Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 432 The King Killer (Complete Chapter)

The shadow man ran away.

She was known for her agility and speed, but with the help of absolute strength, the red swordsman broke the distance between the two sides with just one leap, and the whole hall was filled with thunder after landing.

Just looking at the body shape, there was a huge difference - such a giant could easily crush her to death.

Not to mention that inscribed blade!

Strength and sharpness are superimposed.

He didn't know whether she would be cut open or crushed directly.

A strong sense of crisis instantly emerged in the shadow man's mind.

But the clear understanding of the difference in strength made it difficult for her to even think about resisting, so she just subconsciously turned around and swung the knife.


A roar.

It was no surprise that she missed it.


The shadow man saw a circle of blood erupting from the red swordsman's body, spreading out like wings.

It’s Lu Meng!

Just as the red swordsman chased the shadow man and completely exposed his back, he rushed forward and slashed down with all his strength.

The inner curved tip of the moon blade was driven into the back of the giant's neck.

Take advantage of the situation and pull.

The force of the knife filled with Lu Meng's whole body cut open his entire back.

Blood gushes out wildly.

Da Gelin followed closely with the spear, like a silver dragon piercing through the mist, going straight into the flaw leaked by the red swordsman.

She saw it.

Neither of them wants to bear the fatal blow from the red swordsman, but if they delay any longer, the giant may recover from his injuries, and they will have to spend another round of cooperation... But the opportunities are not endless.

So, simply transfer the hatred to others.

For example, the shadow man who was shot innocently.

In this way, both Lu Meng and Da Gelin can do their best.

A reasonable coup indeed.

Just this way...

I don’t know whether I should say he has a quick wit or is born with a bad streak.

The spear pierced through the side of the red swordsman, and his whole body was stained with blood.

The red swordsman was hit hard twice in a row, and his movement was blocked. The shadow man took the opportunity to walk straight out from under the sword, as agile as a wild mouse.

The red swordsman watched helplessly as she ran further and further away.

Only the rust-colored swamp ninja helmet was reflected in his red eyes.

The giant let out a furious cry, and regardless of being penetrated through his body, he turned around and slashed directly at the gun-wielding Da Gelin. His power seemed not to be affected by the serious injury at all.

Da Gelin was startled and quickly withdrew and drew her gun.

But first, the long handle got stuck in the bone seam, and secondly, the speed was half a minute slower... She only had time to pull out half of it, and the Ming Blade cut it in the air, cutting the metal spear into two pieces, with a neat section.

The red swordsman's sword didn't stop, but he pushed back Lu Meng who wanted to pursue him.

Da Gelin stepped back repeatedly, clicking her heels on the steps - before she knew it, the steel swamp throne was already behind her.

Her heart tightened.

It seems that the two of them still underestimated each other's vitality.

Even though he used tricks to attract the attention of the red swordsman and suffered heavy injuries one after another, he still could not finish him off...

"Da Gelin, catch it!"

At this time, another shout rang out.

A dark shadow came straight towards Da Gelin, and she took advantage of the situation and fished it out——

The rusty surface, resin eyepieces, long breathing filter pipes, and the layout are as ferocious as a water ghost...

Swamp Ninja's Helmet.

Da Gelin: "?"

At some point, Miss Shadowman had taken off her helmet, which was used to filter the poisonous mist, and threw it directly to Da Gelin, revealing a panting face.

On the other side, Lu Meng was standing not far away.

Obviously, he was the one who gave the instructions just now.

The red swordsman's attention shifted again and he looked straight at Da Gelin, completely ignoring the open door on his back covered with bloody knife marks.

He had very little sense left and could only recognize some signs.

It stands to reason that Da Gelin can throw away the helmet at will.

And this is just another ordinary cooperation to lure the enemy.

But, she didn't.

Because this time, the originally manic red swordsman actually froze on the spot.

What reflected in his eyes was a woman with her back to the Iron Throne, holding a swamp ninja helmet, and holding half of a steel gun diagonally in one hand. A pool of fuel suddenly exploded, and the intense firelight instantly penetrated the fog and illuminated her face.

The red swordsman's distorted mouth opened again.

For the first time, words other than 'shadow man' were spoken.

He said: "It's you."

——Big Green.

The woman looked at the helmet with a trace of nostalgia in her eyes.

She faced the red swordsman with the mask, and slowly moved it to her face, as if putting it on; then slowly moved it away, and lowered her hand, as if she had taken off the helmet.

The woman said: "Long time no see."

The same darkness, the same place, the same scene, the same two people...

At this moment, they saw each other clearly at the same time.

Big Harsh roared and rushed towards Big Green.

This time, Big Green showed no sign of weakness. She held half of a spear and directly hit the giant - the shaved off section was also extremely sharp.


The steel handle stabbed directly into Daharsh's heart.

Hot blood flowed out like a fountain.

But Da Gelin also flew upside down and hit the steel frame steps with two bangs, and there was a faint sound of bone cracking.

Just now, a huge force hit her.

Blood smeared all over his body.

But, that's not her blood.

Daharsh's arms, which were originally extremely strong, were now only half-length, and the flesh buds squirmed at the incisions, but they couldn't stop the blood from dripping.


Lu Meng, who was lurking closer, suddenly swung a knife from the mist and cut open the bone plates covering his skin. Immediately afterwards, the two arms were cut off directly.

Under the effect of simulating madness, bone spurs suddenly grew out of the cut surface.

Stained with blood, yet as white as snow.

The furious Great Harsh turned and stabbed the unknown man. Given his size, even if half of his arms were cut off, the remaining part would be as large as an average person's entire arm.

In an instant, the bone knife struck his face.

But Lu Meng had a free hand, and with one palm strike and a push, he actually caught the two severed limbs of the giant at the same time - with all his strength, and combined with martial arts, his strength was even comparable to the crazy Dahasha. , but in this cooperative struggle, the strength must be hidden.

Immediately afterwards, he swung the knife with his left hand.

The moon blade once again cut into the giant's already damaged chest and abdomen.

The alveoli burst and air penetrated into the chest cavity.

Daharsh made an uncontrollable buzz, like the long wind blowing through the sandstone, making a harsh noise.

Organs poured out.

They fell to the ground softly, squirmed a few times, and then stopped moving, emitting a putrid smell.

These were the human parts that had just been assembled after dismembering countless living beings.

Finally, their functions were exhausted at this moment.

It was not that Lu Meng had miscalculated, but he knew that he had to put constant pressure on the transformed monster to push himself to the limit - there is no monster that cannot be killed, and if there is, then kill it countless times.

Daharsh retreated with two broken guns that penetrated his body.

The granulations that closed the wounds seemed to have lost their vitality, gradually drying up and becoming black, and with all their last strength, they could no longer connect to each other.

At this time, the temperature in the corridor had dropped to a level that the average gang member could bear.

The surviving remnants of the Hound Gang rushed into the hall with support one after another.

What they saw was: a warrior wearing heavy blood-stained armor, pushing the arrogant and murderous giant back, slashing his body with knife after knife - the once terrifying monster now looked like a broken corpse. Like a rag doll, he can be manipulated by others without the ability to fight back.

Every time the moon blade swung, flesh and blood flew like cotton wool, scattering all over the sky.

The world has never seen such carnage.

Everyone was shocked and inexplicable.

"Big boss!" Someone noticed the big Green who was lying on the steps of the throne, and she was holding herself up and slowly standing up... Although it was not visible from the outside, her movements were sluggish, and she must have suffered a lot. of injuries.

On the other side, the shadow man reacted.


The red swordsman's arms were cut off, so the inscription blade he held must still be in his palm, and it was thrown to the ground together with the severed arm - it was for this reason that he was in the fight with Da Gelin. , so he didn't hurt her with a single slash, but just gave her a heavy blow with the power of a broken arm.

She searched all over the ground and found a severed arm.

However, the shadow man was stunned.

That was indeed the severed arm of the red swordsman...but there was no hand on it, and it was a bloody mess.

It was cut off.

At this moment, Lu Meng wielded his last sword.

The giant, who had almost been cut into a human stick, fell to the ground with a crash. His body was so broken that the floor behind him could be seen clearly through the front of his body.

And his pupils were still red, but there was no anger or pain, no sadness or joy.

Finally, it completely lost its luster.

The 'Big Harsh' in his body, the former king of the swamp, the lingering undead soul that could not leave, finally completely dissipated at this moment, returning to the Iron Dome - or nothingness.

Lu Meng turned around and looked at the figure standing next to the throne.

——Big Green.

The Hound members gathered around her.

Behind Lu Meng, the Skinners retreated here to prepare for the attack.

The eyes of Lu Meng and Da Gelin met.

"I originally wanted to kill him with my own hands," the woman said, "But this is better, just like the legend, let our king die at the hands of the 'Shadow Man'——"

"Eh?" The shadow lady on the side didn't understand.

However, Lu Meng understood.

And why, the red swordsman reacted like that just now - if it weren't for the giant's moment of stagnation, and under its genetically modified sensory detection, his stealth might not have been so smooth.

Da Gelin climbed down the stairs step by step.

Why, when the previous generation of Kage left the Water Tribe, he did not inform the family elders and let them prepare in advance, as he did in the past assassination operations, as if he was not nervous at all.

After his death, there was no news.

Because perhaps what the previous generation wanted to carry out was not an assassination mission at all.

As she walked, Big Green kicked off the swamp ninja helmet that fell to the ground.

And why, when the previous generation of movie maker Bei Yi was injured, his helmet relic fell into the hands of the Hound Gang. wasn't Daharsh who was fighting him.

But Da Gelin.

This crazy hound intercepted and killed him.

Being able to escape from it is indeed considered a hero... but from the beginning to the end, the shadow man was never able to meet the then king of the swamp.

"Your Excellency..." A weak voice sounded.

"Bandage our Lord Iles." The woman did not look back, but ordered her subordinates.

And why did the Shadow Man leave the Water Tribe and go north.

——That was the eve of the alliance.

The Stoke pursuers of Big Hash pressed on the border with a large army, but had no intention of starting a war.

He gave the Water Tribe one last chance.

Opportunity to surrender.

Ilse opened her eyes and saw her back clearly, and was suddenly surprised.


He recognized what Da Gelin was holding.

The steel gun was released, but she was holding on to two bloody objects, which were the severed palms of Da Hash. At the last moment, Da Gelin used her claw-like strength to cut it off, even if she took a hard blow. , even if the knuckles of his own hands were cracked, he would not hesitate.

Because, the broken palm is still holding tightly.

Marked Blade of the Swamp.

The blade is five feet long and has two edges, like a knife or a sword.

Reflecting the firelight, it was crimson.

Legend has it that such a shape can decapitate a horse when facing a cavalry in an infantry battle.

According to ancient fragmentary records.

The kings in the mythical era would be given the gift of forging this sword. Obtaining it was like seeing the king's power, and he could kill it first and then reveal it.

Da Gelin opened the broken palm, threw it aside, and held the horse-killing sword.

"Lu Beiyou, you are so strong that you even plotted against me."

Today's Hound Gang is no longer as powerful as it was at its peak.

Those who were able to escape into the throne room were only the remnants of the defeated generals - even if they could continue to serve as the backbone after recovery, but now these powers were only comparable to those of the Skinners present.

Although the opponent's number was small, they were able to avoid being affected by the fire and suffered very few casualties.

Not to mention they are all carefully selected elites.

And outside the Iron Dome, there are almost complete skinned people, swamp ninjas, and rebel forces...

From a general perspective, she has failed miserably.

"But, it's a pity..."

She looked at Lu Meng: "I've got what I want."

——Big Harsh invites the shadow people to join the alliance. After unifying the swamp, he will give everyone a chance to sit down and talk.

However, those who came to the Iron Dome to talk secretly.

But it's not the shadow person who represents the leader of the Water Tribe.

But it was Da Gelin in disguise.

She stabbed her former king with a sharp knife - until the last moment, he thought he had been betrayed by the shadow man.

【There are always some people in the world.

No matter what, he is unwilling to surrender.

Even if I bow down for a moment,

Nor will I be willing to be someone else's subordinate dog forever. 】

After that incident, some people always felt nostalgic, saying that if Big Hash's beloved general and hound Big Green could rush back to Shark Village in time, then maybe the king of the swamp would not have died.

Little did he know, she was right there.

After that, all the evidence was directed to the Water Tribe mission that was originally preparing to participate in the alliance - under the operation of Da Gelin, the troops responsible for blocking and intercepting at that time were the Hound Gang in the future.

They believed they were doing it in the name of revenge.

The old skinned man Big Gray sensed the conspiracy and the strange aura, but he had no evidence and was unable to contend with it.

They can only part ways and stick to Peiping Town.

After that, the Stoker tribe collapsed.

The hounds rose from the ruins to become the new overlords.

Unfortunately, only Da Gelin knew that there were flaws in her actions that day, which actually allowed Da Hash to escape and take away the most critical [Ming Blade·Horse-Zhanning Sword].

It is both a symbol of swampland royalty.

At the same time, he is also an indestructible and peerless weapon.

Now, through the red swordsman, it was finally back in her hands.

The tip of Da Gelin's sword pointed directly at Lu Meng.

Although, her power is about to be destroyed, and there is a huge gap between her and the opponent. If she puts up a frontal confrontation, she will definitely be at a disadvantage.

However, the rules of the swamp are——

The winner is king.

She could see that the reason why the other party's alliance was able to gather together was all because of this one person.

Just kill him, all cooperation.

All will fall apart.

Traveling to the north has the only weakness in your plan.

That is exactly who you are!

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