was now scorched black and covered with blue heat lines.

All Union City soldiers were wiped out.

Dry bones everywhere.

The fire was still burning, although it was not as explosive as it was at the beginning, but because the iron dome was a closed space, the temperature rose instead of falling.

Even though the throne was high in the sky, it was not directly affected by the flames.

But people's skin is still burned red and blistered - not to mention that the steps under their feet are made of metal steel frames, which are reddened by heat, and the air is filled with poisonous fog, and the oxygen concentration is constantly being consumed...

The remaining members of the Hound Gang were seriously injured.

At this moment, everyone also fainted.

The only ones who can still survive now are Yingren and Lu Meng, whose bodies are not like those of mortals. At their current level, their physiques can no longer be considered as those of ordinary creatures.

as well as……

"I didn't expect that you would make such preparations..." Ils was dying.

The skinned people all wore swamp ninja breathing masks.

There are not many of them, and they are all crowded on the highest step of the throne. The originally spacious platform is now full of people. Of course, such preparations can only filter the poisonous mist, and when the temperature continues to rise, Or until the oxygen is exhausted, everyone will inevitably die.

Moreover, even now, no matter how elite they are, many of them fall down due to exhaustion and rely on the support of their companions to prevent them from falling off the high platform.

On the contrary, Lu Meng gave up a position and now stood halfway up the steps.

The scorching heat here is simply unbearable to ordinary people.

Even when the shadow man was wearing a mask and staying behind him, he felt like his body was like a squeezed sponge. Sweat was constantly seeping out and evaporating on the body surface, as if it was being squeezed dry. It was quite unbearable.

For the shadow person, it was the first time they met and fought, and she lost to the opponent.

But only in this extreme environment did she realize more clearly what kind of gap there was between herself and the other person.

'monster. ' She thought to herself.

Of course, judging from Lu Meng’s wet forehead.

The other person is still a mortal after all.

This is good news and will make him feel less distant.

But it's also bad news.

This means that if this continues, Lu Meng will also be killed here.

Anyway, at least the shadow person can be sure——

Regardless of whether the other party is dead or not, she is probably going to die soon.

Anxiety emerged in her heart, and she couldn't help but ask:

"what are you waiting for?"

The shadow man had noticed before that when all the Union City soldiers fell and the siege was broken, the skeleton man stepped on the fire and left the throne hall, as if looking for a way to open the door.

However, this Iron Dome is the territory of the Hound Gang after all.

Only Big Green and Ilse knew about the various mechanisms and secret passages in the shelter. Even when she pretended to sneak in, she was unable to figure out the secrets... let alone explore them temporarily in such a short period of time.

Lu Meng adjusted his breathing and tried his best to reduce the pressure on his lungs.

What enters the tip of the nose is hot air, the smell of tar, and the withered fragrance of burning corpses.

He was using his heartbeat to calculate time.

"Don't worry," Lu Meng didn't answer the shadow man, "we won't die."

"Because," he paused, "I'm a doctor."

"Everyone can still hold on...probably."

For the first time, a strange feeling of powerlessness arose in the shadow man's heart...

Not to mention whether what the other person said is true.

Is studying medicine just for you to challenge the physiological limits of the human body?

Is there such a doctor?

Lu Meng suddenly raised his head: "Here he comes."

Ils was lying on the second floor of the throne. The skinned people obviously would not let him occupy a safe position, but they were not interested in caring about his life or death.

His clothes were wrinkled, and his back was full of blisters as it pressed against the hot steel frame, but he didn't feel any pain at all. Perhaps even his nerves had been burned out.

As for the blood, it had already stopped flowing.

Even if it flows out, it will dry up immediately.

"I don't know...Your Excellency, how is she doing now..."

For Iles, he has done everything he can to the best of his ability, and the plan has come to the present step by step, and it seems to be perfect.

He knew that there were still many things that Da Gelin was hiding from him.

But that's not important.

Just like he also hides many things from others.

As long as the final result can be achieved.

What Ils wants is for Big Green to become the new king of the swamp.

This position has been vacant for too long.

For this reason, there are too many disputes in the swamp.

Even internal strife led to the intervention of outside forces.

This status quo must be cut off and terminated.

And since the Great Hash, she is the only qualified person that Ils has seen.

In terms of strength, Da Gelin doesn't need anyone to worry about.

But strength alone is not enough. She must have corresponding forces and enough helpers to manage all aspects of the swamp on her behalf - and this is Ilse's job and the reason why he runs the Hound Gang.

Now, it's time to return the results.

He thought he was quite satisfied.

Even so many people were buried with him.

Ilse slowly closed her eyes, waiting for death to come.

Unconsciously, he felt that his body became lighter, the surroundings became less hot, and the pain eased a lot.

This may be a hallucination before death.

It is said that people who freeze to death will feel warm before they die.

So if you die in the heat, you might feel cool for a while, right?

The air seems to be fresher...


Ils opened her eyes suddenly.

This is not an illusion, because he is becoming more and more awake, and this is impossible in the middle of a fire!

The temperature dropped, the air moved, and the fire gradually became smaller...


A drop of rain hit his face.

In the throne room, the skylight is open.

The heavy rain outside was pouring down - although it could not extinguish the fire, the high throne platform in the middle was indeed covered, and fresh air roared in in the convective wind.

That is a height that cannot be reached by human power, and in the entire Hound Gang, only he and the big leader know how to open it - and in the plan, only after everything is settled, will Big Green open it from the outside and start walking again? Enter the Iron Dome.

To be safe, she would wait for the flame to die out naturally.

but now……

Iles stood up and saw a figure running into the hall:

"Big boss!"

"Ils," Big Green paused, "I'm glad you're still alive."

"How could you come in now!" A senseless anger emerged in Iles's heart, and he blamed her instead.

——In this case, the situation is likely to be broken.

There are still her enemies here.

In his impression, Da Gelin had never been a mother-in-law person.

How could he ignore the overall situation and open the door to the Iron Dome in advance?

"I don't know either."

Da Gelin obviously also noticed that something was wrong with the situation, and her eyes gradually went down along with the young man on the steps: "I was also forced."

That's right, now surrounded by blood spiders.

The only safe place is this iron dome filled with high temperatures, this place of death originally designed for everyone.

At this time, a majestic roar came from the corridor behind Da Gelin:

"Shadow Man——"

Lu Meng looked back and met Miss Yingren's gaze:

"Looking for you?"

The shadow man shuddered: "It's best not to..."

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