Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 534 Alien Creatures (Combined Chapter)

Xinli's forehead was throbbing with veins, and he really wanted to punch him.

But couldn't find any reason.

Although this military doctor is young, his medical skills cannot be underestimated. In a short period of time, he has accumulated unimaginable popularity among the middle and lower-level officers and soldiers of the Baimei clan.

It can be said that it is well-known.

In addition, he is a member of the tribe who has taken refuge from outside. With such a level, he can be regarded as a talent that the Baimei clan strives for, and he is equivalent to a representative.

Even the leader of the Wuma clan,

After hearing about his deeds, they all decided to make an exception and summon him to show comfort and relief.

Combined with his previous thinking.

From this point of view, missing the opportunity to get acquainted with Wu Mian, and still showing such indifference - whether he is pretending or he really doesn't care, his determination is indeed beyond ordinary people.

Even their appearance.

If we switch to cattle and sheep bone dogs, with Lu Meng's knowledge, we can at least identify their ancestors before they evolved.

It is naturally impossible for this patriarch to catch up with Lu Meng, who has already obtained the swampland intelligence core and related interpretation reports.

"What factors determine the level at which animals are affected by us?" Wu Ma murmured to himself, "Wildness? Ferocity? Size? Or everything..."

This is his personal reflection.

So he thanked the other party in a very dramatic way, with just the right balance of reserve and excitement. He did not break the unprofitable character of me hanging a pot to save people, but also revealed a bit of humanity and made it more real... This was already a familiar path. .

He took it for granted.

"Yeah, yeah." Lu Meng agreed.

Of course, when it comes to the planet,

A medium-sized beak-mouthed beast.

This season is a good time for grazing.

The overall strength of the Shandi tribe will definitely be greatly improved.

The white-browed golden tent and the originally luxurious and exquisite carpet were now stained with blood.

Among the Shandi tribe, most people would be very excited if they knew that they could get to know Lord Faceless - whether it was out of admiration or the possible benefits of connections.

There is no longer a need to disguise oneself, and even the role of "Medical Angel" is not so necessary... The skills and favorability that need to be cultivated have been obtained.

In addition, there is the second lung between the diaphragm, which can efficiently absorb oxygen and maintain basic metabolism in a hypoxic environment; there is also the renal shield, abdominal thyroid gland...

One of a kind, freak.

So skilled?

Wu Ma hesitated for a moment and then said: "...Sir, I have a word of advice that can be regarded as my own advice."

Being interrupted like this.

The patriarch is a sophisticated man.

"There are still opportunities." Under the mask, Lu Meng chuckled, "There is nothing to regret."

simply put,

It's just human nature.

The mask on Lu Meng's face at this moment not only has the function of a general medical mask, but also has an isolation filter element for poisonous mist... its own defense is also good.

That's not to say it's not rich.

The other party's statement is just a guess.

Leave it to the past.

He did not express this conclusion. For the two people of the Baimei clan, this is still a bit beyond their understanding.

I was stunned.

If I hadn't been visiting Ji Hai all these years.

"It's all my random thoughts. Just listen to the clan leader. Don't take it seriously." Lu Meng stood up and said modestly.

As for Lu Meng, who "hides his face under orders".

The clan leader, Wuma, ignored the smell of blood and just frowned and looked aside, thinking about something.

He had a guess.

Very different.

With his stealth skills, if he was on the safe side and set out in the dark and came alone, he would not be noticed at all unless he stood in the face of the sentry guard.

He spread it out on the carpet and introduced it at the same time - the movements were like a butcher selling meat, but the words in his mouth were rational and cold, like the stars on a cold night, making people want to listen and believe involuntarily.

Lu Meng interrupted.

Lu Meng followed General Baimei.

Especially a large clan like the Baimei clan that has close contact with the outside world.

By the time.

Entering the camp, you will see this scene.

"But if it were a bone-burial wolf..." Wu Ma continued, "Our animal trainers can disguise, guide and even intimidate them in front of them, but to tame them is like being separated by a chasm. It’s even harder.”

Squamous mammary glands: Rhythmes reproduce by laying eggs, but they can also secrete a viscous liquid similar to milk, which contains special oils, which can not only be drank to provide energy, but also applied to the body to prevent dehydration.

But the moment he saw the young man's appearance clearly.

However, the other party seemed to have misunderstood the meaning.

That's why the blood spider is easier to control than the beak? Their weirdness is no less than those of these long-necked giant beasts.

"Come with me." Xinli turned around and led the way without looking back.

In addition, there are additional fortifications and checkpoints along the way.

They even developed targeted poisons and the like.

It was he who combined the characteristics of the swamp ninja helmet, used the armor craftsman skills, abandoned the need for underwater activities, and made the armor more versatile.

The appearance of this young military doctor.

"Is it possible that it's their body structure?" Lu Meng walked to the body of the beaked beast, squatted down, and rummaged for something, "The reason why beaked beasts are so difficult to control..."

These organs were just named by him based on the functions of existing organisms, but in fact they were not completely consistent.

Hear Xinli's report.

And the lingering melancholy temperament in his son's eyebrows.

Marrow teeth: deformed bones, like the spinal cord, have hematopoietic function, and can grow infinitely after being injured and falling off.

He removed the two modules.

Moreover, this theory.

Wu Ma's mood.

There are indeed few people like Lu Meng, an outside military doctor who can go to the inner circle area not long after settling down.

Dealing with countless beasts that are either docile or fierce, it is not enough to simply understand their habits.

For example, if you can know the weaknesses of the beaked beast.

"This..." After listening to Lu Meng's anatomy introduction, Wu Ma did not react for a while.

'That is to say... pure, native alien creatures. ' Lu Meng thought.

Much more cheerful.

Xinli on the side shrugged. He himself is also a tamer, but as a general, he has not fallen behind in terms of military strength. Taming ability is just a tool for him.

There is still a long distance from the outermost barracks of the fortress, the residence of the distressed herdsmen, to the core area of ​​the White Eyebrow Clan.

As soon as he uttered a syllable, Wu Ma realized that something was wrong and forced himself to stop his loss of composure, but the doubt and shock in his heart lingered.

No wonder among the wounded.

Wu Ma raised a slightly majestic smile, looked up at Lu Meng, and was ready to meet this young, promising and prestigious military doctor.

He has lived in Shandi for so many generations.

At the same time, he alternated in his heart.

After realizing this.


Wu Ma smiled in cooperation... It is better for the other party never to know his intentions.

For him.

Even their meat, a large part of it cannot be eaten and digested normally, perhaps for this reason.

Lu Meng followed slowly.

The sand is still water, and the grass sprouts new buds.

The two sides rarely have personnel exchanges.

Show sincerity.

That will also be countless times easier.

It can be used.

But it needs to be further verified.

Another conversation.

"Chief, I wanted to ask you before." He pointed at the corpse of the beaked beast in the golden tent, "You are..."

Wuma was a little absent-minded, and even the greetings and encouragements seemed perfunctory.

"So, Wumian's ability is so precious." At this point, Wuma couldn't help but sigh and looked at Lu Meng, "It's a pity that he is still continuing to guide the beasts for us, otherwise I can introduce you to him today."

The slender and flexible neck, the bony spikes on the back like a tortoise shell... all kinds of features, although it is jokingly called a 'giraffe', there is no prototype in biological taxonomy.

Basically can't spare the time.

Such as cattle, sheep, camels, and bone dogs.

It can be said that it is quite important.

The look of incompetence only flashed by.

And even if the reason is right, it still can't solve the problem of the difficulty of taming the beaked beast. It is still a good idea for development.

He found some organs.

Chief Wu Ma was in a good mood and had a good impression of the military doctor. He even personally escorted him out of the golden tent and talked about the previous question for several hundred steps. Finally, he said goodbye with reluctance.

Why are you here?

—— As expected.

But there are really people in the world.

And this is too limited by innate inheritance, and the room for improvement is limited. Unless you are a top-level animal trainer like Wumian, ordinary people might as well train their bodies and hone their martial arts... that is, follow the same path as other warriors on the continent.

"Unfortunately, this is just a delusion," Wu Ma laughed at himself, "You are from the Far Traveler Clan? Then you should understand that the animal training ability of our Shandi herdsmen is limited."

At this moment, the White Eyebrow Chief has fallen into his own thinking - the other party is just a military doctor, and he has no actual experience in such a professional field of animal training. He may only have a superficial understanding... But he continued to talk.

But the doctor said this.

It irritated the guards along the way.

Under isolation,

"Different species of creatures are affected to different degrees."

Relying on memory, his face-pinching skills still retain some basic skills.

I would never associate them together.

With such a good reputation.

"In order to avoid trouble, whether you are in the White Eyebrow Clan or in other places, you'd better cover your face."

The tone was gentle.

Although the patriarch has used means to separate the "nameless blood remnant" wanted by the United City from the White Eyebrow Clan...but if he is discovered by someone with ulterior motives, he may not be mistaken for Ji Hai.

At the same time, he was shocked and blurted out subconsciously: "Ji..."

The patriarch added a little more attention and goodwill to this.

If it really succeeds.

"Excuse me, you are a military doctor, and you have seen many such scenes, so I didn't avoid it." Wu Ma sighed, "It can be regarded as knowing yourself and the enemy."

The wandering tribe in Shandi is not a primitive tribe.

In the eyes of others, this military doctor is even more desperate than the soldiers on the front line. He is afraid that he will collapse from exhaustion after curing the patient's injuries...

He is also sorting out his thoughts.

Lu Meng looked straight ahead, but in fact he was sensing and observing the layout and scenery along the way.

He still couldn't explain one question.

Wu Ma nodded gently.

Vigilance and kindness.

"Maybe it's because they are 'different' from us."

Xin Li just nodded vigorously on the side.

"What the patriarch said...Actually, I used to cover my face before, but living in the Baimei clan, I'm afraid it might seem a bit sneaky." As he said that, Lu Meng took out the iron mask from his jacket, put it on openly, and covered his mouth. Nose - As a doctor, there is nothing wrong with this. "After all, this face... really caused me a lot of 'trouble'."

However, others can't see this.

When taming the insect mother Xiaohong.

He was skinned, disembowelled and spread out on top.

And when the other party has finished speaking, he is about to see the guest off.

That's something else.

Somewhat similar to Ji Hai.

Just like that "Crab Clan".

Just his current state of mind.

Based on Lu Meng's current actual situation, he is not very interested in the rewards and cakes promised by the Wuma clan leader.

Just like word of mouth.

The appearance of this military doctor.

At first glance, he looks very similar to the imprisoned Ji Hai... If there is any difference, it is that the other person's expression is obviously gentler and more confident. To exaggerate, he even looks a bit like someone who has been trying to save the world for decades. Feeling like a master...

Lu Meng's ability to tame animals is far from what it is now - of course, the power brought by the module cannot be completely equal to the ability of the Shandi tribe to tame animals.

I didn't expect an answer at first.

"Among all animals, beak-billed beasts are undoubtedly the most difficult to tame, no, to control. They are basically rarely affected by our ability to tame animals."

Most of them are still immersed in thinking about the Shandi tribe's ability to tame beasts. Even if it is not for the beast disaster, this is a mystery that he personally wants to solve.

There was a hint of self-deprecation in his voice.

In his opinion, there will only be no solution.

"Chief Baimei." Lu Meng spoke first, interrupting the other party's thoughts and bowed again.

They obviously didn't expect that the clan leader originally summoned a military doctor from outside the country, even if it was just for show, it was already considered a considerable honor; after the final meeting, not only was there no dullness or disappointment, but he paid more attention to it.

But if you are a young military doctor in distress.

Next to the carcass of the rhinoceros.

For this military doctor, it would cause real trouble.

Unexpectedly, the young military doctor, who had always only occasionally agreed, spoke up at this time.

Mountain dogs, a subspecies of bone dogs, are quite popular in the northern regions of the mainland.

Not vomiting, not happy.

Not to mention the experience of training animals, compared with the knowledge related to medicine and biology,

Issues that concern the patriarch.

Like all animals, beaks have existed on this continent from the beginning, and there is no big difference.

Wu Ma was in a trance, and when he took a closer look, he felt that the appearance of the other person was completely different from that of Ji Hai.

But in the end, in his opinion,

Quite surprised.

But because the focus is on playing a medic.

Ji Hai's identity and secret must not be leaked - if he hadn't been able to guarantee that all those who have come into contact with his son in the past few years are trustworthy people, and Ji Hai's appearance has changed a lot compared to when he appeared in public a few years ago. changes... Otherwise, he might wonder if the other party got the news from somewhere, and deliberately asked a doctor to have plastic surgery to test it.

But he couldn't escape Lu Meng's eyes.

To deal with animal disasters,

The golden tent that could originally accommodate the entire Baimei high-level banquet and meeting was now occupied by half of the space after the tables, chairs and cushions were removed.

He feels... there seems to be some truth?

"This is indeed a good idea," Wu Ma straightened his mind and said with a hint of gratitude, "I do know too little about this aspect."

Although there are wild species of these common domestic creatures, as long as they put in a little more effort, ordinary people can tame them well even if they are not from Shen.

Freeing up valuable slots.

In this way, you can play freely.

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