The plains can almost be said to be the home ground of the beaked beasts.

But in this situation.

There are still people who can charge at them.

Only the Shek warriors who have long cast aside their fear and regard death in battle as an honor.

The fearless Tora took the lead.

She dragged the segmented axe backwards and rushed straight to the beaked beast that pecked the bee wolf cavalry. The other party was tasting the blood left on the tip of its mouth.

When it first saw this slightly thin Shek man, it was not interested.

Just eat it.

There is not much meat.

But in a flash, Tora's figure was approaching it!

The heavy segmented axe left a gully behind her like an iron plow, and the soil and grass rolled up.

The fearless twisted his body and chopped it down!

The segmented axe was raised over his head,

and the giant blade directly hit the thick neck.

Time seemed to stop, both the segmented axe and the beaked beast that was smashing blood plasma had a moment of stagnation.


the skin was torn and the bones were cracked.

The beaked beast let out a shrill cry, and the whole body could not bear the huge force and fell backwards.

Unlike the knife of the soldier bee.

Tora undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to the careless monster.

However, it was not dead yet!

The tilted beast raised its front hoof and pressed down hard.

The beaked beast's limbs did not grow claws, which might be the only gentle part of their body.

But just relying on its weight.

It was enough to crush the person under its hoof into meat paste.

A dull thud.

Tora supported the segmented axe with both hands, and the blade hit the giant hoof. The arm armor on her hands creaked as if it was squeezed and deformed, but at this moment, this Shek people actually forcibly held up the whole beast.

The talent of the Shek people.

It was fully exerted on this once titled warrior. Every muscle of her seemed to contain endless power, which could burst out at any time.

But at this time, the beaked beast dragged its injured long neck.

Swung it past!

After being severely injured, the neck bones of this beaked beast were broken, but relying on the strength of muscles in other parts of the body, it was like a heavy whip when it was swung.

On the drooping head.

The eyes of the beaked beast were full of anger and bloodthirstiness.

Opened its iron beak.

Bit towards Tora's neck.

She had no way to block it.


The sound of blood and organs rushing out, a huge amount of sticky pouring out, like vomiting.

The beaked beast roared in pain.

A big hole suddenly opened in its abdomen, and the liver, spleen, stomach... and various unnamed organs, mixed with body fluids and plasma, poured down, taking away its strength.

A nimble figure flashed out from under the beaked beast.

Seto half-knelt and stood up, holding the flesh-cleaver in his other hand, the black gold blade was as new as ever.

Because the speed was too fast.

The blood didn't even have time to fall on her.

The little princess was still frightened.

But she was also happy.

She remembered that her master said this move was called sliding.

It was quite useful.

Tora exerted all his strength to overturn the exhausted beaked beast, and smashed it with his backhanded segmented axe, completely cutting off its long neck and eliminating the threat.

Even so.

The giant beast lying on the ground was still struggling with the remaining nerves, digging a deep pit in the soft grass, as if there was another ghost in the body commanding it, it was really terrible vitality.

Fearless Tora himself had legion-level strength, and with Seto's cooperation, he successfully solved a beaked beast.

But it was not so easy in other places.

The other warriors of the Skeleton Group also bravely swung their swords, but no matter in terms of strength or reaction speed, they were not as good as an ordinary adult beaked beast.

What's more terrifying is.

Because the beaked beast's long neck is several meters long, and it is flexible and tough, there is almost no dead angle for attack when it sweeps across.

It usually takes more than a dozen Skeleton Corps soldiers to surround and hold a Beakbeast.

But the Beakbeast only needs to launch one attack.

It can force them all back.

The soldier bee was only slightly touched by the opponent's beak, and his skin was torn. If it was bitten directly, it would be crippled at best, or killed on the spot at worst.

Just in time.

The Beakbeast swung its long neck, and the air seemed to be compressed by a huge force, with whistling wind and thunder.

A Skeleton Corps soldier couldn't dodge.

It was hit in the chest.

The weapon slipped out of his hand, and he was thrown out. He fell heavily to the ground.

The Skeleton Corps soldier had blood flowing out of his mouth and got up with difficulty... but he was not seriously injured.

On his chest, the windproof leather coat had been completely torn to pieces.

What was exposed was a piece of iron armor with a dent but intact shape.

All members of the Skeleton Corps were equipped with heavy armor!

Among them, there are the supplies they brought from Scone Town, and the original reserves in the swamp... The most and best are the warrior armors left behind by the soldiers of the United City when they attacked Shark Village!

This time to support Shandi.

They naturally have to bring the best.

This organization of stray dogs wandering in the wilderness in the original plot now looks like a warrior heavy armored corps at first glance.

But they are all Shek people.

This can better play their racial advantages: with the physical strength of the Shek warriors, almost no one can't wear heavy armor; the iron armor plus their own scaly bone skin makes the defense reach a terrifying level.

The Skeleton Corps warrior wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, picked up the fallen weapon, and rushed forward again with the armor plates all over his body shaking to join the battle.

The giant beast roared.

Alternating with the majestic war roar.

With the advantages of numbers and equipment, the Skeleton Corps that attacked actually shook the terrifying beaked beast.

On the other side,

another scarred beaked beast staggered to the ground, and the Skeleton Corps warriors who seized the opportunity came forward and killed it.

However, there were still beaked beasts coming from a distance.

Previously, the Soldier Bee Riders used the mobility of the Buried Bone Wolf to pull the beaked beast group away and disperse the threat.

This reduced the pressure on the Skeleton Corps on the front line.

But it also means that the battle is not over yet.

"But it's almost over..." Tora observed the situation with a segmented axe, and then shouted an order.

After dealing with the first beaked beasts, the Skeleton Corps retreated in batches in an orderly manner.

Fighting them in the field on the plain.

It was a stupid thing to do.

The purpose of their trip was just to meet the wolf cavalry outside and to test the depth of the beaked beasts.

But the Skeleton Corps wanted to retreat.

The beaked beasts would not give them a chance.

Groups of beaked beasts ran, the earth trembled, and the grass under their feet instantly turned into a slurry mixed with mud and water, leaving a series of marks and deep pits.

From a distance, long necks stood in a forest.

It looked weird and terrifying.

This was their attacking posture.

The figures of the Skeleton Corps warriors were reflected in the eyes of the beaked beasts-they had no concept of heavy armor, and the opponent seemed to be just a tin can that was a little harder to open.

But the next moment.

Something else appeared in these eyeballs.

- A rain of arrows!

Followed by the howling of wolves all over the field.

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