"The second thing is to help him find you, the little princess who is running around." At this point, Lu Meng raised the corner of his mouth, "You also know whether this matter has been completed... But it's just like what was promised at the beginning. , I never found a chance to tell him.”

Seto couldn't help but blush.

Now that I think about it.

She finally realized her recklessness in running away.

As everyone knows.

Even Bayan couldn't let her go or use her as a pawn... so the only person qualified to arrange for her was her mother Shi Mo... so much so that Pompeo, as the special envoy, had a misunderstanding.

However, none of them considered it.

At first it was the little princess herself who wanted to run out, she was so audacious.

The adult world has its rules, it is rational and reasonable...

But Seto broke it.

When Bayan told Tieluo the news, the five generals were frightened, which shows how unexpected her actions were.

And under Bayan's deliberate concealment.

Including Lu Meng, the number of people in the entire kingdom who knew the news could not exceed five fingers.

——Especially if you want to hide it from the Stone Demon.

I'm afraid, this is the real reason why Bayan looks so troubled in Pompeo's eyes.

If Pompeo noticed this.

I really caught the handle...

"We have agreed that until you are satisfied or make up your mind, I can conceal your whereabouts for you and not tell Bayan." Lu Meng looked at the little princess, "But it's almost done now, right?"

Seto lowered his head, playing with the handle of the straight knife and stroking the gilt copper wire wound into a circle, without saying anything.

She remembered what the other party once told her.

If you have done something wrong, make up for it; if you are still unwilling, don’t leave any regrets...

Therefore, she chose to do it after successive setbacks.

Still staying in the swamp.

In the battle of Shark Village, Lu Meng was the main force and the key to victory, but at that time he was trapped in the Iron Dome and completely unable to communicate with the outside world. The specific operations and counterattacks to eliminate the enemy forces required the execution of these friends.

Seto, on the other hand, completed her part of the task perfectly and also grew.

Together, you could say, they turned the swamp upside down.

Even if there is some suspicion of "the two of us joining together to kill indiscriminately"...

But let’s talk about such achievements.

Definitely no less than his previous goal - to destroy Krall's choice. Although the latter was taken over by the man in front of him.

However, Seto is still so young.

Even regardless of the princess's identity.

Her starting point has already surpassed all her peers in the Shaq Kingdom.

It stands to reason that it would be satisfactory.

"This time, I asked Oren to take people back to the Shark Kingdom. One of the purposes was to tell Bayan the good news that 'I found your princess.' Explain." Lu Meng saw that Seto didn't say anything and didn't care about her. He said to himself, "Fortunately, you are safe all the time. Otherwise, I, who knew the truth and didn't report it, might be hunted down... "

His tone was light and playful.

But Seto knew that these words might not become reality.

Just listening to these words, Seto felt a surge of air coming out of her chest and squeezing in her throat, forcing her to speak slowly and pick up the other person: "And now, more and more people know my identity, including my enemies. Inside...the news will reach Admark sooner or later. If you don't report it earlier, unknown person, you will expose us...your plot."

"My plan?" Lu Meng repeated.

"Yes - hiding from me... Hiding the princess's news made you take a lot of risks. I only saw this at the beginning, so I was still a little uneasy." Seto raised his head and looked directly into the other person's eyes, "But , Now that I think about it, the benefits you gain or the risks you avoid are much more than this price. "

"It's true that Teacher Bayan sent the skeleton group and was unwilling to directly interfere with the swamp - provided he didn't know that the princess was already in your hands. This force is to repay you for reopening the grain road, not to rescue me. "

In addition, the Skeleton Corps itself was willing to settle in, so the deal was reached.

"If the exact location of the 'Princess' is known, the kingdom may not hesitate to take the risk of interfering in the swamp and send regular troops plus five people. For example, Uncle Tie is a friend of the teacher. If he knows, he will definitely be willing to help... …”

Seto's voice lowered. When she mentioned herself, she often used "princess" as a code name, as if she was talking about another person who had nothing to do with her.

"When the time comes, Nameless One... you may not be able to become the 'Red King'."

Moderate support is help; excessive support is control.

Just like the Merchant Guild is to the Black Switchers.

The nameless one obviously doesn't want to be a puppet... Seto thought to himself.

Finally, she said those words:

"You're using me."

"Well," Lu Meng nodded, "Seto, you have become smarter."

It’s not just a change in strength.

She is indeed no longer the innocent and reckless little girl she used to be.

Hearing this, Seto smiled bitterly:

"It's because I've been with you for a long time...I occasionally try to use your thinking, and gradually I discover the problems."

"So the omission is all my fault?" Lu Meng smiled openly, "However, I heard a saying from your hornless teacher, and I think it is very appropriate to apply it here."

"What is it?"

"Being smart isn't a bad thing, but don't say it."

Seto was stunned for a long time before he spoke: "He can only say this to you..."

"However, rather than calling it 'utilization', I prefer to call it 'trading'." Lu Meng also stood up, with his hands behind his back. The inscription blade on his waist was illuminated by a ray of sunlight leaking from the hall, and it shone brightly. Hui, "I got what I wanted, and you got what you wanted. As I said at the beginning, I will never restrict your freedom, either as a princess or as the Seto I know, Always."

"Oren and the envoy haven't set off yet. I've actually reserved a place for you in the team. You can return to Stan Desert and your Admark at any time."

"But this time, Seto, when you return to your hometown, you are no longer a runaway child, but a Shaq warrior who has returned successfully from experience, a true princess of the kingdom. No one will look down on you anymore—— At least they need to weigh themselves before doing so."

"Go ahead, I hope..."

"Is Rotten Town still not surrendering?" Seto didn't answer as if he hadn't heard, but interrupted him and talked about another thing.

"Huh?" Lu Meng paused, glanced at the little princess, nodded and said, "Yes."

Rotten Town is the hometown of the Hound Gang. It occupies the main copper and iron mining area in the swamp and is also a production site of wood, stone and other building materials. The city wall they built is even thicker than that of Skinned Town to defend against the blood spider swarm. A strong attack requires a high price.

The Hound Gang uses the property of its hometown to cooperate with the prosperous center of Shark Village.

Strength can grow like a snowball.

Now that the Hound Gang has been destroyed, only one cadre and some remnants remain in Rotten Town; almost all of the Hound guards loyal to Big Green have died in the Iron Dome; even if it were the most loyal planner, Ils, if he still Even if he is alive, he will not be unable to recognize the current situation. At most, he will die in the line of duty because of his disillusioned ideals, and he will not drag down other brothers and persist in resisting.

On the coalition side, as the victors after several battles, their strength has relatively increased; but the swampland has lost the power of several major factions such as the Hound Gang and the Black Converters. As a region as a whole, its absolute strength has declined. Maybe Not even reduced by half.

Even if the skeleton group is stationed, it can only make up for part of the shortfall.

In this case, it is not advisable to continue internal friction.

Therefore, after discussion, the coalition forces decided to treat Rotten Town mainly by recruiting and surrendering.

However, messengers were sent several times.

The other party was always procrastinating. Although they didn't fall out, they were still unable to make progress.

"It seems that someone got there first." Thinking of this, Lu Meng smiled.

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