Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 553 Survivors (Combined Chapter)

At the border of the Land of Flash and the Land of Revenge, the valley where the White Eyebrow Clan lived was already in ruins.

The collapsed steel barriers, the destroyed cement works... and the tent camps that were torn into pieces. The familiar life and residence were now ravaged by beaked beasts.

Fortunately, most people in the tribe survived.

Facing the destroyed homes.

There was not much despair on people's faces. Instead, they quickly took action to clean up the mess and rebuild.

They were like all the animals on this land that survived by licking every inch of grass roots and mosses, absorbing every bit of nutrients they could absorb, using all their strength to repair every wound, and then multiplying endlessly.

It continued forever.

Lu Meng stood at the boundary between the grassland and the scorched earth.

The green and the withered yellow were clearly distinguished.

It was as if a god used the stars as a ruler and forcibly drew a line on the ground.

Separating life and death.

From a geographical perspective, such a scene should not appear in nature, and it is no wonder that the herders of Shandi regard it as a mysterious and absolutely insurmountable boundary.

Today, this boundary has advanced several hundred meters toward Shandi.

That day, after the White Eyebrow Clan escaped the beast disaster and survived the sky fire, they only roughly inspected the surroundings and quickly returned at night.

Not long after.

When the dawn first appeared, the sky fire rose again.

It bombarded the border of Shandi frantically, like a warning and a vent, and vented its supreme power.

It made people terrified.

However, they had been prepared and left many buffer zones. The White Eyebrow Clan did not suffer any additional losses except for a piece of grassland being devoured.

Such madness also made people see what kind of thing fell on their heads before - and they felt even more incredible that they could survive.

——But the sky fire is already like this.

What can stop its existence?

The protection promised by the nameless clan could actually compete with this great power of heaven and earth.

Soon they witnessed something even more incredible—the white-haired Red King, riding a giant beast, came from the west.

He stepped on the long neck of the giant beast.

He crossed the cliff and appeared in front of everyone.

At the same time, from that day on.

A legend began to spread in the land of Flash quietly but extremely quickly:

The First Fire, the first flame when civilization was born.

He and the Heavenly Fire are of the same origin.

That's why he was not hurt and distributed this power to everyone.

The First Fire was extinguished for a time, and the eternal night fell.

The world was therefore plunged into darkness and chaos for thousands of years.

And his appearance will re-ignite this scorched earth, spreading civilization or war to the world...

"--You know this is nonsense." Lu Meng looked at the land of revenge, "Even if I were to be hit by a Heavenly Fire head-on, it would be hard to say how likely I would survive."

Unless you are prepared and update your special equipment.

Or use the speed advantage to avoid being locked by the skyfire and wander through the revenge land... But this can't be considered a direct confrontation.

For most people in the world.

The equipment and materials made by the mechanics are still extremely secretive, and the principles will not be made public. For those who can't understand, it is equivalent to magic.

Hearing his words.

The accompanying man plucked the strings and said with a smile: "I dare not make this judgment."

"Besides, as a war-level... I'm afraid not many people will believe you if you say you will be honest and obedient?"

He was just adding fuel to the fire.

"I didn't expect that you, Mr. Bader, also like to use this definition." Hearing "war level", Lu Meng's mouth curled up slightly, not knowing whether he agreed with the other party's words, but turned to another thing, "I thought this was just for the audience."

"Oh, that's right." Bader scratched his head, he knew what Lu Meng was hinting at, "Most of the audience are just ordinary people, and they only care about who is more powerful in the fight between the strong... Dividing them into levels and ranks is the most intuitive reaction."

Just like the generals in the novels.

Even in real history, some people have never fought or met, and even the active times are different...but in the mouths of storytellers, they must be ranked.

"Then I dare to ask: In your heart, Mr. Bard, how do you rank everyone?"

Bard's heart skipped a beat: "If His Excellency the Red King is asking about history, then I can still talk about it... But if it's about people in the present, this may offend people."

"What's more, I haven't traveled all over the continent yet, and my knowledge is really shallow. It's only a matter of time before I make a conclusion so early. I will be laughed at."

"In other words, Mr. Bard already has an answer in his heart." Lu Meng said, "And history, the present... they don't conflict, right?"

Bard remained silent.

This Red King... the "First Fire" he concocted and arranged in the story, when he really met him, he found that the other party was much more sensitive than he thought.

He is far from being someone who doesn't know who he is after hearing a few words of flattery.

Even he was almost tricked out.

Fortunately, Lu Meng didn't ask any more questions.

"Anyway, both the Ash Cult and I personally welcome Mr. Bud's arrival, and you are welcome to stay for a few more days," he said.

"However, it would be better if there were fewer romances and gossip about me."

The young man seems to be smiling but not smiling.

"Hahaha... I've always meant this." The bard secretly wiped a cold sweat, "As for the other things, I'm not very clear about it. Our sect still has some elegant artistic pursuits..."

Could it be that my trumpet was discovered?

It shouldn't be...

It seems that the publication of the books "The Secret History of the Red King's Palace" and "The Forbidden First Fire of Desire"... will be delayed...

Lu Meng ignored the crazy brainstorming poet. He grabbed a handful of scorched earth from the ground, and the melted and solidified gravel showed a crystal texture in his hands.

Now, it's still daytime.

The sky was clear and cloudless, except for the outline of the largest full moon that could not be ignored, showing a vague hazy appearance that occupied most of the field of vision beyond the horizon... In addition, no other stars could be seen.

It's just that he knows.

At this time, there is an "eye" in the sky watching every move below.

A temporary tent set up by the Baimei clan.

"where are you from?"


"What is your position in the merchants' guild?"


"are you hungry?"

"I'm hungry."

Qingrong held his forehead and sighed deeply.

There was a man sitting opposite, with his feet chained and his eyes blank, looking at him blankly.

This is the only survivor found by the Baimei clan in the merchant guild camp after the sky fire.

At that time, he was lying under a charred corpse - judging from the body's fat body, it was most likely Ren Lin himself, the resident representative of the merchant guild.

At the last moment, he did put on a special fireproof cloth, and it was not penetrated by the sky fire.

However, the efficiency of heat insulation is limited after all.

The laser blocked by the paint did not directly ignite the human body below. But the high temperature passed over him cooked him to death.

On the contrary, it was the last unconscious pounce that covered a person and allowed him to survive.

As for the hired warriors and other people in the guild camp... they have all been reduced to fly ash and charcoal. It is not even clear how many people there are, let alone confirming their identities.

There was no way to check the condition of the body.

However, this survivor looked a little stupid. After Qingrong interrogated him for a long time, he roughly knew that his name was "Lin'er". The others only responded when it came to questions related to physical desires.

If he didn't have the scars of torture on his body, he was probably a slave or a poor person who was captured and became insane because he suffered too much torture... If he was just a tough-talking prisoner, Qingrong would have thought about how to do it. Just kill him with one knife.

"That's it." He stood up, "Prepare some food for this man."

I heard that Ji Hai woke up.

Qingrong is currently focused on visiting his friend and is not in the mood to spend time with him.

When he looked up, he saw that the person leading the waiter was not a guard from the Baimei clan.

But a few bee crossbowmen and horn-breaker warriors.

The other party bowed, and Qingrong quickly returned the bow.

"His Royal Highness the Red King asked us to take over the defense here," the team leader glanced at Lin'er who was sitting in the tent, "Leave it to us to take care of and interrogate him from now on."

"That's hard work."

Qingrong couldn't ask for it.

The White Eyebrow Clan's reconstruction work is now at a critical juncture, and only after they have real contact with the Red King do they know how powerful the other party actually is, which is not comparable to that of an ordinary wandering tribe.

But even so, the other party actually maintained respect to the maximum extent and provided assistance in all aspects.

This is already quite rare.

Qingrong crossed his arms, saluted and thanked him again, and left the camp.

"This is what you want."

The waiter who brought him brought a large bowl of steamed wheat, a plate of fat and oily roast lamb, and a glass of freshly squeezed milk, still exuding a slight heat... and placed them in front of Lin'er.

It was quite a sumptuous meal for the pair to entertain a suspected prisoner.

However, Lin'er, who just said that he was hungry, seemed to have not seen it and ignored the dishes that exuded the tempting aroma. Instead, his eyes chased Qingrong who left.

It's as if the other person is more delicious.

"Hello." The waiter knocked on the table, a little impatiently.

"Oh..." Lin'er finally reacted, looked at the food in front of him, paused for a second, and a smile slowly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He looked like he had a huge appetite.

He quickly devoured it.

When the waiter saw this, he finished his work and nodded and left.

However, before he was about to leave the camp, he suddenly heard a voice coming from behind:

"Yes, do you have wine?"

The waiter was stunned.

The person who spoke was Lin'er - in his impression, this should be the first time in so many days that this person took the initiative to make a request to the guard.

"I'll ask," he said.

Late at night, Ji Hai opened the curtain.

Looking at the stars.

For the first time in so many years, his heart was as calm as it was today.

After waking up, he moved around a bit and was taken to a professional field hospital camp by Dr. Zhong. He lay on the medical bed inside for an extra half day in cooperation with other examination workers.

The quota for maintenance beds is very precious.

There are many people queuing up, and each time the machine is turned on, it consumes a lot of fuel and medicine... It is impossible to occupy it just for him.

Basically they are reserved for critically ill patients.

But even if he just lay down for a long time, Ji Hai could still feel the increase in the healing rate more clearly when he was awake.

It refreshed him.

It was as if he had been blessed by God.

All the healed Shandi herdsmen and soldiers also felt the same way... The excitement and shock they showed when they saw it for the first time was even more intense.

Almost worshiping.

The legend of the First Fire further spread among the crowd. Even if they did not know the specific teachings of the Ember Order, such miracles still formed a simple belief in their hearts.

The only thing that made Ji Hai feel a little regretful was that.

Even the ancient maintenance bed... failed to cure his strange disease.

It was exactly what the Red King said at the time.

He is not here to cure illnesses;

But to save people.

The other party has fulfilled his promise perfectly, and there is nothing harsh about him.

Only gratitude remains.

"...Substitute?" Ji Hai touched his face and thought to himself.

He knew that in United City, in order to prevent assassinations, some nobles would select a large number of children with similar looks and bones for their heirs from the common people or close relatives to grow up with them.

After continuous screening along the way, the most similar one was left, which was "Kagemusha".

Coupled with makeup technology, when they inherit the title, it is equivalent to having a perfect double, and it is difficult to distinguish the real one from the fake one.

The critical moment is the second life.

It is said that many anti-slavery people fell here when they assassinated their targets.

For this reason, he also specially reminded Lu Jin...

In a sense, this is very similar to the companion system of the wandering tribe. The difference is that the companion has the obligation to take the place of death in name, but in fact, because he grew up and has a deep relationship, he is a retainer and comrade-in-arms.

And due to the inheritance of wandering tribes, they are not so dependent on blood.

In the history of Shandi, there was even a case where a clan leader died in battle and his companion temporarily took over the position... However, after resisting the beast disaster, even though the whole clan had recognized the result, the man still deliberately assassinated his companions to clarify that he was not for power. , voluntarily left the tribe and went into self-exile...

This deed has also become a favorite material in pastoral songs, but that tribe has long since died out or been dismantled and reorganized, and no trace can be found.

Thinking of this, Ji Hai sighed.

Suddenly, someone punched him from behind and he almost fell to the ground.

"Cough, cough, cough..." He had just recovered from a serious illness and could hardly catch his breath, but there was surprise on his face...

And at this moment.

In the dark tent.

A voice said to itself:

"Eating is an extremely important activity for humans. In order to maintain our vital signs, it is necessary, cannot be ignored, and must be carried out..."

He chewed and chanted.

However, not one of those broken wheat grains was swallowed into the stomach.

Instead, it all fell to the ground.

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