Yamudu, Dragon's favored minister.

He makes a public appearance, enters and exits the empire's upper echelons, and can even assume Long En's authority to a certain extent. He is regarded as the shadow of the president and an extension of his will.

This hive prince,

Indeed, he died in the dense forest of the swamp.

However, the waiter in front of him who looked exactly like "Yamudu" was indeed standing here alive.

And, it’s not just about looks.

The training they received, the way they spoke, the manners they trained... every detail from top to bottom was exactly the same.

If Yamudou had anyone who could be called a close friend during his lifetime.

The other party saw this scene.

It’s also impossible to tell that this is a fake Yamudou…


When Long En called out this name again.

This Yamudou is real.

The only one in the world.

The waiter played with the name in his mind, but he couldn't get used to it so quickly... After all, he could only watch the man named "Yamudu" walking in the shadows with jealous and complicated emotions. in the public eye.

Now he has truly been replaced.

But instead there was a sense of emptiness.

It's as if the original self has disappeared.

Even within the merchant guild, there are often doubts that Long En has given Yamudou too much authority, which may even threaten the president's own status.

Only "they" themselves know.

This is impossible.

The bee people are all born in beehives.

Their subspecies, talents, and what jobs they will do when they grow up... all depend on the queen's needs. Their genes are the same.

Therefore, it is possible for a group of bees to have exactly the same appearance.

But, outsiders don’t know.

Long En actually had a group of high-quality compatriot bee princes in his hands. He secretly cultivated and trained them, and then selected the most capable one to show up.

Named "Yamudu".

And their positions can be replaced.

This is entirely in Long En's hands.

Joy and anger come from the heart.

Therefore, no matter how powerful Yamoudou is.

They have no real chance to nourish their ambitions, so they can only work desperately for the Merchant Guild, trying their best to prove in Long En's eyes that they are the ones who least deserve to be eliminated among all the bee waiters.

It's like raising gu.

As for how many candidates there are.

Even the waiter himself didn't know.

He couldn't even guarantee whether there was only one Yamudu at the same time.

Some times.

Some close franchisees and merchant guilds will send Yamudu to diplomacy or even assistance in order to express their attention... But is that really him?

The merchants' guild has members all over the mainland, all over the world, and they have interests everywhere.

If they are really all deities.

I'm afraid it can only be transmitted through time and space.

However, the waiter knew that even among them, the former "Yamudu" was indeed the one Long En relied on the most. Not only had he been in charge the longest, but his missions were becoming more and more important.

So much so that he felt.

In my lifetime, I am afraid that I will never have the chance to bear the other party's name and walk into the sunshine.

Unexpectedly, such a person would actually die.

The news of his death reached Merchant Blade along with the intelligence, and it was also sealed secretly during the period. From then on, as long as he showed up as Yamudou once, all the "rumors" would be self-defeating.

This is probably why Long En chose to send him out at this time.

In a sense.

His favorite minister also has "immortality".

An enemy that cannot be killed... This will make Long En's political opponents even more afraid.

And for consumables.

How can it be protected with a truly unique war grade?

The waiter...Yamudou knew.

The president is waiting for his answer.

Do you want to confront that person?

The one who killed his predecessor gave him a chance to rise to power, which in a way gave him a hand...but in fact proved that this person was an extremely formidable enemy.

Today's king of the swamp.

Road dream, road north travel.

and the Blood Lord who can drive the insect swarm.

If the opponent is in a suitable venue, face him head-on.

Probably no less than facing a natural disaster.

"I just think things are a bit too coincidental," Yamudou concealed his fear, "We just speculated that the anti-slavery people may use the Shendi operation, and the North Tour appeared there... I'm sorry, after all, I Not mature enough to tell whether it’s a bait or not.”

He showed his weakness frankly and added:

"Of course, if the president needs it, I will not hesitate to do so."

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out.

Long En did not embarrass him.

Although this man is powerful, he is actually not harsh on his subordinates - because he may even know the limits of their abilities better than these subordinates themselves.

He approved of Yamoudou's explanation.

"This is not a coincidence." Long En said slowly, "Shandi's geographical advantage does not require me to explain it."

"And...it's not your fault."

"Even I didn't expect... that 'Lord of Blood', after occupying the swamp, it wasn't enough. He actually had additional ambitions."

Mention this title.

Long En thought of something, and a hint of joking appeared on his face.

"These people really like to be associated with blood. Those resistance groups, thugs and the remnants... It's a pity that in the end, it was their own blood that stained the earth the most."

Yamudu knew what the president was talking about.

The great rebellion broke out on the Skeleton Plateau and nearly cut off the United Cities. Even Emperor Anxi accidentally died at the hands of the mob.

If not for that time, Long En, who had not yet joined the cabinet, stepped forward to provide disaster relief while forcefully suppressing the rebellion.

I'm afraid the empire will fall in just an instant.

This has been seen since the founding of the United Cities.

The disaster with the widest impact and longest duration.

People call it many names.

Brown drought, red uprising, scarlet sacrifice... No matter which name they are named, they are inseparable from the land dyed red with blood. This impression is deeply rooted in the hearts of those who have experienced it.


High-rise inside Union City.

They called it the Red Rebellion.

Although the Blood Rebellion itself was quickly put down, the impact of the rebellion continues to this day: the southern United City lost more than half of its city-states, especially the two heavy industrial cities of Aikang Town and Depression Lagoon Town, and no one has ever risen again. Possibly; although the northern United City received assistance from merchant guilds and suffered relatively small losses, there are still a large number of exiled peasants who formed a resistance group and continue to harass the northern border of the empire to this day.

Some people even doubt it.

The largest terrorist organization currently faced by the empire, the "Anti-Slaveholders", also originated from the Blood Rebellion. Many of the wanted criminals are the remnants that were not completely eliminated at the beginning.

Including that Lu Jin.

When he assassinated Lord Kaga, he also used the banner of the bloody rebellion in the past - he himself came from the Southern United City where the rebellion broke out.

Various elements come together.

At this time, an enemy called the "Lord of Blood" suddenly appeared... Whether it was a coincidence or not, it would inevitably make people think of it.

If this news spreads, it will undoubtedly disturb the already extremely sensitive nerves of the nobles.

As for the enemies of Union City.

It is also possible to use his banner to invoke the spirit of the Blood Rebellion - the appeal of the latter cannot be underestimated. If combined together...

This is what they don't want to see.

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