Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 505: Building a Wall of Earth

The progress is so tight.

Another reason is.

Lu Meng needs to upgrade the stronghold level to a level 2 village as soon as possible to unlock the next exclusive module slot that can take effect within the stronghold range.

In this way, whether it is the "Building HP" to reinforce the building or the "Quick Medical Bed" to improve logistics recovery, they can all take effect at the same time.

With their combined effect.

When fighting beak-billed beasts, it can work wonders while greatly reducing casualties.

Among the conditions for promotion to a village, "population" can be met at any time, whether it is to attract refugees from previously roaming areas to settle down, or to temporarily use heads from swamps to make up the number of households.

The focus is on the type and quantity of buildings.

Among them, a walled building that divides the boundaries and surrounds the stronghold is indispensable.


"A days?" Hearing such a request, even Warman, who was originally full of confidence, was a little stunned. "Red King, do you only need to reject the horse and the fence?"

It takes seven days to build a wall that is enough to stop the beak... The opponent's maneuverability is far superior to theirs. It will not work if they are short or simply shrink. Even if they can defend it, they will be easily bypassed.

Such tight time.

Warman could only abandon his artistic pursuit of the wall and cut down some trees and thorns to piece together a wooden fence.

It's like a temporary camp during a march, with at most a barbed wire fence.

But Warman as a bee man.

In the Valley of the Vanities, we also witnessed the beaks invading the hive.

Such simple fortifications cannot protect against those "giraffes". As soon as the opponent stretches its neck, it can pick up the soldiers hiding behind and tear them into pieces, let alone charge collectively.

"Of course not." Lu Meng's answer made Warman half worried and half happy. "The wall must be thick enough to allow at least two rows of soldiers to pass, and the height must exceed their chests - at least it cannot allow our soldiers to lose their beaks when wielding their swords. You can't even touch the neck of the beast, let alone allow those monsters to jump over it. There are pits, shooting holes, arrow towers... all the necessary fortifications are there."

Warman was happy that the Red King knew exactly how to deal with the beak.

The worry is... Party A is too unreasonable.

Sure enough, every job that looks glamorous at first glance must have countless pitfalls hidden behind it.

"Don't worry about other things, just go ahead and do it."

Seeing his hesitation, Lu Meng said: "Even if it's not finished yet, I can guarantee that you will be the last to die in the mouth of the beak-billed beast."

Others will try to stall for time.

After hearing this, Warman didn't know whether to be moved or to sigh.

They have all been pulled to the ground.

I just told you that it’s too late to run away——

"Tsk, I obey." The worker bee spit out. He smeared the saliva on his hands and slapped them hard, his face full of determination: "Damn it, done it."

I am a wall lover!

Building walls has never troubled him.

Lu Meng showed a clear smile.

On the great plain of Shendi, the sun was scorching as far as the eye could see.

If it is normal.

Just looking at it in the distance will make people feel more open-minded, and they can't help but sing along with the sound of the reed pipe in the wind.

But when I think about it, it won't be long.

Those groups of beak-billed beasts would appear from the horizon at the end of the line of sight, as if they could block out the sky and the sun... I couldn't say I felt any better.

"Woman, what are we going to do?" A worker bee turned to Warman, who was holding a dry cigarette but not lighting it.

Most of the engineering department is made up of worker bees and sons of green fields, whether they are construction workers or technical backbones. A large number of people are quietly looking at their leader, waiting for this strange man nicknamed "Wall Lover" to give orders. .

Warman smacked his mouth, and his words were a little slurred.

"The best wall is of course made of bricks and stones. You can build it as high as you want. The stone production in Rotten Town has always been abundant and there is no shortage. Unfortunately, transportation on the road is a troublesome thing. It is definitely too late to use it now. ”

The current transportation capacity of the swamp is reserved for the grain trade. A new transportation brigade needs to be formed. It also depends on negotiations between the skinners and the Shandi tribe to protect the pack animals raised by the herdsmen.

"The wooden platform is not good, and the iron wall does not have this material... we can only build it with earth."

The clay was dug out and tamped down to build the wall.

While pushing up the wall, it can also dig out gullies and pits, killing two birds with one stone.

He had also discovered before that the place chosen by the Red King was not sandy like the rest of the land. The soil under the turf had sufficient moisture and viscosity.

"However, the strength of the clay alone may not be enough, and it will take time to compact it..." Warman thought while giving the order.

The vast construction brigade of the Engineering Department went to explore the basic points.


They discovered it only after arriving at the scene.

In places that should have been designated as walls, there are also other things -

One tent after another.

They are connected together, like a long dragon entrenched on this plain, but the shape is very simple. It is only supported by fur on an elevated frame, and is hollow on all sides like a greenhouse.

It just happens to be enough to shield the people working below from the harsh sun.

There were mobilized herdsmen around, preparing food and water.

"The Red King is really considerate." Warman wiped his sweat, thinking he understood Lu Meng's intention, and didn't think about anything else at the moment.

The worker bee gave instructions according to the drawing in his mind.

The workers worked in groups of three or five, moving quickly.

Some were digging clay, some were mixing mud, and some were moving earth. The workers digging clay used sharp pickaxes to split the turf, digging deep into the soil, and then used shovels to put the wet and sticky clay into baskets...

The sons of the green field took off their sweaty shirts, revealing their bronze skin and strong muscles, and worked hard with sweat; although the skinny worker bees were not as strong as humans, their hands and feet were extremely diligent, and they were so skilled in doing these things that they seemed to be born with talent, and they didn't need to be taught at all.

In the beehive.

The bees' nest huts were built like this.

While directing the work, Woman felt an itch in his bones as if he was addicted, and he also grabbed a hoe and started working by himself, entering a state of selflessness.

I don't know how long it took.

The originally soft turf was turned over, and the soil underneath was rammed solid, the color became much darker, and it was shining.

A shallow terrace-shaped earthen mound gradually took shape under the sunshade shed.

This is the foundation.

At this time, Warman called everyone together, especially the beemen.

First, they needed a break after working for a long time.

Second, he wanted to add some ingredients to this foundation.

Warman gathered the bees together and looked at each other:

"Are you ready?"

The bees nodded.

"Well..." Warman said as he swallowed the dry tobacco in his mouth directly into his stomach, and then walked to a mound.

Then, he pressed his throat:


A large ball of red mucus spurted out of the mouth of the worker bee, and "splashed" directly poured onto the newly rammed foundation.

Not just him.



"Burp~ Sorry, I swallowed it back, try again..."

Suddenly, the vomiting and spraying sounds everywhere became louder.

"If possible, I really don't want to know how their beehives are built..." The human engineers who witnessed this scene for the first time were still terrified.

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