Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 452 Stone Demon (Complete Chapter)

Late at night, Admark.

This city stands deep in the Stan Desert and is built on the top of a mountain. It is said that when the ancestors of the Shark tribe came here, they had nowhere to stay. It was not until the power of the gods directly flattened the rocks that they were able to build a city - and 'Admark' was originally the name of this mountain range.

In the long history of the Sharks.

Except for the destroyed Kalalia, which was once comparable to it, Admark has always been the most prosperous city in the kingdom, and it is also the capital and palace of the entire country.

The terrain of Admark is steep, the city walls are high and thick, and there is only one mountain road leading in and out of the city. It can be said that it is easy to defend but difficult to attack, and it has never been occupied by the enemy.

At this moment, the twin moons hang in the sky, as if they are shoulder to shoulder with the hundreds of regiments of guards standing guard on the city wall; the long desert wind whistles through the city, carrying the huge wind fan blades, making them swing like heavy swords one by one. The giant, adding a bit of chill.

In the palace.

In an inconspicuous stone-walled hut, a man without horns is crouching in front of the case to process official documents. He is hunched over and writing rapidly. The incandescent lamp casts light from the top of his head, and the penholder is swaying in shadow. It was silent late at night, and the only sound in the room was the wind blowing from the ceiling fan and the rustling of the pen rubbing against the paper.

Suddenly, Bayan stopped moving.

This chief consultant, who had always been calm, actually showed a trace of distress on his face:

"It's been a while since the skeleton group set off..."

Rather, half a year has passed.

After receiving Ryan's reward, he immediately dispatched them.

By the way, he picked up Pompeo who was getting in the way.

Although Bayan is the chief among the consultants, due to his status, his foundation is the shallowest. No matter how powerful he is, it will not help if he does not have enough subordinates to carry out the work. It can be said that administrative efficiency is wasted on internal friction.

But even so.

This hornless man still makes those traditional generals feel like they are facing powerful enemies.

It's enough to show its oppressive force.

This time, pretending to expose his flaws and attracting Pompeo to leave Beijing was just a casual move on his part.

According to Ryan's report, Bayan knew that there was a road heading north in the swamp.

The journey of the Skeleton Group will be quite smooth.

Then, unlike what Pompeo thought, they would soon hit a wall and return; this hostile advisor would be "deeply trapped" in the swamp along with the skeleton group, unable to extricate himself, which was equivalent to being pushed away from the center of power.

He thought he smelled Bayan's wound, but in fact he ran for the bait and went into self-imposed exile.

Wait until Pompeo comes back after everything is done.

You will find that his group of gangsters in the palace have been eliminated - this amount of time is enough for Bayan to do everything.

In fact, he did so.


"Have they been gone too long?"

Doubts pierced Bayan's heart deeper and deeper.

This time was enough that he could even start to consider whether to take action directly against the five people behind the scenes.

It can be said that it far exceeded the scheduled itinerary.

——According to the report, they were there to help Lu Beiyou deal with the Stone Rat Group.

Of course, Bayan wouldn't just believe it.

He knew the boy's character.

It is true to ask for support, but it is not certain who to deal with.

Think in the dark.

Maybe this report itself is to get rid of Giant Ryan.

However, since Bayan chose Lu Beiyou, he would take all these variables into consideration before making a decision - and with the other party's keenness, he would probably be able to detect the discord between Pompeo and himself, and help him a few times by the way. A small favor.

For example, find an excuse to put the special envoy under house arrest.

Delaying his return to China and so on.

Therefore, at first, Bayan was not surprised when he saw that Pompeo had not returned to the palace for a long time. Instead, he felt that Pompeo was considerate and stepped up to complete his arrangements.


Half a year has passed since the bones were dumped into the swamp.

There is no way it can be explained by delaying time - even if the person dies, the urn should be returned.

Unless Pompeo is nostalgic for the appearance of a foreign race, marries a wife and has children in the swamp, and is reluctant to miss Admac...

Or... Bayan tightened his grip on the pen in his hand.

—They had penetrated deep into the heart of the swamp.

Where to go and what to do?

Shark Village...the alliance...the fight for hegemony...the information about the swamp went through the mind of the Hornless Man one by one.

Based on Lu Beiyou’s character.

If the enemy is too strong, he will definitely not hold on, but will find ways to take advantage of him, without being polite at all - but since he entered the swamp, he has only called for help once. Although the skeleton group has strength, it is not a decisive force.

Then, he is sure...

An idea flashed through Bayan's mind, sudden and out of the blue.


A soft sound.

The Hornless Man looked at the palm of his hand and saw that the polished bone pen had been broken by his unconscious force.

Bayan was stunned for a moment, shook his head, and pushed the broken pen aside.

Today's idea has actually appeared in his mind countless times in the past, but it is just a guess and there is no way to confirm it.

To the outside world, the swamp looks like an information black hole.

The environment inside is complicated, transportation is inconvenient, and poisonous insects are lurking... Coupled with endless factional wars, no one can guarantee the way, and it is extremely difficult for outsiders to come and go.

As a result, it is clear that crossing the swamp is the shortest way to connect the east and west continents, but merchants from the east continent would rather go around the border and endure the harassment of sand bandits than walk into the dense forest - they are disgusted. Just imagine.

In the past history of the Kingdom of Shake.

There has even been an extreme situation where the glorious deeds of a certain big boss in the swamp have just been reported, and the frontier troops are facing a formidable enemy, and the consultants are frantically analyzing... But within their gang, the big boss has died of old age.

So to make a difference in the swamp.

It is impossible to require real-time remote control, but you must select a strong person to deliver the task in advance, and then entrust him with full responsibility and free play. It is up to God to decide how far he can achieve... It feels like opening a blind box. .

The chief advisor of the Shark Kingdom once imagined how the Holy Empire or the United City would intervene if they wanted to interfere in the swamps... But in his deduction, the other two countries could only send a few representatives. .

As for Bayan himself, the one he initially wanted to choose was Giant Ryan.

But I always felt that it was not safe, so I hesitated to make up my mind.

It wasn't until later that a more suitable candidate came along.

——Lubei Tour.

The nameless man who gained the title after annihilating the Chosen of Krall.

Bayan witnessed his abilities firsthand.

However, even if he had not hesitated to overestimate Lu Beiyou, compared with the "possibility" that had arisen recently, it seemed too bizarre, making people unable to...or dare not believe it.

The chief advisor picked up another pen.

While holding my chin up and thinking, I unconsciously wrote and drew on the paper.

"But if that's the case... everything has an explanation, and it's not necessarily a bad thing."

"It's just... grass!"

Bayan made a rare curse word. This hornless man, who could feel the gentle breeze blowing on his face when faced with General Wufu's insults and contempt, now had a look of anger on his face.

"Thank you for helping you hide the nameless person's true identity for so long."

Killing the flying bull is a rare honor and achievement.

But it’s also a huge amount of hate.

The remnants of Krall's Choice who slipped through the net, Shagar's spiritual remnants, and the old-school Shaq warriors who sympathized with Feiniu... Although they have become insignificant and can no longer have the idea of ​​overthrowing the kingdom's regime, they are very likely to find the "murderer" Wuming. The one trying to take revenge one last time.

Therefore, Bayan used his power to cover up the participants and specific details of the Skun battle.

Even his opponents, such as the five people currently guarding Skun Town, General Xizawa, have acquiesced in this... because it also involves the stain of Dashan Mukai. As the current heir, the future King of Shaq, the image of the prince cannot be derogated in the hearts of the people.

This is political compromise.

The title "Unknown Man", while playing a propaganda role, spread a lot, but the people did not know who he was.

On the contrary, this is the greatest protection for Lu Beiyou.

After all, it’s hard for anyone to relate.

That "plain guy" that everyone looks down upon.


"Protect your ass." Bayan leaned on the back of his chair and muttered to himself angrily.

Does that person need protection?

If his guess is correct, then it would be nice if he doesn't go to others to settle the score now...

The incandescent lamp above my head dimmed in time, but it was not completely extinguished.

Bayan looked above his head and shook his head.

Even in Admark, the capital, and the core palace area, the power supply is still unstable - this is partly due to his decision to give priority to energy supply to heavy industry.

As for their consultants.

Candle oil is not unusable.

Just during this interruption, he found that the pen in his hand had stopped, and a scrawled but yet charming simple drawing had been left on the paper. Under the flickering light, it seemed to come alive. .

Bayan took out the paper and took a look.

He was stunned for a moment.

What I saw was the scrawled line drawing, which formed a little girl from the Shaq ethnic group, who looked to be seven or eight years old at most, with a thin figure. One of her hands seemed to be held by someone, while the other hand was dragging an exaggeratedly heavy segmented axe.

On the screen is the girl's back.

The scene captured happened to be when she looked back, her eyes seemed to be looking through the paper, looking at the hornless man sitting in front of the case, spanning space and years, and with a hint of uneasiness and confusion.

Bayan was silent for a moment before sighing.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, with a hint of helplessness.

Although he was thinking rationally about the political battles in the world and the future and destiny of the kingdom... what he was really worried about was the little guy who wouldn't grow up.

The Hornless Man took one more look, then crumpled the paper into a ball.

At this time, there was a heavy knock on the door outside the house.

"Come in." Bayan didn't look back.

It's the middle of the night, this time.

The only one who would come to him was that old friend Tie Luo.

This guy has obviously become a member of the Five, and he is in charge of a large tribe and several regiments of soldiers... But every time he returns to Admark to report on his duties, he still likes to run to him, for fear that others will not know that he is him. Like a friend.

But, in this country.

Being friends with the chief consultant is not necessarily a good thing.

Because of this relationship.

Tie Luo was already at some discord with several other members of the Five.

However, Bayan would not be pretentious and say that he would forcibly cut off contact with the friend for the sake of his friend - from his standpoint, it was exactly when he needed support that giving up his power would only make him more lonely.

Besides, Tie Luo can become a member of the Five People.

There is also the operation of Bayan... This is not enough for outsiders to understand.

The door creaked open.

There was no need for Bayan to open the door, Tieluo had the key to his office with him, and General Shaq would occasionally joke that he was his bodyguard.

"Tie Luo, what's the matter?"

Bayan turned back with a smile on his face.

Normally, at this time, the other party would say, "Why don't you come if you have nothing to do?", and then talk about some things that are not available, and sometimes bring cooked food and wine, just like an old Shaq who comes to visit...

The chief consultant, who has many things to do, is helpless.

But he had to admit that this was also a rare time for him to relax.

As expected, Bayan saw Tie Luo's face.

However, this time he did not hear a familiar answer, and the other person's expression remained stern. The side of his face with clenched teeth was as firm as a rock that had been worn by the wind and sand, as if he was about to go into battle.

The hornless man was stunned and was about to speak.

He saw another figure walking out from the door behind Tie Luo.

This person was wearing chain armor, with raised horns and bone spurs protruding from her joints. She was obviously a Shaq warrior, but unlike other Shaq tribesmen, her facial lines were even soft, but there was a trace of blood coming from the deep eye sockets. The fierce murderous aura.

Compared to Dashan Mukai and Giant Ryan, two Shaq warriors who are famous for their tallness, her figure can only be said to be average, but just standing here, people can't help but have a feeling - whether it is a mountain or a giant , in front of her, they will only be crushed.

Bayan was stunned and subconsciously said: "Aisata..."

The next moment, he came to his senses and quickly changed his words: "Your Majesty the Stone Demon."

Isata Stone Golem.

The Queen of the Shark Kingdom.

He may also be the greatest warrior that has appeared in the Shaq family since Krall.

She actually just followed Tie Luo without informing her, and came here quietly in the middle of the night - and Tie Luo, a member of the five people, who is the commander-in-chief of the kingdom, was like a pillar after opening the door. , dare not move.

This time, he really became a guard.

Hearing Bayan's honorific, Stone Demon just nodded in response, and then, more familiar than Tie Luo, walked to his desk.

Just as Bayan was about to stand up and salute, he suddenly realized something. He turned over his left hand, secretly pressed the ball of paper, and was about to take it back.

Unfortunately, he still couldn't avoid the stone demon's eyes.

"What is that?" she asked.

"It's just a wrong military order..." Bayan hesitated.

"When I first saw it, I thought it was a piece of garbage. I originally wanted to help you throw it away." A smile appeared on the stone demon's face, which actually looked a little childish. "Even you make mistakes sometimes? Then you have to see It’s—”

Bayan still wanted to struggle, but when she squeezed his wrist, the paper ball fell out.

The stone demon held it firmly in his hand.

The queen slowly opened the ball of paper, and the crumpled picture stretched before her eyes. The scrawled lines could not block the charm inside - it was so familiar again.

"I didn't expect you could draw..." The Stone Demon changed the topic: "Who is she?"

Bayan: "When Your Majesty was a child..."

Do you believe it?

"Stop talking nonsense, you haven't seen me at that time." The stone demon put down his hand, and the smile on the corner of his mouth did not fade away, but this time, there was a hint of coldness in Bayan's eyes, "Just in time, I'm here. I have a question for you."

"My daughter, your good student - Seto."

"Isn't it gone?"

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