Lin'er glanced at the crumbs on the ground, and a look of "annoyance" appeared on his face: "I can't always learn how to swallow."

"You should scratch your head at this time..."

As he spoke, he leaned down, picked up the residue on the ground, ignored the dust on it, and stuffed it back into his mouth.

But this time, Lin'er took another sip of milk.

Wash the food in with it.

"That's good."

He nodded with satisfaction.

Immediately, he looked at another horn cup on the table: it contained clear green spirit, so pure that it could even be ignited directly. If you could smell it, you could also smell a hint of grass, just like the wilderness after the rain. .

After all, this was Lin'er's first request, and the Baimei clan still complied with his request and regarded it as a possible breakthrough.

He picked up the cup.

Drink it in one gulp.

"Did you smell anything strange?" the bee crossbowman on guard asked, "Like... a dead body?"

The horn-breaking warrior on the side shrugged: "They must be beak-billed beasts that have not been cleaned up. There is still a lot of carrion on them."


The crossbowman nodded, pressing down his doubts.

As the hive prince, he still has some mysophobia in daily life, and is quite sensitive to the faint rotten smell lingering on the tip of his nose.

There is also some discomfort.

But the place they were in was a battlefield not long ago, and it would take time to clean it up now, so they couldn't be too demanding.

However, the crossbowman frowned.

This smell... seems to be getting stronger...

Suddenly, a heavy muffled sound sounded around him, and the warrior from the skeleton group fell to the ground.

His eyes rolled up, exposing the whites of his eyes.

He was knocked unconscious.

But there was no one around.


The bee man's heart was ringing with alarm, and he pointed his crossbow into the darkness. The torch beside him crackled, and from time to time, an oil star exploded and spread around.

But where the fire can't reach.

There was no sound.

Just a breeze.

The faint rancid smell appeared on the tip of Beeman's nose again, and he suddenly became alert.


Following his instinct, he shot an arrow.

The arrow penetrated the flesh.

The bee crossbowman caught the figure in front of him. With a click, a piece of bluestone fell out of the figure's hand and hit the ground with blood stains on it——

Obviously, the other party just used this stone to knock out the horn-breaking soldier who was on duty with him.

Being able to knock out a strong Shaq with one blow, this person's strength should not be underestimated.

But at this time, he looked blankly at his chest - there was a long arrow that was still trembling slightly, and he took a few steps back, as if he couldn't believe it.

"Who are you..." the crossbowman was about to ask.

He let go of his mind a little - being hit by his crossbow at this distance, the attacker basically had no possibility of survival or resistance.

The man looked up.

Seeing his appearance clearly, the crossbowman was stunned, and then the figure in front of him suddenly disappeared again!

Immediately afterwards, there was a sudden spin.

The bee man felt his head being hit hard, then his neck hurt, and he was thrown to the ground.

The torch went out.

All you can see when you look up at the sky are stars twinkling at intervals.

Then, a human face blocked his view.

The other person's eyes.

Glowing slightly.

"You, you... uh." Just as the bee-man was about to speak, his throat was tightly strangled, and the opponent's hand was as hard and strong as steel.

He suspected that this man didn't need any rocks at all... he could smash the rocks with just his hands.

"You, you..." the other party also spoke, as if repeating what he said, and then suddenly changed the subject, "You broke my skin!"

There was anger in his tone.

The bee man looked along the opponent's line of sight and only saw the spot where the arrow just hit... If he hadn't been strangled, he would have taken a breath.

The wound was clearly opened by the arrow.

Not a drop of blood was shed inside!

Lin'er was furious and tilted his mouth to one side.

"Although, although it was going to be broken...but I don't care..."

After being soaked in potion, this piece of human skin can last for a month...but after completing the constant "eating" ritual, its shelf life will be shortened.

As the body heats up... no, after the body temperature rises, the rotten smell is emitted uncontrollably.

It's not a big deal.

The doctor also said that decay itself is a symbol of life - decay also means that we are alive.

In other words, distance becomes a "person"...

one step closer.

The ritual cannot be interrupted - take eating as an example. The doctor said that to become like him, he needs to eat a total of 987654321 times, and he has already done it 3564 times... he just needs to be diligent in changing...

"So, you have to compensate me."

Lin'er couldn't help but lift up the Bee Crossbow, letting the other party struggle in his hands, and walked straight to the fallen Horned Warrior warrior.

Pull out the short knife that the soldier strapped to his military boots.

After a closer look.

The crossbowman watched helplessly as this strange man held a short knife and was about to stick it to his face.

His frightened expression could be reflected on the blade.

"Where is the best place to strike..."

The other party hesitated.

Suddenly, fire exploded from the sky in the distance.

In the revenge land, skyfire will fall randomly on weekdays. To the people at the border, it is as natural as thunder in the dark clouds.

The skyfire is indeed like lightning.

It illuminates everything around.

You can see: all the way to this sentry post, all kinds of guards are crooked and twisted, and their lives and deaths are unknown... Obviously, they were defeated by this person who sneaked in.

This made the bee crossbowman even more terrified.

And the instantaneous light of the skyfire also made Lin Er see clearly what he was holding in his hand.

He was stunned: "What are you?"

Yellow-green skin, pointed head, slender waist and abdomen, dry limbs...

Beehive people... The crossbowman wanted to speak.

But the other party got excited and tightened his hand, completely blocking his breathing channel, and his blood vessels bulged.

Just when he was about to be strangled to death, Lin Er suddenly let go of his hand, grabbed the horn-broken man who fainted on the other side, and put his head close to him.

At first glance, there is no difference, but if you look closely... the purple skin, the protruding scales and bones, and the broken end on the head... were they horns?

"Oh my God," Lin Er said in a trembling voice, "You are not human?"

"Then what are you?"

This weirdo seemed to have suffered a great shock, hugged his head and scratched it frantically.

How fresh...

The bee crossbowman who regained his freedom, lay on the ground, trembling and touched his waist... Even though he was controlled by the other party, his other hand did not let go of the crossbow.

Suddenly, Lin Er rushed out without looking back.

Like running away.

He left the ground full of broken meat from his head.

And there was a sharp sound of "whoosh".

At the last moment before the crossbowman fainted from lack of oxygen, he still shot a whistle arrow into the sky, representing the alarm.

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