Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 510: The Beaked Beast Attacks (Combined Chapter)

The scouts of the Baimei Clan discovered the Bone Burial Wolf again.

However, they remained silent.

The good news is that the wolves in the burial ground are all dead.

The bad news is that the wolves in the boneyard are all dead.

The ground was littered with the corpses of wolves. The brown-red fur was torn to pieces, mixed with blood and spread on the ground. It was a Shura scene.

The threat of wolves is lifted.

But they were not happy at all.

"Beak-billed beast..." a scout murmured.

Yes, the invasion of wolves is a prelude to the disaster of beaks. These ferocious animals are not hunting but fleeing.

Avoiding the more terrifying creatures behind him.

Now they are caught up.

A Boneyard Wolf can already run extremely fast, but if they just walk in a straight line, they will be easily overtaken by the Beak-billed Beast.

If faced head on.

It is difficult for a bone-burying wolf to bite through the jagged bones of the beak's legs and body, but the opponent's steel beak can easily tear apart the wolf's skin and bone plates.

On the Plateau of Bones.

Unless it is a lone beak-billed beast faced by a pack of wolves, it is difficult to survive.

The reason beak-billed beasts cause trouble is because they gather in groups.

Today's Shandi,

Reality becomes a burial ground.

"Fortunately, they have left." The leader of the White-browed Scouts wiped the sweat from his forehead, "We are so lucky."

"Go back and report to the tribe!"

The White Eyebrow clan has the ability to send scouts to the south, and they also monitor the movements of the Bone Wasteland at all times, but as the beak-beak disaster approaches, this work becomes more and more dangerous.

But for them.

Even this danger is considered happiness.

Because I don’t know how many tribes have been destroyed without a chance to find out the news about the beaked beast.

When those long necks poked their heads out from the edge of the grassland and appeared in view, escape became impossible.

The scouts knew.


At this moment when the Baimei clan only wants to protect themselves and cannot care about others.

The other tribes in Shandi, from east to west, may not be spared.

I haven't waited to see the beaked beast yet.

They would probably die in their sleep, right?

Ignorant and unconscious.

It's also a kind of mercy.

"That's the rhinoceros..." a swamp soldier whispered, as thin as a mosquito. "Much stronger than the ones I saw in the Valley of the Vanities."

Beakbills are not unique to the Bonemoor.

But the Bone Wasteland must be one of the most suitable areas for cultivating such monsters.

"Yeah." Little Dib swallowed.

As the child of Shandi herdsmen, he is still young after all.

Although I have heard of beaked beasts.

Today is the first time I saw it.

The grassy hillocks and valleys in front of them were bloody, covered with the furs of unknown livestock or wolves.

The most eye-catching.

They were still those monsters that hung their heads and gnawed in the blood.

They carry rugged bone armor on their backs and have thick and long limbs. Their bodies alone are larger than any animal that Little Dib has ever seen.

Something that must be said.

Only the wild bull raised by His Highness the Red King can compare.


The beak-billed beast also had a strangely long neck. It was buried in the pile of corpses and was squirming and eating like a group of pythons hunting. Little Dibu couldn't help but feel chills standing on end.

he thinks.

If the other person stands up straight.

Before ordinary fences and antlers can stop them, the person hiding behind will be picked up and torn to pieces by the long neck.

Take small tribes like the Farstrider clan.

I'm afraid it can't even deal with a beaked beast.

However, at a rough count in front of them, there were dozens of them, and this was probably just a clump they found here.

"what to do……"

Little Dib took advantage of the wind and hummed.

They are the scouts of the Red King. At this moment, the little herdsman is held in the arms of the swamp soldier bees, and both of them are riding the same bone-burying wolf.

Even if the Boneyard Wolf is domesticated, its ferocity remains unchanged.

But at this moment.

It was lying on the ground shivering.

If Little Dibu hadn't been using the methods of Shandi herdsmen to help comfort him, I'm afraid the bone-burying wolf would have been so frightened that he howled and ran away on the spot.

However, the so-called domestication.

Eliminating wildness is another step.

The important thing is to let the beast overcome its instincts, including fear, and only obey its master's orders. Even if it rushes towards the enemy's gunfire and has a knife and ax struck in the eye, it will not retreat.

The knights in the swamp are not very skilled yet.

Therefore, Dib Farstrider, a young and lightweight herdsman, often helped them ride and train together, but unexpectedly it came in handy this time.

The fishy wind keeps blowing.

The two of them were downwind, which allowed them to avoid being exposed to their own scent, but they also had to have their nostrils irritated by the strong scent of the beak-billed beasts at all times.

And these top predators.

Because there are no natural enemies, they don't even bother to separate a few beaks to stand guard when eating, and just concentrate on eating - their only competitors are their companions who are snatching food.

"Of course we have to find a way to repay the Red King." The Soldier Bee Rider imitated Little Dib's method of comforting the Bone Burial Wolf and whispered, "Thanks to this puppy for smelling the scent today, we were able to find out There is movement here."

They experienced it for the first time.

What the Red King said, the benefits of cavalry.

For reconnaissance alone, the distance of activities is much further than in the past, especially on a prairie like Shandi.

This makes the swamp people who are used to blindly beating each other in the dense forest quite uncomfortable.

And the characteristics of the Bone Burial Wolf itself.

It also greatly broadens the range of perception of the scouts. When the wind direction is at the right angle, their sense of smell is even better than their vision.

Although the two of them were now frightened by the beak-billed beast.

But because they were discovered in time, the distance between them is still far and safe.

On the side, the Bone Burial Wolf calmed down, and its exploding mane gradually shrank back together.

On the other side, the beak-billed beasts' feeding was coming to an end.

But looking at the way they devoured the food in the end, it was obvious that they were not full and satisfied.


The soldiers and bees lightly drove the reins attached to the bridle.

The Boneyard Wolf carried the two of them and slowly stood up, then tiptoed, as if sneaking up on the prey and trying to catch it.

In fact, it is an escape.

Only in this way can we use the cover of grass hills to avoid being discovered by those monsters.


The soldiers and the herdsmen held their breath.

They are slowly moving away from the feeding grounds of the beaks.


At this moment, a strange coughing sound sounded, which made the hearts of both of them jump.

A beaked beast seemed to have twisted its neck too much, and its throat was choked by flesh and blood, causing it to choke.

It immediately raised its head from the pile of corpses.


The beak-billed beast's body was originally two or three meters tall at the shoulders. Now that it stood completely upright and stretched out its head, it was nearly six meters tall.

On the grassland of Shandi.

It just stands out.

It immediately spotted the little red dot in the distance, and its eyes lit up.

He neighed with excitement.

"Run!" Soldier Bee didn't care whether the Bone Burial Wolf could understand human speech or not. He clamped his legs on the wolf's back and roared angrily.

Fortunately, the Boneyard Wolf's reaction speed was faster than his.

He ran away and rushed out directly.

The dozens of beak-billed beasts behind them were all alarmed by the shouts of their companions, and they all raised their heads. From a distance, their blood-stained necks looked like red pillars.

Immediately afterwards, there was an equally excited neigh.

The ground behind him seemed to be shaking.

"Detour, run zigzag!" Xiao Dibu looked panicked, but he didn't forget the route he took to drive the Bone Burial Wolf.

On linear speed.

Even the bone-burrowing wolf is no match for the rhinoceros.

Just run straight down.

They had no time to return to their positions.

However, the latter is huge and has a common problem of inflexible steering.

The Bone Burial Wolf, with one man and one bee, drew a gorgeous fold line on the grass, like a brown-red lightning.

The beak-billed beasts with thunderous footsteps tended to be gradually pushed away.

Little Dib's heart was pounding.

Fortunately, the Red King tamed the Boneyard Wolf!

Without its speed, ordinary people would have no choice but to wait for death once they were discovered by the Beak-billed Beast.

Not to mention reconnaissance.

Even if ordinary tribes can send out scouts, if they encounter a beak-billed beast, they can only destroy the group without sending back any news.

There are only big tribes like the Baimei clan.

Being able to cast a wide net and bet on the odds.

Use the lives of the scouts to gather information.

But on my side, I just sent out more than fifty wolf cavalry, and they completed the mission while training.

Just when little Dib was rejoicing.

The grassy knoll in front of them.

Suddenly, an awl head with a beak as sharp as a knife poked out.

The beaked beast opened its mouth.

Like laughing.

Indeed, many beaks were left behind in the wake of the burying wolves.

But there are a lot of them.

Spread out and surround the prey from all directions.

If the beak was so easily shaken off, it wouldn't have forced the wolves to move north.

Thriller, fear, blankness.

Little Dib had not yet reacted.

A cold light suddenly pierced out from behind him.

The soldier bee brandished the long-handled knife and struck at the beak-billed beast's neck.

As a member of the team that was the first to leave the swamp and support the Red King, he was selected by Lu Meng to be the first batch of wolf cavalry.

They are the best of the best, the best of the best. Each of them has at least the strength of a martial artist, and their reactions and fighting skills are incomparable.

The long-handled knife in Soldier Bee's hand was more than ten feet long.

It's a bit clumsy to use on flat ground, let alone a dense forest, but it's just right when wielded from the back of a wolf!

Superimposed with the speed of the Boneyard Wolf.

Not even the beaked beast could react to the sudden cold light.

A weird scream sounded.

Blood spurted out.

Its long neck was chopped off.

The Bone Burial Wolf took advantage of the situation and rushed over.

"Is he dead?" Little Dibu looked back in surprise.

They actually beheaded a beaked beast directly?

"No..." Bing Feng tried his best to stabilize his body balance, while the long pole in his hand was trembling.

He thought back to the feeling of the chop he had just made.

That knife undoubtedly hit the opponent's neck. The cervical spine of ordinary creatures is also the most fragile weakness. Looking at the long neck of the beak-billed beast, one would subconsciously think so.

However, Bing Bee knew.

He didn't cut it open.

Sure enough, in Little Dib's eyes, the beak-billed beast was bleeding and its neck was twisting like a dancing snake. It was obviously in great pain.

But it didn't fall.

The neighing only became angrier.

At the cut wound, the flesh rolled over, revealing the dense white bones.

When Lu Meng was still a martial artist, he cooperated with two other companions who were also martial artists to hunt down a beak-billed beast cub.

Now these beaks.

But they are all adults.

Even with the bonus of the Bone Burial Wolf, it can't be killed so easily.

Missed a hit.

Soldier Bee also gave up on fighting with the Beak-billed Beast. He took out a hand crossbow with a hammer from his arms and fired it into the sky.

A sharp whistle.

resounded throughout the sky.

Even if it cannot be transmitted directly back to the position, if there are other wolf cavalry around, they can still know the situation.

And just after he fired the signal.

My heart felt cold again.

Because there were beak-billed beasts on both sides in front of him.

In small groups.

It's hard enough to deal with one, let alone them.

"Woof woof woof!"

The Bone Burial Wolf suddenly barked a few times.

"There -" Little Dib sensed its meaning and pointed forward.

Soldier Bee's vision from both sides.

I also saw human figures.

"Got it!" Like a real rider, he pulled the reins to forcefully stop the Boneyard Wolf's zigzag path and rushed forward.

Pointing directly at the center where the beak-billed beasts were outflanking.

The wind howled.

Little Dibu clung to the bone fragments of the wolf in the burial ground, and the mane of the wolf was weighed down by the wind like running water.

The surrounding scene.

He quickly retreated, drawing misty lines.

Only the two beaked beasts are the clearest!

Between the electric light and flint.

The brown and red figure of the Boneyard Wolf leaped through them.

But a beaked beast also waved its long neck, and its sharp beak made a sound in the wind.

The soldiers fought hard to block.

But the force hit the long-handled knife so hard that he almost threw it away!

With great difficulty he grasped the long pole.

His mind moved.

He quickly leaned down and suppressed Little Dibu in front of him.

But the sharp beak also pecked directly on the soldier bee's back.

From the leather armor to the tough skin, everything was plowed open in an instant, and thick yellow blood spattered out, revealing a wound deep enough to show the bones.

With such great force, the two people on the wolf's back were thrown away.

Rolled into a ball on the grass.

Little Dibu poked his head out of Soldier Bee's arms.

Without the burying wolf, they would be dead!


A tall figure blocked his view.

"The right choice - the Nameless One has considered the approach of the Beak-billed Beast in the past few days and has arranged for us to respond." A hoarse female voice said.

"If you are fearless, I leave it to you." Soldier Bee grabbed the long-handled knife and stood up with all his strength.

The figure of Fearless Tora is still as sickly and thin as before, but the way he drags the exaggerated segmented ax looks very powerful.

The group of skeletons were not far away from each other.

Hearing the whistle, they rushed here.

The Bone Burial Wolf felt a sudden light on his back. Hearing Little Dibu's call from the bone flute, he also came to his senses and quickly returned.

The beaks that missed the attack slowly turned around.

They were not frustrated by the escape of the wolf cavalry, but instead became more and more excited about the increase in prey.

Scattered beaks.

Coming together one after another.

Surprisingly, their "prey" also felt the same way.

The Skeleton Corps soldiers drew their sharp blades one after another.

Seto on the side was also eager to give it a try.

"Daughter of the Stone Demon, you have really embarked on the path of the Nameless One," Tora looked at the cleaver in her hand thoughtfully, "But he is right."

"It's fun to duel with others."

"But to defeat this nature..."

There are all these dilemmas surrounding us.

But it's not that easy either.

The Dauntless turned toward the galloping Beak-Beak.

The earth will tremble under their trampling, and that kind of touch will be transmitted from the soles of the feet to people's hearts.


The roar of the Broken Horn Man echoed in the grassland, overpowering the screams of the giant beasts.

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