Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 457 The orthodox successor

Hearing this, Achi was a little angry.

He realized that the envoy had completely missed his message.

Even if he could understand——

As a lobbyist and the only person allowed to enter the city gate and have the opportunity to interview him, this envoy must be shouldering the important task of completing the mission's goals, rather than being a simple herdsman or trainer.

Even if he once was, he now has full authority to represent the mission.

But in Achi's view, the envoy's top priority should be to return the information and bring it back to Shark Village so that the man known as the King of the Swamp can understand the situation. Only then can he decide the final outcome of Rotten Town based on the other party's reaction. Destination...

According to rumors, the Red King is not only powerful, but also a keen person. After all, even the hound Big Green, which is recognized as cunning and ferocious in the swamp, fell into his hands.

Just, in comparison.

These envoys under him seemed a little ignorant.

Achi frowned and was about to speak.

The farmer who was unloading the goods next to the iron ox suddenly let out an ouch and made another loud noise, attracting everyone's attention.

"What's wrong?" the guard said as he caught up.

"Sorry, my hand slipped, my hand slipped." Minfu apologized quickly, and then whispered, "What the hell is this? It's too heavy..."

Immediately, people noticed that a large object fell to the ground.

Like a long big iron lump.

It slipped from the back of the iron bull. It was bundled with the cargo and was not revealed until the medicine and canned fuel were removed.

The guard was just glad that what he dropped was not a precious medicine, when he suddenly realized:

"This is a knife!"

Yes, that's not a long piece of iron, but a long knife.

The reason why no one thought of it at first was because it was too long and had an unusual shape.

Not to mention the handle, which is as long as an arm, the blade alone stretches out seven feet. If you are a strong man of 1.8 meters, you need to carry it slanted behind you to prevent it from being dragged on the ground.

And, not just long.

Its blade is also broad and heavy, with the narrowest point being as wide as a palm, and the back of the blade is more than an inch thick... The material is made of such a material that it would be difficult for ordinary people to even lift it, let alone swing it.

No wonder the strong men who were unloading the goods failed.

At first glance, I thought it was those segmented axes favored by Shaq people.

But its shape is undoubtedly that of a long knife.

Moreover, even if not everyone knows how to appreciate swords, you can guess that it is of extraordinary quality just by looking at the metal blade as black as a mirror and the blade that exudes cold light - this is an actual combat weapon, not a craftsman's temporary weapon. Appreciation items created by Rise.

"This is..." Even Achi's eyes were attracted by this exaggerated and impressive long knife.

"Sorry," a voice sounded from behind everyone, "I'm sorry."

I saw the envoy wearing an iron hat and long coat stepping forward, holding the handle of the knife with one hand and lifting it easily in front of everyone.

The long knife has no sheath, but it is tied with a leather belt.

Lu Meng slung it across his back. With this movement, the soft ground beneath his feet sank a little, but his whole figure remained stable.

The strong civilians were dumbfounded.

The guard who witnessed this scene realized his previous mistake - with such strength, even if he was not the owner of the bull, even if the bull went crazy, the envoy might be able to control it.

Tieniu, who was resting, noticed the noise around him and glanced at it.

It chirped, then flicked its tail to kill a poisonous insect on its body, then lowered its head and lay down.

[Long cleaver·MK improved type 3]

The heaviest weapon in the world, the machete, is almost close to the category of heavy weapons such as flat swords and segmented axes. It can cause a good balance of cutting injuries and blunt injuries.

If you can't chop someone to death, you can still crush someone to death.

At the same time, the long cleaver also has the armor-breaking ability common to machete weapons, as well as increased damage to mechanical life. In addition to having higher requirements for users, it can be said to be the most commonly used category in the machete system.

So much so that in the Holy Kingdom, the very few paladins with natural divine power would rather abandon the cross epee in favor of a long cleaver.

As for the MK3 type.

This is the highest quality weapon that can be forged with Lu Meng's current weapon forging technology - and according to Kurt, the genuine skeleton craftsman, this is also the limit of today's outside craftsmen, including Kurt himself.

Want to go further.

We can only ask the Blade Walker who lives in seclusion in the black desert.

There are even rumors that even Blade Walker himself can no longer reproduce "Blade Walker" level weapons... This has nothing to do with the craftsman's craftsmanship, but the limitation of technological level.

Lu Meng felt the weight of the long knife on his back - it was even a little too light for him.

Unfortunately, with the quality of the current long cleaver, no matter how heavy it is, it may not be able to withstand the stress caused by swinging and break spontaneously, so the current weight is the limit.

In terms of quality alone, he also has a Marked Blade Horse-Slaying Sword.

The sharpness is far beyond ordinary things.

However, if you want to bring out Lu Meng's best swordsmanship, you must have a powerful and heavy machete type. It is more practical to tailor it yourself.

Of course, if you have the chance, you can get a machete-type inscription blade.

That's great too.

At that time, the main use of your own weapon forging technology will not be to improve personal strength, but to arm the entire force - to a certain extent, this is the real fear of the craftsman.

Seeing how he easily carried the heavy sword, even Achi was stunned for a moment.

Sure enough, this was no ordinary envoy.

As the leader of the team, Yin Ying himself is not strong in martial arts, but his position is so important, so of course he needs protection along the way... There are not many soldiers in the envoy group, which means there must be masters among them.

He should have realized this earlier.

A Chi thought for a moment and said, "Brother, please come into the city and meet me."

The other party is not weak and unable to protect himself.

Then maybe... he will be afraid.

Moreover, in his heart, the status of this envoy has also risen. A Chi feels that he may be able to reveal more things to the other party.

And, he has learned some information about the Red King from him.

"Then please ask Lord Chi to arrange it." Lu Meng chuckled, and then followed the Rotten Town guards who came to guide him and officially walked into the inner city.

The remaining guards wanted to lead Tie Niu to the cowshed to settle down, but the big bull lay on the ground as if it was asleep. The few guards were smart and strong, but they couldn't pull it at all.

It was not until a few slaps came from the front that Tie Niu opened his eyes, and the blood in his pupils quickly faded.

It then stood up and followed reluctantly into the city.

However, in the distance.

A light snort was heard:

"Little thoughts."

The tone was quite playful and disdainful.

The man in black hid in the shadow of a battlement. In broad daylight, his figure was as ethereal as a wisp of black mist. If you don't pay special attention, even if someone passes by, they will probably subconsciously ignore him.

Beside him, several people wearing the uniforms of the Rotten Town Guard stood respectfully.

But the skin under their leather armor was not like that of ordinary swamp people. Instead, it seemed to have been ravaged by the scorching sun and sand, with sunburn, wrinkles and shriveling.

Even if you have been in the swamp for some time.

It is still difficult to completely change your appearance.

"Lu, Bei, You... It's really interesting." The man in black thought of the distant Shark Village and couldn't help but recite the name, while slowly stroking his fingers, "What a successor of the shadow man, to take back his destined throne..."

Perhaps he is the only one in the world who knows that this is definitely a lie.


Many years ago, I met that mysterious and seriously injured man, and inherited his sword and legacy.

It was me.

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