Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 431: There is no way to survive (Chapter 1)

Big Black Eyebrow's black cloak was in tatters, with a horrific bloody hole exposed on his back, and he fled in the corridor in embarrassment.

Half of the antennae were cut off from his head, and the blood was all the way into his eyes. Most of his physical strength had been exhausted. From time to time, he had to support the wall with his hands to walk. The scorching heat had not dissipated, and the high temperature had blistered the palms of the bee-man. , but now I don’t care about so much anymore.

The black converts with big black eyebrows were almost completely wiped out.

Now, outside the Iron Dome.

The entire elevated platform has almost become the dinner plate for the blood spiders.

Facing the swarm of man-eating insects, the already exhausted gang collapsed instantly. The more chaotic they became, the less able they were to resist the hordes of blood spiders hunting until they fell into despair - on the other hand, their enemy, the blood spiders, were also killed. It kills a lot, but even if these bugs die, it will not affect the fighting spirit of their brothers and sisters at all, and they can even provide extra meals afterwards.

Not only the black converts, but all the gangs present were not spared.

These gangs who are qualified to participate in the guild are regarded as distinguished guests everywhere in the swamp. Just like the Stone Rat Group once sent a thug to collect protection fees. When he enters the village, he is the guest of everyone, even if he bullies No one dared to say anything about the wives and daughters of one or two people.

But now, facing the blood spider.

They are no different than cattle and sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

In fact, perhaps because of their strong blood and strong muscles, they also make the hunters more happy - this is of great benefit to the growth of every blood spider.

If it were a wild insect swarm, they would never have the chance to fight such a wealthy battle.

The only way to escape was the iron dome door that Da Gelin used to open the door in the chaos. At that moment, a heat wave surged out, even sending several people around them flying away. They happened to fall into the swarm of insects, and the next moment they were carved up and cannibalized by the blood spiders.

But Da Gelin relied on her physical strength and rushed directly into the Iron Dome.

Also lured away the red swordsman.

The remaining members of the Hound Gang could only wait until the rainwater flooded into the passage, cooled the high temperature slightly, and provided ventilation before they dared to enter it.

Although the exhaust gas and flames inside are still like hell.

But for people like them in the post-waste era, it is still bearable, at least worth a try.

As for the blood spiders, they were intimidated.

They cannot withstand the high temperature and dry environment. Otherwise, with the ability of the insect swarm to reproduce, they would not only live in the swamps. And only in the narrow border area bordering the Shark Kingdom, blood spiders occasionally appear at night. Refugees who want to reclaim wasteland.

Although the insect swarm can be commanded to forcefully pass through, it will not take long before it moves slowly and dies of dehydration—unless it evolves like an insect mother, with its whole body covered and locked in carapace, and its structure mutates at the same time.

All in all, the blood spider stopped and did not continue to pursue.

Of course, there are very few hounds that can escape during this process.

But Big Black Eyebrow, relying on his skills and secret investigation and understanding of the Iron Dome, sneaked into it secretly, so that he would not have to face an entire swarm of insects patrolling the platform wantonly.

In this regard, he didn't know whether he was lucky or unlucky.

Because the corpses of Union City soldiers seen along the way, even if they turned into charcoal, could still be seen through the twisted shape of the pain before death - and for Big Black Eyebrow, this meant that he might not be alive again in the entire Iron Dome. Can't find help.

This is a desperate situation.


There was a fog in front of him, which was caused by the leaked rainwater pouring on the red-hot steel plate and evaporating, and then encountering smoke and dust, and Da Heimei actually heard a faint roar in it.

"Red Swordsman!" He judged immediately.

Judging from the sound, he was still fighting with someone - undoubtedly Da Gelin.

Even unexpected.

It seems that the red swordsman is still caught in a fierce battle - his voice does not sound like a roaring predator, but like a wounded trapped animal. Although it is ferocious, it has a hint of vigilance.

"Is Da Gelin really so powerful?" Da Heimei couldn't help but be surprised, and felt even more fearful in his heart.

He hesitated in his mind for a moment.

With hounds in front of him and insects behind him, he was in a dilemma.

However, once Da Gelin defeats the red swordsman, he will also die...

He decided to approach quietly and observe secretly.

"Click." The big black eyebrow couldn't see clearly in the fog. His foot slipped and he stepped on something, which made him startled.

He took a closer look and saw a piece of armor that had been chipped off.

Judging from the style, it is undoubtedly the samurai armor from United City.

On top of the fragments, half of a blue eagle's claw was cut off.

Da Heimei felt dizzy: Those who are qualified to use this kind of decoration are undoubtedly warrior commanders. Among them, the only ones who entered the Iron Dome were General Xi Dong and Chai Shi. The latter was born as a nobleman and used a pocket. Mark of the Hat Guard.

Then, the owner of this piece of armor is undoubtedly Xi Dong.

He was still lucky, thinking that with Xi Dong's strength, he might be able to survive, and he would still have someone to rely on... But now it seems that the killing plan set by Da Gelin is really vicious, and even the joint None of the city’s generals could escape the fire...

"Wait!" Da Heimei picked up the piece of armor and looked at it carefully.

Suddenly I realized something was wrong.

This piece of armor is as bright as snow and as clean as new... There is no trace of being roasted in the fire or blackened by the thick smoke of fuel!

If Xi Dong fell in the fire, it would not be like this at all!

this means--

"The general is still alive!" Da Heimei clenched the armor in his hand, feeling ecstatic in his heart.

There is really no end to the road.

Xi Dong escaped the fire, and the armor plate was knocked off later, perhaps by Da Gelin.

But this also confirms that the Union City general is still alive today.

And it still has the power to fight.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to just drop this small piece of armor, but the whole person would lie dead.

Da Heimei originally planned to secretly spy on the battle between the red swordsman and Da Gelin, but to be honest, he himself could not necessarily guarantee that he would kill Da Gelin. He didn't know what to do yet... but Xi Dongke was sure of victory. .

By then, whether you continue to fight or take advantage of the chaos to evacuate, you will have more confidence.

He decided to meet Xi Dong quickly.

The situation of the other party is not necessarily optimistic... You must seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Therefore, the big black eyebrow stopped hesitating and rushed towards the direction of the sound of fighting without hesitation, and that was the throne hall with the iron dome——

The bee prince lurks in the mist.

The skylight in the hall was open, and rain poured down.

There were dark clouds outside, and the lighting circuits inside the house had long been destroyed by the fire. Now all the lights were out, and the entire hall was shrouded in steaming mist, making it look like it was dark night. The fat of the corpses scattered on the ground was roasted out and mixed with the fuel, still burning tenaciously, becoming the only remaining light.

Big black eyebrows are even seen.

A burned-out head, the empty eye sockets still spitting out bright yellow fire.


But his attention wasn't on anything else.

Giants like mountains, crimson sword light, spear shadows like snakes and dragons, and three people fighting on the field... Every time they charge, they are like leading a thousand troops, and the power under their feet is so strong that it seems to crush the steel plates. dented.

Everyone here will be attracted to them.

It is the longing and fear of the purest power.

But for Da Heimei, more importantly, he saw——

In the mist, there is a figure wearing heavy armor!

"General!" He couldn't help shouting.

At that moment, 'Xi Dong', who was wearing heavy armor, felt like he was hit hard, and a fist hit him directly. Pei Ran pushed him hard and pushed him back, but he seemed to be aware of the intrusion of the big black eyebrow, and slightly After hesitating, he took advantage of the situation and rushed towards this side.

"General, hurry up!" The big black eyebrow was anxious and happy, and rushed forward.

He had too many things to tell the other party - Big Green's deception, the blood spider swarm, the changes in Shark Village... but it was too late now.

"That's the red swordsman, try to get around him! The general and I will kill the big Green first..." Now we can only choose the most important thing to say.

The red swordsman does not distinguish between friend and foe. Even if General Xi Dong is on the field, he may be attacked just like before - this is the most troublesome part.

However, Da Heimei is no longer as desperate as he was at the beginning.

He has found it...

The subsequent plans and words were suddenly stuck in his throat.

With big black eyebrows, he could clearly see the appearance of the person coming.

He is indeed wearing the Union City warrior armor, and a section of it has been cut off, which is consistent with the armor he saw...

However, the young man's white hair is scattered and his eyes are like cold stars.

This face that usually looked even gentle, reflected in the big black eyebrow eyes, made him feel like he was haunted by an evil spirit, and his whole body felt like he had fallen into an ice cave.

For a moment, the Bee Prince couldn't think of anything.

I could only squeeze out a few words through my teeth: "Road,"

And in his hand, he was holding.

It was the iconic moon-blade sword that was now stained with minced meat and blood.

--It's you.


Where is my General Xidong?

Shouldn't it be you who was burned to death?

Why are you wearing his clothes...

The only thing in the world that is more terrifying than despair is that you think you have grasped hope, only to find out in an instant that it is just a dream - just like the dream of becoming a king.

What ended the bubble was a flash of reverse white light.

In an instant, a sharp pain hit, and the bee-man prince's slender waist was split into two pieces. The specially-made bee-man inner armor of Big Black Eyebrow could not stop the moon blade at all. His lower body remained in place, but his upper body flew out directly and crashed into the pile of burning corpses of Union City soldiers.

A puff of smoke arose and flames flew everywhere.

A warrior's antlered helmet that could only be worn by generals rolled down on Da Heimei's face. It was covered with charred black stains and was immediately soaked with blood.

Lu Meng casually killed a big boss, raised the long knife over his shoulder again, and adjusted his breathing.

The heavy armor on his body was soaked with blood, dripping down the smooth surface.

There are those of the Red Swordsman, and there are also his own.

Facing an opponent of this level, even he can't guarantee that he will be unscathed throughout the whole process. Once attacked, the appearance module cannot conceal the movement. With Da Gelin's keenness, he will definitely notice something strange——

So taking advantage of the fog, Lu Meng changed the module and allowed the warrior armor to appear naturally.

"How did you do that!" Da Gelin was shocked when he appeared again.

Even the red swordsman was stunned for a moment: Here comes another enemy!

But the smell is still distinct...

Immediately afterwards, he was stabbed abruptly.

"A little trick from the Eastern Continent," Lu Meng said casually between the fights. "There are also skeletons there who can pretend to be human beings, and humans who pretend to be skeletons - their skills are amazing."

Although the instant costume change is equally weird.

But as long as this process is not witnessed, it is still within the scope of understanding and will not allow those who are interested to delve into its true nature.

Sure enough, Da Gelin just sneered.

She didn't expect to get an answer, but was secretly vigilant.

But the two men's attack on the red swordsman went extremely smoothly.

Although the red swordsman was strong, his martial arts skills were slightly inferior to that of Da Gelin, and with the equally terrifying Lu Meng, he was instantly at a disadvantage.

The cooperation between Da Gelin and Lu Meng is also incomparable.

No matter who takes action to restrain the red swordsman, the other will always be able to accurately understand the opponent's intentions and attack quickly, leaving horrific wounds one after another on the giant's body without mercy.

Anyone else would have died countless times.

However, the giant still stands there.

After Lu Meng killed Da Heimei, Da Gelin also withdrew in time and surrounded the red swordsman again. It seemed that the confrontation at the beginning of the battle had resumed, but everyone was covered in blood and their chests were heaving. They couldn't help but Breathe heavily.

"Big Black Eyebrow..." Da Gelin noticed the situation here.

——I didn’t expect that I would die in your hands.

She had no expression on her face and just snorted softly.

As for the red swordsman who was flanked by the two men, his tall body could not help but tremble. The granulation that was repairing the wound was squirming crazily, but the injury was so serious that the process brought immense pain to the giant, and even he had lost his mind. He couldn't help but let out a groan-like roar as he felt most of the pain.

But even this roar was compared to the roar at the beginning.

They all seemed much weaker.

Even this kind of biochemically modified monster is almost exhausted if it persists until now.

In fact, it would be anyone else like Lu Meng or Da Gelin now.

It's possible to kill him.

However, neither of them took action.

Their eyes were on both the red swordsman and each other——

Once the red swordsman is killed, it means a duel between the two;

Both of them also knew that it couldn't be delayed forever.

But no one wants to give in.

The long blade in the giant's hand was dripping with his own blood, but he still held it tightly; no one wanted to step forward first and take the initiative to bear a fatal blow from such a monster.

That would be quite detrimental to the subsequent balance of power.

You must know that in previous cooperation, whoever suffered injuries of various degrees was estimated and distributed equally through tacit understanding. Otherwise, they would rather not take action.

Time passed, the rain fell, the flames crackled, and the sticky squirming sound of the flesh buds gradually stagnated... everything seemed to be counting down, and the air became more stagnant and oppressive.

At this time, Da Gelin heard the murmur again.

"Shadow Man..."

She was touched in her heart, and a hint of sneer appeared in the corner of her mouth: "After so many years, are you still thinking about me?"

She didn't say this to the red swordsman.

It's about the body that was once named 'Big Harsh', the reflection of the king in the past, or the little bit of humanity that's still hidden in its heart.

There was no response from the other party.

To this, Big Green didn't expect to get an answer.

However, she heard another person speaking——

"Shadow Man?" Lu Meng pointed his sword at a place in the fog, "Isn't that right there?"

The red swordsman suddenly turned his head.

I saw a slender figure wearing a swamp ninja breathing mask, frozen in place... She was originally lurking, trying to wait for an opportunity, but with her strength, she really couldn't find a chance on such a battlefield. help.

The air solidified.

In Miss Shadowman's hand, she held one of the bladeless swords, which Lu Meng had temporarily returned to her before - the blade could not stop shaking. Even a beginner who just held the knife would not shake like this. It looks like it can almost sift chaff.

Shadowman: "Fuck..."

The next moment, the red swordsman rushed out from the siege of Lu Meng and Da Gelin, ignoring the blades and spear points pointing directly at his back, and rushed towards the shadow man in the mist.

And in his eyes, the red eyes seemed to be burning.

The sea of ​​blood boils and the wind howls.

This giant burst out with the most terrifying roar tonight.

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