Long En pulled out a few cards and handed them to Yamudu.

Yamudou took it respectfully.

These cards are just ordinary hard papers and have no extra effect when taken outside - but to Yamudu, they mean the resources that he can mobilize in one action.

With the identity of Yamudu.

He can mobilize almost all the resources of the merchant guild unconditionally outside - but people have to be strong, and the same goes for bees.

It comes down to it.

What should I do, what can I do.

It also depends on the president’s permission.

Yamudou flipped through these hard cards in front of him and quickly imprinted them in his mind with his strong memory:

"Second and seventh legions...six samurai officers...ten second-level chambers of commerce...two war-level ones, but it's a pity that they can't move the defense zone due to the current battle situation...City Heroes, Black Dog Headquarters...two of Lord Inaba's A secret, a promise from Mrs. Kana..."

In addition to the power of the merchant guild and the United City itself.

There are also those scattered around the world that have received funding from merchant guilds and can be bewitched or coerced... in short, all local forces that can be mobilized.

And therein lies the complex relationship.

It would take Yamudou to negotiate and utilize it.

That's what they're made for.

However, after reading this.

Yamudou's face couldn't help but show surprise.

There was nothing on it that he wanted.

The forces he can mobilize at present are all far away from the flash land where the Blood Lord is - except for a small group of assassins in a border area. They seem to be taking the initiative to move closer to the United City out of hatred.

But relying on them to deal with the Lord of Blood?

It's nothing more than a fool's dream.

Yamudou looked at Long En with a searching look.

To be honest, the resources allocated to him have exceeded the initial estimate, and it should not be deliberately making things difficult.

"Silly boy." Unexpectedly, Long En actually laughed out loud.

"You don't really think that I want you to deal with the Lord of Blood... I don't want you to die like this."

"Death..." Yamdu was stunned.

"Of course." There was a smile on Long En's face, but there was no concern in his words, as if he was just stating objective facts, "Now, no matter what kind of team you bring, in the past you just sent yourself to death."

"Even he failed."

"You are so inexperienced...how can you escape?"

Hearing this, "Yamudu" understood and clenched the hands on his knees secretly.

He couldn't help but feel a sense of humiliation in his heart.

The president’s words were very clear.

He is no match for that person.

Although he has slowly accepted the identity of "Yamudu", in the president's view, there is still a big gap between the two.

And even his ex.

They all fell into ruins at the hands of the Blood Lord... let alone myself?

previous question.

It's just a test.

"You still have little experience. Although you have a promising future, you still need to practice and practice. These are your strengths." Long En said, and even took out a stack of cardboard and placed it on the table. "The nobles over there in Edge Town seem to be a little bit... Be careful, it’s time to go over and practice your skills; besides, you’ve figured it out, the actions of the anti-slavery people may not only take this path.”

"As for the Lord of Blood..."

"Even if you don't mention the ability to catch wind and shadow, he can't control the insect swarm on the Shandi Plain... Even so..."

"It will take at least another five years for you to be able to compete with him."

Yamudu responded silently.

Long En's words have made a conclusion, and the matter of Shandi has nothing to do with him.

However, he still has questions:

"But President," he asked, "then are we going to let that Blood Lord do whatever he wants in Shen?"

Shendi does not belong to the United City's sphere of influence.

But if one is unfriendly to them... no, as long as the Shen Land is unified and occupied by any force other than the United City, it will undoubtedly be harmful to their interests.

Shendi is suitable for the survival of those weak and loose tribes.

Only the merchant guild can use this transportation hub at the cheapest price.

Chaos makes the difference.

What's more, this is not in line with the president's character...

Long En glanced at Yamudu quietly.

The bee prince was stunned for a moment, then saluted: "I understand."

He turned and left.

Yamudu understood the meaning in that look.

——The president has already taken action.

His arrangement would not wait until he, the current dabbler, took action.

"Lord of Blood..." After Yamudou left, Long En stayed alone in the courtyard and said this name unconsciously.

Different from what I just said.

What he was thinking of was not the bloody rebellion.

But the "Lord of Insects".

Similar abilities would certainly be thought-provoking - but given Long En's position, he knew more.

He once met a talented scholar who studied skeleton men.

The other party told him:

The word "worm", in the lost ancient language, means more than just insects such as spiders.

It also symbolizes flaws, fallacies, malfunctions...

Therefore, the so-called Lord of Insects.

What it really means may be the Lord of Errors and Faults.

"'Bagh'...its ancient pronunciation is like this." The scholar said, "According to ancient books, 'bug' is the natural enemy of mechanical life with logic program circuits like Skeleton Man, and is the mistake of the world. "

"The ability he possesses is just the external manifestation of this characteristic."

"And this may be related to our first mass extinction."

For ordinary people, if the sky falls, there are tall people to hold it up. Except for the fanatical pedants of the mechanics, no one cares about the truth of the world's extinction and whether it is possible to come back.

Anyway, life is bad enough now.

Even if everything is destroyed, it doesn't matter.

But the higher the position, the more interested Long En finds himself in history, especially those great extinction disasters that are like myths and legends, which have turned the world upside down.

Because, in their position.

Except for the world turning upside down... nothing else can hurt them.

Not to mention, the Lord of Insects.

There may also be the secret of immortality.

Like the immortal and incorruptible bone man, he will enjoy the throne forever from generation to generation.

This is definitely a deadly poison that no one in power can resist.

"Lord of Blood... Humph."

Even the current Long En has no way to order people to break into his Arak throne to find out the truth about such a mysterious existence as the Lord of Insects.

However, fortunately.

It seems that a "low-profile version" suddenly appeared in the world.

Isn't this a fallacy?

From that person, perhaps we can dig out the secrets related to the Lord of Insects.

Long En has even prepared a laboratory.

As for this time.

"Let me see..."

"How much can your ability compare to that of the 'Lord of Fallacy'?"

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