Yoshinaga's car drove forward wildly, and people along the way knelt down like a tide, but he still did not stop.

Even the tyrannical hooded guard felt a little tired.

Not to mention the slaves carrying him,

However, they didn't dare to say anything.

His lord's abnormal behavior started early in the morning and he couldn't stop it - he got up from the bed and ran outside. For this reason, he even killed someone who wanted to come over and put on his pants. maid.

It was only after the hooded guards stopped him that Yoshinaga calmed down a little.

But then, he still urged them to rush towards the other side of Heng City.

Hengcheng was built on a high cliff. Only one city gate could be connected to the slope below, and a steel bridge was erected at another gate across a canyon.

The car drives quickly through the steel bridge.

The guard bowed and saluted.

On the other side of the steel bridge, there is actually a city.

——Merchant Blade.

Hengcheng and it are a rare twin city.

However, it can be seen from the name that this merchant blade does not belong to any lord or noble, but is the asset of the merchant guild.

It is also where their headquarters is.

The only connection between Merchant Blade and the outside world is the steel bridge connecting Heng City. In a sense, it is Heng City that United Cities belongs to, protecting its entrance.

The warriors are bleeding outside,

Businessmen can ignore worldly affairs and enjoy themselves here - there are also many nobles from other places who will come here secretly incognito. This is a tacit secret between them.

But obviously, Lord Yoshinaga, the great lord of Hengcheng.

I have no intention of having fun at the moment.

"Get out of the way!"

He cursed loudly to himself.

People along the street gave way, but they did not salute like the people on the other side of Hengcheng.

Being able to stay in Merchant Blade.

He is either rich or noble, but there is no need to sell Ji Yong's face.

"Here we are, sir, please..."

The car stopped in front of a mansion. The hooded guard wanted to help Jiyong, but he threw him away.

Jiyong didn't have time to wait for the other party to open the door.

He rushed in directly from the side door reserved for the servants, shouting:

"Help, help me!"

He was hoarse and almost burst into tears.

The housekeeper of the mansion and the hooded guards who followed were stunned.

Jiyong rushed into the courtyard, staggered, and almost fell.

"Pa." A strong hand supported him.

It was a masked waiter in black.

"Oh, thank you..." Jiyong was shocked.

The waiter nodded and left silently.

Another person's voice came from in front of him:

"Lord Yoshinaga, are you so anxious?"

I saw a man wearing a linen robe sitting in front of the stone table, looking at the hamster cage on the table with interest, and asked casually.

Seeing that Ji Yong had calmed down, he waved his hand and asked the hooded guards and housekeeper servants who were following him to step back, and said, "Come on, don't let others see the joke."

This man's clothes were simple, and his decorations were not even as good as those of the previous butler.

But there was an aura of calmness and authority in his words. Even if there were no samurai around to follow him with swords drawn, people could not help but obey his orders.

Jiyong, who had just been worshiped by thousands of people outside, now became submissive, and his previous panic seemed to be forcibly suppressed by the opponent's momentum.

He swallowed his saliva and replied, "Yes, President Long En."

The president of the merchant guild and now the actual controller of the imperial cabinet.

Long En.

He was not in the capital Heft City with the Tengu Emperor, but stayed at his own Merchant Blade, but no noble dared to have an opinion.

As the great lord of Heng City, he lives next to Merchant Blade.

Although Yoshinaga's ancestor was a noble swordsman with a well-established background, he himself had already joined the merchant guild. He was also the one who supported Long En's entry into the cabinet - like his cousin and the former chief minister who did not agree. The lord had already been thrown into the desert to feed weta.

Today's Yoshinaga is a great lord.

But he also knows his position clearly.

Patting the stool on the side, Long En gestured: "What's the matter?"

Jiyong sat down, and his heart that had calmed down became clenched again when he heard these words.

He quickly took out a piece of bloody letter from his arms: "President, please take a look."

I saw a few words written on it with crazy blood stains:

【You are the third one. 】

Signed: Lu Jin.

"Look at these bloody rebel thugs, they are back again!" Jiyong patted the table and wiped his tears, "How many years have passed...and he wants to kill me!"

The second half of the sentence is the truth.

When Yoshinaga opened his eyes in the morning and saw this letter on his pillow, he was immediately frightened to death.

Able to send this threatening letter to myself.

Doesn't it mean that the other party can kill him at any time?

What's more, this killer named "Lu Jin" has already had a precedent before: many nobles have died in his hands, including even Lord Saga, a great lord of the city-state... Yoshinaga did not expect that he would be like this. It was soon his turn.

However, Long En was not surprised at all when he saw this letter.

Jiyong was anxious and wanted to continue to tell the key points.

But Long En took out an identical piece of letter paper from his robe and placed it in front of him.

It says: You are the fourth.

The signature is also Lu Jin.

"This..." Yoshinaga was stunned, "President, have you received it too?"

"I didn't expect that I would be in line behind you," Long En smiled, "But don't worry, it's a lie."


"Yes." Long En fiddled with the cage in front of him, "The real Lu Jin was captured by me just a few days ago."

"Then tell me, can these words be true?"

"Lu Jin was caught!" Ji Yong breathed a sigh of relief, surprised and happy, "Then what is going on?"

"It would be wrong to say that it has nothing to do with Lu Jin." Long En said calmly, "It was that boy who deliberately spread the news to divert our attention and prepare to escape while we were on guard."

"But that just exposed himself."

Long En did not continue, but just glanced at Jiyong: "I advise you, it is best to check the servants at home."

When Yoshinaga heard this, he reacted.

Since the person who sent the letter was not Lu Jin, it was natural that he had bribed someone in their house.

Some servants were greedy for money or had resentment in their hearts, so they became lax.

Because of fear of retaliation, if you want to directly bribe them to kill people, even if you give them ten courages, you won't dare. But if you deceive and say that you just scare these nobles, there will be less psychological burden.

A surge of anger surged in Jiyong's heart, and he wanted to go back and deal with these disobedient dog slaves immediately.

But he suddenly remembered,

When I entered the mansion, the servants I saw seemed to be new faces - there were at least several hundred people. They had all been cleaned up long ago, and they were as ordinary as if nothing had happened.

Thinking of what Long En said just now... Such decisiveness made Ji Yong's heart tremble, and he couldn't help but admire him.

"Now that everything is settled, that's good..." Jiyong sighed, and was about to start complimenting him, but realized something was wrong.

It was clear that the warning of the assassin's attack was just a false alarm.

But Long En did not relax. There was still a hint of hidden solemnity between his eyebrows - Jiyong was also considered a close confidant of the president. After calming down, he could still notice this detail.

Is there anything more important than solving the life threat and catching the assassin who dared to assassinate the noble lord?

But the waiter standing in the shadow knew that before Lord Yoshinaga broke in, he was reporting to Long En... the news coming back from the swamp.

It's simply appalling and unbelievable.

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