Chapter 480 Judge·Great Lord

The sun is high.

In the rugged barren mountains, the dirt roads are cracked and yellow sand rushes through the valleys.

A group of people of different heights slowly walked towards the depths of the mountain.

The group of people on the outside had clean shaven heads, wore linen clothes, were skinny, and even had bare feet. They stepped on the gravel road, and their feet were scratched until they bled... but they seemed to have no trace of anything. Unconsciously, his eyes were filled with enthusiasm that seemed to be burning out.

These are the chosen ones.

Being able to stand out from ordinary Holy Nation civilians has proven their firm belief in Auckland.

The men in the middle were wearing priestly robes with significantly more exquisite clothing, and a leaping and burning holy fire tattooed on their chests.

This is the real ruling class of the Holy Kingdom.

Priests in the Holy Fire Temple.

But, here's the weird thing.

The person leading the way was a desert bandit who was incompatible with the priests of the Holy Kingdom, wearing a spiked helmet and being bare-chested.

From time to time, he pointed the way and chatted with the priests:

"Brothers from Auckland, go this way..."

"Your Highness, King of Sand, you have been waiting for a long time."

Hearing this, a trace of disgust and contempt flashed imperceptibly in the eyes of the priests, but they were carefully hidden.

Because, it is on both sides of the mountain road.

Behind those rocky walls, the cold light of weapons and crossbow arrows flickered from time to time.

They were under the surveillance of the sand bandit army throughout the entire process.

This is the way up to the mountain village.

Among the priests, the only one who was relatively calm and could respond to the bandit leader with ease was their leader:

"Is this the legendary King of Sand Tower?"

His voice is magnetic.

While talking, the team leader was also secretly sizing up the bandits lurking on both sides, subconsciously calculating how many soldiers the Holy Kingdom would need to dispatch if they wanted to attack head-on.

"Uh... yes." The bandit leader responded vaguely, "When receiving brothers, of course, we must treat them with the highest courtesy."

The leader was also observing the leader of the Holy Kingdom.

The leader has strong muscles and a tall body. He is not as skinny as the Holy Chosen, nor is he like ordinary priests who only know how to chant sutras and have a sloppy step and a big belly... Instead, he looks a bit like a battle-hardened paladin, but without armor. .

This confirms the speculation in the intelligence.

"It's such an honor..."

The leader smiled and nodded in response, as if he completely believed what the other person said.

In my heart, I sneered.

If the location of the Sand King Tower was so easily exposed, then they would have been wiped out by the Holy War Army long ago.

He looked around and found:

The exposed sand bandits are all humans, or at least children of the Scorched Earth.

This is of course inconsistent with the actual situation,

It can only mean that it was deliberately arranged by the other party in order not to irritate one's own nerves.

So, can these things that were actively exposed explain the true military deployment of the Sand Bandits... The leader of the Holy Kingdom put a question mark in his heart, and his evaluation of the Sand King was a little higher.

True and false, there is reality within the imaginary.

Even if I really get the information, I don't dare to believe it all... This is the suspected soldier.

"Lord Judge...can I call you that?" the bandit leader tried, "You are really young and promising."

The Inquisitor is the manager of the Heretic Tribunal of the Holy Empire, and the Tribunal is actually the highest military authority in the entire Holy Kingdom. It is responsible for cleaning up heretics internally and launching holy wars externally.

The two most famous judges are Seta and Walterna. They are regarded as the right-hand men of the Holy Lord. It can be said that one person is inferior to ten thousand people.

Since every Holy Master is the reincarnation of the first generation Phoenix, being born as the representative of Oakland is not something that mere mortals can imagine.

These two high-ranking judges are already the pinnacle of worldly power.

Not to mention, they are still powerful men with war-level strength.

Even if they do not have a war grade, other inquisitors are also powerful warriors - they often have the dual identities of high-level paladins and high-level priests: Wen is a master of theology, so that he can strengthen his faith and accurately identify the identity of the heretic. ; Wu Ze is a warrior chosen by God, who can use the Holy Knight Cross in his hand to send darkness back to hell with his own hands.

This team leader has already passed middle age, but if he is really a judge.

He is indeed young and promising.

"No, no, no..." Hearing the other party's politeness, the team leader smiled and waved his hand, "It's just an apprenticeship. My heart is not pure and pure enough. How can I join the team of judges..."

He changed the topic: "But if the cooperation is happy..."

Before the team leader finished speaking, the bandit leader smiled knowingly.

Obviously, even if this man from the Holy Kingdom is not a judge yet, he just lacks accumulation and achievements - and for him to represent the envoy to negotiate with his own Sand King is part of the test and experience.

Just follow the plan and everything goes smoothly.

Once the other party returns, his promotion to Inquisitor will be a sure thing.

This is also a hint.

"Your Majesty Judge, please." The bandit leader's tone was more serious.

Faced with this intentional title.

The team leader did not retort, his expression remained solemn, but there was a faint smile on his lips, and he was also very satisfied in his heart.


In an atmosphere where everyone had their own evil intentions, the Holy Kingdom group walked to a watchtower and fortress.

Met the King of Sand.

Deep in the desert.

United Cities, Hengcheng.

From time to time, there were samurai guards wearing heavy-duty ten hands patrolling the streets. Occasionally they passed by the vendors on both sides and stopped for a while. After a while, their pockets were filled with coins, and they left with satisfaction.

Even so, there is still an endless stream of merchants and a steady flow of people.

Residents who can live in the city are considered to be the best in the empire.

Compared to the poor people who gather outside the city and are often attacked by monsters and bandits, this is already many times better.

The thought of this.

Even if they are still worried about their livelihood today, the imperial civilians on the street can't help but puff up their chests... Even the feeling of half-hungry and half-full in their stomachs is not that important anymore.

However, a burst of exclamation broke this noisy but lush scene.

"Lord Yoshinaga is here!"

"Kneel down quickly!"

The sound was heard in the distance, whether it was true or false, and the streets immediately became chaotic.

Together with the samurai guards who were still patrolling before, people, regardless of age or sex, bowed down, knelt on their knees, and uttered various auspicious words.

Children poked their heads out of the dilapidated wooden attics on the streets on both sides.

She was quickly pulled back by her parents, covering her mouth and pressing her to the ground for fear of being discovered.

They didn't dare to raise their heads.

Only the sound of the hooded guards' armored swords clashing could be heard as they continued to approach.

And the scolding that followed:

"Press your torsos down!"

Slaves with iron chains on their feet ran by with sweat on their backs. They carried heavy chariots, leaving only the shadows of the people sitting on them on the ground, slender and sinister.

——Lord Yoshinaga.

The great lord of Hengcheng and the sword-bearing nobleman of the empire.

Most of the city-states are nominally free citizens, but everyone knows that their lives and bodies actually belong to the great lords. They have the right to live and kill at will. For example, if they have any strange habits, then others can also I can only try my best to satisfy.

However, because no one dared to look up.

None of them saw that the usually arrogant Lord Jiyong had an unconcealable expression of anxiety and burning fire on his face at this moment.

"Hurry! Hurry up!"

He urged the slave beneath him.

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