Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 506: The speed of construction

Just like bees in nature, they use beeswax secreted to build nests for their colonies.

The bees also have a similar mechanism.

Warman wiped his mouth and felt his empty stomach, quite satisfied.

The red mucus sprayed all over the first mound in front of us.

This isn't just bee vomit.

It is also a unique adhesive secreted from the body of worker bees. Just as glutinous rice juice was used to build houses in ancient times, the strength of these biological agents after drying is no less than that of some cement slurry.

The only drawback is that you need to stock up.

Of course, within the hive clan, the corpses of the old hive people or dead compatriots can also be crushed directly to serve as a large amount of adhesive... which is definitely not needed now.

On the other side, workers were striking while the iron was hot, adding crushed turf, dead leaves and even partially rotted fur, then covering it with clay and compacting it. This was to increase the toughness of the wall, which is equivalent to composite materials.

Some herders use dried cow dung to build walls.

The same is true.

The tough grass stems inside that cannot be digested function to a certain extent as "rebar" in primitive reinforced concrete.

Plus their bee secretions...

Watching the first layer of foundation being laid and completed, Warman suddenly felt a thousand times greater sense of accomplishment, which was even more exciting than being knocked down.

Even if it is an ordinary earthen wall.

Warman also has to do his best.

People who cannot appreciate walls have poor taste.

It's a pity that the construction period...

But I don’t know why, even in the past wall-building work, Warman has never felt that it was as smooth as now, as if it didn’t take much time to complete the foundation.

Maybe I put aside all the miscellaneous thoughts,

With all your heart and soul, you feel like time flies by, right?

"Call it over!" The worker bee clapped his hands and looked around, "Logistics - where's the food?"

Hearing this, a herdsman ran over.

But his face was full of embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, we didn't expect... We haven't had time to prepare the food yet, so we'll get it right now."

"Not prepared?" Warman was surprised.

In order to speed up the construction period, he did not even have time to eat lunch, so he took advantage of the fact that the body fluid adhesive was not dry yet...

Why is the logistics so messed up?

Or should we say that the herdsmen in Shandi only eat one meal a day?

"Brother worker bees," sensing something was wrong, the herdsman pointed to the sun in the sky, "it's only been two hours since you started working."

"Two hours?" Warman was stunned.

He rushed out of the shaded shed and looked up at the big fireball hanging in the blue sky, watching its movement trajectory.

It just crossed an inch across the sky.

"It's true..." The worker bee's eyes widened.

And the other side.

Lu Meng leaned on a long knife and looked at the raging construction site from a slightly higher grassy hill.

in his field of vision.

The figures of the bees working were like a scene in a holographic movie. Suddenly the accelerator button was pressed, and even the afterimages of ghosts and beasts appeared.

Everything goes fast.

1.25X, 1.5X, 2X...5X!

[Effective Module: Rapid Construction]

Five times faster!

Just like the effect of the rapid medical bed, it seems to change the concept of time, making certain events accelerate on the original basis.

in the past.

Lu Meng also has a similar [Quick Production] module, but it can only be used on himself to speed up the creation of creations from his hands.

but now.

It was actually possible for the entire engineering department to enjoy the bonus.

It is worthy of the B-level authority to directly change the world.

This has touched upon the underlying logic of the rules, right?

And the reason why the [Quick Construction] module is effective.

It was the space under the long spliced ​​tent that was built on the foundation that had been determined to be the scope of Lu Meng's stronghold.

Just carry out construction work within the stronghold.

You can enjoy the bonus of the module.

That was the beginning of the snowball.

"This progress... can be done!" Lu Meng's eyes lit up.

In real life, it's a week.

But if you add the effect of the module, the amount of work that can be completed can be equivalent to one month!

With the abilities of wall-loving Warman, plus the support of the entire Everglades Engineering Department.

In one month, let alone building a wall, it is possible to even have a "Fandi Magino"...

Of course, the physical exertion of workers also needs to be taken into consideration.

Construction speed is accelerated.

But the workload will not change.

Logistics need to be adjusted based on today's progress, and a new shift system needs to be implemented to ensure adequate rest.

Lu Meng estimated.

If you have free time.

You can even consider building some other buildings.

Qingrong Baimei was panting.

Blood was constantly dripping from the steel knife in his hand, and a hideous wound was cut on the upper arm of his right hand, which looked quite embarrassing.

There were corpses all around, and the air was filled with a cruel smell of blood.

Lying on the ground, there were the corpses of the Bone Burial Wolf and more corpses of the Baimei infantrymen - a fierce battle undoubtedly broke out between them, and the Baimei clan suffered heavy losses.

"As expected of Lord Faceless," Qingrong looked at the man next to him quite happily, "He was able to think of a way to use the wolves to create chaos and let them fight among themselves..."

The man wore a deep red cloak and had deep eyes.

"It's a small matter." He said calmly.

If the Baimei Clan's envoy hadn't happened to pick up Wu Mian and rush to the general ledger together... this group of people would have encountered a pack of wolves on the way, and their losses would have been even more severe.

At this price now,

It's completely acceptable.

The surviving white-browed warriors looked at the man in the crimson cloak with reverence, and the leader Qingrong spoke what was in their hearts.

As expected of Lord Faceless.

The most talented animal trainer in the entire Shenda.

Judging from the wolves in the Boneyard who were forced into the ground, the beak-billed beast disaster in the rear must have been unprecedentedly violent... But fortunately, they invited Wu Mian.

You must know that the faceless self has no fear of the beak-billed beast.

In this way, he is still willing to stand up for the Baimei clan.

They are considered to be in love with each other.

"Lord Faceless~" Just as the soldiers of the Baimei clan were hurrying to clean up, a high-pitched voice sounded, attracting Faceless's attention.

"I don't dare, Sir Ren." Wu Mian recognized him and saluted immediately.

The other party was the representative of the merchant guild, the fat and wealthy businessman Ren Lin, who was traveling with them to the headquarters of the Baimei clan.

The merchant guild has a permanent trading base in the Baimei clan. Now that the Shandi beast disaster is approaching, guild members from all over the place have either left Shandi, or they know that the most powerful Baimei clan is the safest, and they are rushing to gather there. passed.

Although the people of the Shandi tribe respected Wu Mian very much.

But Wu Mian knew that he was still insignificant compared to the Merchant Guild.

"Hey, you don't have to be so polite." Ren Lin, who was white and fat, wiped his sweat and took a long black box from his hand and handed it to Wu Mian, "Master Wu Mian's ability really amazes us outsiders... Thank you also for sparing my life just now - it's just a small greeting, it's not a sign of respect."

Before Faceless could say anything, he opened the black box.

The words Wu Mian originally wanted to refuse were stuck in his throat and could no longer be said.

Looking at the strange black and gold equipment.

He couldn't help but look shocked, and subconsciously shouted:

"Old World Crossbow MK2..."

"Masterpiece level!"

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