Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 458 Foreign Enemies (Complete Chapter)


In Rotten Town, at the military training ground, the shouts shook the sky.

The leather boots stepped on the ground, splashing mud and water on the trouser legs of the militiamen, but they didn't pay attention at all and began to practice the next move neatly.

What they hold in their hands are not wooden swords and bamboo spears used for training, but real gold and iron weapons that can be used on the battlefield.

Amid the movement, a broken wind dances.

On the reviewing stand, Achi stood side by side with Lu Meng, who was carrying a heavy knife.

"How's it going?" Achi turned to the envoy beside him, his words filled with pride, "You can still see it."

Originally, the main force of the Hound Gang had been exhausted in Shark Village.

The only ones left in Rotten Town are some remnants.

However, based on the folk customs of Rotten Town, even if you just pull out a group of people and train in your free time, you can quickly develop combat effectiveness.

"It's indeed good." Lu Meng affirmed, "Compared to the militiamen in Skinning Town, they are even more generous."

When he heard the first half of the sentence, Achi still had a smile on his face, but when he heard him mention the Skinner, his smile became a little stagnant.

"The Skinners and...the Hound Gang were indeed the two powerful gangs in our swamp in the past. The two families have been rivals for many years." He cast his gaze back to the training school below. "Perhaps this is why they have many things in common."

Skinners have been trained in the insect tide all year round.

Rotten Town is facing threats from outside the swamp.

Those who stand out from them naturally have much higher combat power than the average.

Lu Meng nodded in agreement.

This is why he chose to borrow the power of the Skinners to fight against the Hound Gang... In the past order, the Double Blades controlled medical treatment, the Black Switchers controlled the casino money industry, the Stone Rats were responsible for grassroots management, and the Skinners defended against the insect tide. At the same time, operating logistics and smuggling, the Hound Gang, as the nominal overlord, must maintain order and resist foreign enemies...

Even the swamp ninjas, their attacks on business travelers in the dense forest are a form of eliminating external influences, forming a symbiotic relationship with several major gangs.

It can be said that this is the ecology of the swamp.

This is not to say that several major gangs are born to do this, but since this ecological niche and demand exist, if you don't occupy it, others will occupy it, and this pattern has naturally formed.

For example, Lu Meng manages the swamp now.

All the above goals must be accomplished at the same time, and the establishment of the Medical Department is one of the attempts - otherwise, it would be too humorous to use the rare and sophisticated medical resources in the wasteland for human experiments.

Rotten Town is undoubtedly the first line of defense against outside invasion.

Unless there is a mole and the smuggling is successful.

Otherwise, once a large-scale army wants to invade the swamp, the most likely and easiest place to reach it is here. It can be said to be the gateway to the swamp.

Not to mention whether the enemy can continue to advance after conquering Rotten Town - after all, there are still swamp ninjas who cooperate with the terrain to attack and block them, taking advantage of the defensive advantages of the dense forest and black swamp.

But at least it's a bit of a pain in the ass.

It seems as if someone is always watching, losing the initiative and eventually becoming a hidden danger.

Therefore, Rottown must be recovered.

So much so that after Lu Meng learned that persuading him to surrender was blocked, he dropped many important matters and came in person——


He looked at Achi, the former cadre of the Hound Gang and the current city lord who manages Rotten Town.

The other party said that he wanted to talk to him.

But he brought him as an "envoy" to the school grounds for military training... Was it a demonstration?

However, Rotten Town produces building materials and the city defenses it builds are unparalleled in the swamp. Even if it is just a newly trained militia, with sufficient manpower to stand high, they really have the capital to persevere.

——The premise is that the enemy attacks from outside.

Lu Meng remained calm.

Just as the militiamen were resting after training, some veterans of the Hound Gang heard him compare themselves with his "old rival" the Skinner, and felt a little unconvinced.

But when he looked up, he saw this young man carrying a heavy sword that was as tall as a man.

He retracted his neck and stopped making any sound.

I feel itchy on the back of my neck.

"Brother Special Envoy." Achi turned around and looked at Lu Meng, "What kind of person is that Red King...?"

"Huh?" Lu Meng didn't expect that the other party would ask such a question.

From his's really hard to answer.

Do you need me to put in Ah Quan or Allen's perspective?

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Can he... be the king of the swamp?" It was really offensive to say such words in front of his subordinates and envoys, but Achi still said it bluntly, "How long can he hold it?"

"How do you say this?"

Achi was a little surprised that the envoy was not angry because of his offense. After all, it is said that the Red King has a high reputation among the coalition forces... In this case, he continued:

"The Red King has occupied Shark Village, and the Skinned People and even the Water Tribe have surrendered to him. This is a fact... but this alone is not enough."

"His current power is only slightly stronger than that of the Hound our past heyday."

"In that battle, the internal friction in the swamp was too serious."

Although the coalition forces now occupy almost the entire swamp, they do not rely on forceful attacks. Essentially, it is because the gang strength in various places has been exhausted, and dispersed garrison still requires a lot of troops, so that Lu Meng is in the capital of Shark Village. 'No one was left.

That is to say, there are no external enemies for the time being, so there is no trouble.

Although the five major gangs in the past were divided, once they encountered external enemies, they could still unite and form a force that should not be underestimated. This is the role of the alliance.

If it were not for the reason for this alliance, it would be to deal with the Water Tribe.

They could even hire the help of the Swamp Ninja.

But now, although the coalition is united and there is no internal fighting, the main force is still the Skinners and Swamp Ninjas... less than half of the past.

I heard that the Red King also has an army of Broken Horned People, who are quite loved by the Swamp People and are training new troops... but it takes time after all.

As for the rumors about the "Lord of Blood" -

Even Achi thinks it is nonsense.

"Oh?" Lu Meng's eyes lit up.

He didn't expect that an ordinary Hound Gang cadre would have such insight. He pointed out the dilemma he faced in a few words. There was no big mistake except for the incomplete information.

It seems that Da Gelin ordered him to stay in the Hound Gang's hometown and take on the important task - this person was not chosen in vain.

Ah Chi naturally didn't know what he was thinking, and just said:

"In the swamp, the Red King is naturally the strongest. Even Lord Da Glin fell under his sword. No one can compete with him regardless of power and strength - but what if it is an invasion by foreign enemies?"

"Rotten Town will become a battlefield."

"By then, will he become a swamp king... or return to Shark Village and be his chieftain."

At this point, Ah Chi no longer looked at Lu Meng.

It's better to say that he was talking to himself, telling the doubts that had been lingering in his heart rather than asking the envoy.

If, with the power of the Red King, he can't resist foreign enemies.

Then Rotten Town, which is on the front line, will only become a victim.

Instead of this, it would be better to...

"Lord Chi said so," Lu Meng smiled, "It seems that there is an imaginary enemy in your heart."

"Uh." Ah Chi was exposed by this and had to say: "Have you heard that in the Shak Kingdom, the town of Scone once launched an expedition to the border land, but ended up in defeat..."

"I know, the King of Sand, right?"

Not only did he know, he even had a friend who had experienced the war.

That expedition was indeed strange.

Scone Town was hasty in preparation, eager for success, and the city lord leaked military secrets; while the enemy sand bandits were united under the leadership of the King of Sand, and used the terrain to ambush and assassinate, which was not a traditional desert bandit tactic.

The key is that in the final battle.

There was also a headless skull army from the 'Land of Revenge' to participate.

Let the sand bandits, who were originally weaker, turn the tables in one fell swoop.

With the power of the great victory over the Shak army, the King of Sand was unrivaled in the border area. Countless refugees, hungry bandits, and soldiers from mountain strongholds fled to him and gathered in the sand.

"Uh." Ah Chi originally asked a question just to prepare a topic, but he didn't expect the other party to really answer it. He choked again and looked at the envoy suspiciously.

Even he himself only found out part of the situation under the half-introduction and half-threat of the man in black, combined with the advantage of Rotten Town at the junction of the two places.

How did you know?

Even an envoy knew the news... Could it be that he was the one who was isolated?

But he reacted quickly.

These... should be the knowledge of the Red King, but he delivered them to his envoys in advance in case of emergency.

In this case -

"Yes," Ah Chi's eyes lit up and frankly admitted: "The King of Sand's ambition is not limited to this. Although he once defeated the army of Scone Town, it is impossible for him to really invade the Shak Kingdom or the Holy Empire with war-level garrisons."

Shak's invincible five people and the senior judge of the Holy Kingdom.

For ordinary forces, it is a dimensionality reduction attack.

"So, if he wants to expand further--"

The direction can only be the swamp in the "civil strife".

It is even rumored that the Sand King has already received the news and is ready to send troops. There are hundreds of handprints sent to the Sand King Tower representing the sand bandits of various mountain strongholds... just to wait for the melee in the swamp to end, and when they are empty, they will go south in one fell swoop.

However, when the winner of the alliance was not Da Gelin, the Sand King did not expect that his planned opponent had died. He was happy and surprised, and he was quite suspicious whether this was a trick of the hound to fake his death. In order to confirm the news, he delayed for a long time.

Otherwise, when the messenger of the hound gang rushed back to the rotten town.

The sand bandit coalition was already at the gates of the city.

"Haha!" Unexpectedly, Lu Meng suddenly interrupted A Chi and waved his hand, saying, "We also know that the position of Rotten Town is dangerous. There is no need to make up such reasons to raise your own value. Don't worry, the assistance I brought today will not be cut off in the future."

"As for these nonsense... Lord Chi, there is no need to say anything."

"You!" A Chi was angry and annoyed.

He didn't expect that this envoy, who had been quite sharp, would say such a thing.

How could he joke about Rotten Town!

He lifted his military robe and turned away.

He only left a sentence, "Then please do as you please, and send the envoy out of the city tomorrow."

Lu Meng smiled.

But in the corner of his sight, he noticed a captain wearing the uniform of the Rotten Town guard. He originally lowered his head to guard on one side, but at this moment, as A Chi left, this person turned around and left without a word - but not in the same direction.

The strange thing is that the surrounding militia seemed to be accustomed to it and didn't feel anything unusual.

Or, it wasn't discovered at all.

"Exquisite stealth skills..." he muttered.

Disguise, assassination, concealment... including making people subconsciously ignore their own existence and turn a blind eye.

Combining movement, control of body functions and even psychology - those who can do it are either masters of stealth at their best, or they are influenced by the environment and go to the extreme.

Coincidentally, Lu Meng himself had come into contact with two stealth masters.

Including himself.

The evening sun shone on him, casting a slanted reflection on the school grounds. Night was coming soon, and Lu Meng also came to entertain him. Because the leader's face changed and his attitude was not very good, the rotten town guard , heading to his temporary residence.

"He saved his life." In the dark room, the man in black chuckled after listening to the report from his subordinate disguised as a guard in Rotten Town. "It seems that the people in Shark Village don't believe those 'nonsense'."

"Lord Bozan," the subordinate expressed his doubts, "Although many people in the town are undecided and secretly support us... But I think the city lord still has his heart set on the swamp, and sooner or later he will not be able to stay."

"It's just that I miss home more," Bozan mused, "but what you said makes sense."

In fact, Achi's delay also made him more anxious and dissatisfied.

Originally, when he learned that the envoy was led by Silver Shadow, he had the idea to wait for Achi to invite them into the city, and then secretly attack and kill the leader - among the swamp coalition forces, even the affairs officer who controlled a major town If you die here, no matter how shaken Rotten Town is, you will not be able to argue.

Even if Achi knows the truth.

Ordinary people will also worry about possible retaliation and completely sway to their side.

Of course, Bozan will also kill Achi to silence him.

And the reason why he is confident... he can kill whoever he wants -

Bozan, who was dressed in black, flipped his wrist, and a sharp ninja sword appeared in his hand. The handle was painted with two small black snakes intertwined - the symbol of the black dragon ninja.

It was Bozan who received the true message of the dying Shadow Man, but instead of returning to the Water Tribe, he headed to the border land, established the Black Dragon Ninja Group, and opened up another road, so he was free.

Even the King of Sand.

When fighting Shaq's army, you have to rely on his special assassins.

Among the Sand King's many alliances in the borderlands, the Black Dragon Ninja Group is also the most important one and is treated with great courtesy - except for confidentiality reasons, even he is not allowed to enter the Sand King Tower, the headquarters. Bozan consciously and that The King of Sand is also considered an equal.

He was already very satisfied.

I just didn’t expect that…

Another guy who claimed to be the inheritor of the Shadow Man had unknowingly become the king of the swamp. In comparison, the real thing made him seem a bit uncomfortable.

Therefore, Bozan wanted to take a look.

What kind of place is that old guy thinking about before he dies?

Only then took the initiative to ask for help and came to Rotten Town.

It's not that he wanted to prove his identity, after all, he didn't even bring the inscribed blade.

In terms of stealth assassination, he is the only two strongest people in the borderland - the other is his wife from the church. She is surprisingly talented, and she is better than her master. When he goes out, his wife will Shoujia, Mingblade is also in her hands.

No marking blade required.

Using the Shadow Man's methods, wouldn't it be easy to take advantage of the Swamplanders?

However, I didn't expect... Achi actually refused Yinying to enter the city, which disrupted Bozan's previous plan. If he just assassinated an ordinary envoy... wouldn't it be enough?

"Yes." Bozan thought of a way and ordered: "Let's do it tonight."

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