Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 533: Practicing Medicine

To the extent that he has.

With his ability to tame animals and his experience as a herdsman in Shandi, Wu Mian already has a considerable understanding of the range and patterns of activities of various groups of animals.

So there is always something a little unusual.

Look in his eyes.

They all seemed very abrupt, as if there was a thorn in my heart, and I felt uncomfortable unless I pulled it out.

Always have to confirm.

It is also just in case, to exclude those unstable factors in the plan.

"Lord Faceless," a warrior stepped forward, "Aren't you going to follow the originally planned route?"

"There is nothing else to do now." Wu Mian glanced at him, "Or are you afraid?"

Now, the entire eastern part of Shendi.

Tribes large and small, as long as they have not been exterminated, have migrated to the Baimei clan one after another and taken refuge in the river valley barriers.

Faceless and his group.

There is no longer any need to guide the beak-billed beasts to carry out their own purposes - they can already walk on the wilderness openly.

"I don't dare." The warrior lowered his head.

Ren Lin has already given instructions. Although Faceless does not yet have a title in United City, it is already a certainty.

Identity is no longer what it used to be.

And there is no face around.

Even if they encounter a beak-billed beast, their risk is indeed not much.

"Then obey the order."

Faceless' tone has become more and more cold and matter-of-fact... becoming more and more aristocratic.

They passed through gravel-strewn fields.

Skeletons accumulated along the roadside.

Faceless was exploring the traces left by the creatures while tracking the direction.

Finally, we made it before dark.

Far away.

On a rugged mountain rock, I saw a slender brown-red figure.

Boneyard wolf.

There was no wolf pack as imagined, just a stray lone wolf - the big stone in Faceless's heart settled.

The bone-burying wolf stopped where it was.

The wolf turned its head 180 degrees to look back, and it was obvious that he had also spotted them.

But at this distance.

When the two sides looked at each other, they couldn't even see their faces clearly. There was almost only a small red dot. Although the wolf in the burial ground got lost from the pack, it was not very vigilant and could run away at any time.

However, Wu Mian flipped his wrist.

The Old World crossbow, which was more sophisticated than other crossbows but had no less power and range, appeared in his hands.

Wind up, aim.

The figure of the Bone Burial Wolf clearly appeared in the optical sight of the old world crossbow, and its hair and bone plates were almost completely visible.

Just pull the trigger.

Faceless can shoot long arrows, accurately penetrating the opponent's head——

Then he froze.

The pupils suddenly dilated.

It was as if he had seen something extremely terrifying and shocking, something that directly shattered his worldview.

"That's... a saddle?"

The body of the bone-burying wolf in the distance not only has a beautifully washed red mane, but also has a pair of leather products.

Although crude.

But it can still be clearly seen.

That's a seat!

Combined with the reins and bridle on the wolf's head...

Someone is riding the wolf.

It has an owner.

The Boneyard Wolf has been domesticated!

Wu Mian couldn't believe his eyes: as the top animal trainer, he knew the difficulty of it better than other ordinary people.

As the saying goes, the more you know, the more you know.

The more aware I am of my ignorance.

If this thing can really be done, then Wu Mian himself has already done it, why wait until now to let others get there first - because this is impossible!

However, the evidence is already in front of you.

But for Wu Mian.

The real impact is not here.

"Someone's ability to tame animals..." His eyes trembled, "Is it better than me?"

Living example.

It can only prove this one thing.

The bowstring sounded.

Faceless finger twitched and pulled the trigger, but because his mind was completely absent, the long arrow flew out erratically.

Although the sound of breaking the air is beneficial.

But it was completely inaccurate.

"Hurry up!" Wu Mian ordered quickly and rushed forward. He had to catch the other party and find out whether it was fact or illusion.

The samurai stopped him: "Sir, it has already run away! We can't catch up..."

Sure enough, one hit missed.

The wolf in the burial ground was also frightened and jumped up. It turned around and rushed down the rock. It was unknown where it fled. Not to mention their speed, they couldn't keep up with this vigorous wolf. They would definitely be looking for it from such a long distance. No trace left.

"Wait, no..." At this time, Wu Mianpeng calmed down and thought to himself, "There must be something going on, something I don't know about."

Think about it.

Although it is difficult to tame the Bone Burial Wolf, it is still possible compared to taming the Beak-billed Beast.

What's more, this is the first time I discovered it.

It doesn't mean that the unknown animal trainer just started taming it recently.

Maybe the other party has gone through secret selection and breeding, after several generations of hard work... Although this also requires every animal trainer to have extremely high abilities, it is still much easier than catching it directly from the wild. .

But no matter which possibility it is.

It all means.

Something unplanned happened in Shandi today - at least for me.

"Ren Lin..." Wu Mian felt suspicious in his heart for the first time.

"Let's go! Let's go back."

He didn't tell the hired warriors of the merchant guild about his doubts, but gave orders directly.

Let's go back to the White Eyebrow Clan first.

Then we can find out the truth.



"A miracle doctor." The patient tightly held the hand of the white-haired young man in front of him, with sincere eyes and tears in his eyes.

If she hadn't quietly wiped the back of Lu Meng's hand while shaking hands... it would have been a very touching picture of harmonious doctor-patient relationship.

"Madam, please... follow the doctor's advice." Lu Meng had a kind face, forcibly pulled back her hand, and even used the [Miraculous Hand] skill.

Your husband's eyes were almost straight behind him.

However, because of the effect of the module "Medical Angel", the White Eyebrow Clan's favorability towards him has increased.

Today, it has reached the level of "friendly".

It is even one step away from "respect".

But this is also as a famous doctor.

It is the limit for individuals.

Behind all this, it all depends on Lu Meng's diligent work almost day and night. With his war-level physical fitness and speed, it doesn't matter how many surgeries he does, it's fast and good.

He is simply a superman.

After killing almost all of the original medical colleagues of the White Eyebrow Clan, Lu Meng also gained countless [medical] experience, and the reputation of the entire White Eyebrow Clan was known by everyone.

Now, everyone knows that there is a young military doctor with good looks and superb medical skills among the refugees.

Until now.

Those who come to seek medical treatment are not just the wounded soldiers at the bottom.

Even many of the high-level members of the White Eyebrow Clan have come here because of their reputation, which greatly speeds up the speed of improving factional relations.

The general in the tent pulled his wife, who was still reluctant to leave, away and walked forward with a sullen face:

"Chief Wu Ma wants to see you."

Lu Meng wiped his hands carefully with alcohol and bowed slightly:

"Yes, sir."

His expression remained unchanged,

but he had a standard warm smile on his face.

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