"So that's how it is..."

Under the starry field, two good friends of the White Eyebrow Clan walked side by side in the breeze.

The big thing is over.

Ji Ye also revealed part of the truth to Qing Rong.

From the Blood Rebellion, the decline of Ai Mine Town, his own wanted by the United City, to the Merchant Guild... and the Red King.

"It's been too long. When it comes to the Blood Rebellion, people often only remember that it was a joint riot of slaves and peasants. They said that they didn't remember the grace of their masters and raised the flag of rebellion madly and stubbornly..." Ji Ye recalled, "But few people would think that before that, the participants of the Blood Rebellion had already been unable to survive...The direct cause of the chaos was the unprecedented drought that year, which caused a large reduction in grain production...Southern United City could not maintain self-sufficiency at all."

Exorbitant taxes, the collapse of order, slaves defecting...large tracts of farms were close to desertification.

"According to the usual practice, the Merchant Guild would be responsible for transporting grain from the north to support."

It was just that year.

The merchant guilds, whose logistics networks were everywhere, seemed to be paralyzed and lost contact.

With the superposition of natural disasters, the terrible famine finally began to spread on a large scale.

Grass roots and tree barks, dug three feet into the ground.

Bones thousands of miles away.

This is a portrayal of the ordinary lower class.

So the bloody rebellion broke out.

But when the mob first attacked the palace, they found that even the besieged Emperor Anxi had starved to death in his own bedroom.

It is said that his last words before his death were not to give his vote for the crown prince, but to ask the attendants around him... Is there any food in the palace?

However, no one responded to him.

Because except for the last old eunuch who was dying of hunger and could not run, the rest of the people either starved to death or had already found a way to slip out. The palace was emptied, and there was no food stored as the rebels imagined.

When people just noticed something was wrong, support finally came.

- But it was not the merchant guild's grain transport team that came, but the troops of the great lords of various city-states who came to serve the king.

They arrived late and began to kill.

Without leadership and organization, and in a state of extreme hunger, how could the mob be a match for the elite warriors and hooded guards? Except for a small number of people who were later called "bloody remnants" who escaped, the rest either surrendered or died in the street battles.

Blood flowed and dyed the earth red.

Afterwards, the Merchant Guild explained: This was because the North Union City was attacked by the Holy Empire, and the northern grain-producing town of Bast was destroyed in the Holy War of God's Wrath; and when the large-scale grain transport troops passed through the border, they were looted by the Shek army led by King Shager at that time - the other side was also short of food, and the entire kingdom was once the largest bandit force.

As for the part of the grain that was still transported to the major lords of the South Union City, why they were not distributed to the areas where the bloody rebellion broke out, nor were they delivered to the hands of Emperor Anxi... This is unknown.

What the world knows is:

Anxi, an emperor who was considered powerful even in the history of the United City, died in the Blood Rebellion, and his entire family was exterminated;

The new emperor Tengu elected by the nobles...With the entry of the general president Long En into the cabinet, he has become a virtual puppet, and most people are happy to see it happen;

The major lords of the Southern United City did not suffer much loss, but Anxi's original fiefdom Zhiji Ai Mining Town declined, and the economic center shifted from south to north, which also intensified the north-south confrontation in the United City;

The surviving rebels were enslaved, and in order to prevent the peasants from revolting again, the laws were made more stringent, the scale of slaves was expanding, and the military and police continued to crack down on the bloody remnants and terrorists, which was becoming more and more intense...

"I met a friend named Chad in the Depression Lake. He is a technology hunter," Ji Hai took the wine handed over by Qing Rong, but did not drink it. "In the archives recorded by the technology hunters, some of the circumstances of the year were left, but they were not disclosed to the public."

In order to continue to cooperate with the United City and to operate safely within the empire.

Tech hunters still know how to cooperate with the local official narrative. If they shouldn't say something... at least they won't say it in the name of the organization.

In a sense.

It can be considered as being good at dealing with people.

Qingrong held the wine to his lips and took a sip.

Facing the breeze, although the wine didn't go down his throat, he felt as spicy as if he had taken a big sip of strong liquor.

"Father always thinks this is a contradiction within their United City. Although we are in Shandi, we are sandwiched between the North and South United Cities, it has nothing to do with us..." Ji Hai smiled, "Now, I think it has changed a little."

Qingrong nodded.

They were not witnesses of the Bloody Rebellion.

But just by listening to this retelling, one can also hear the subtle role of the Merchant Guild in it: It seems that the Merchant Guild's late arrival is only the most insignificant part of the Bloody Rebellion. They are facing various external coincidences, and the explanation is reasonable...

But if history has an assumption: What if the logistics responsible for the Merchant Guild successfully transports the food allocated by the Northern Union City... Although ordinary people in the south will still be oppressed, at least they will not fall to the point of starvation.

It will be difficult to rise up.

Will this Bloody Rebellion break out again?

This is of course an assumption.

From the perspective of an observer, it is impossible to blame the Merchant Guild... But for the two people who have just experienced the catastrophe of the beast disaster, the feeling is different.

If the Red King hadn't intervened.

The plan of Wumian and Ren Lin was successful.

The White Eyebrow Clan was destroyed in the beaks of the long-necked beasts. From the outside, it was a natural disaster and they could only blame themselves for their bad luck. Apart from the final beneficiaries, where can we find the shadow of the Merchant Guild?

Then, the same.

The Blood Rebellion that broke out due to various coincidences at that time... What was the real role of the Merchant Guild in it?

"But why did the United City want you in the name of 'Blood Remnants'?" Qing Rong asked in confusion.

Count from the time.

The year when the Blood Rebellion broke out.

Ji Hai was just a half-grown child at that time, and he lived with him on the grasslands of the Flash Land.

He had no contact with the Blood Rebellion at all.

In fact, it was not until the Merchant Guild later established a liaison post in Shandi that Wu Ma, the patriarch of the White Eyebrow Clan, sent his son Ji Hai, who had just grown up and showed some talent, to the South United City, hoping that he could make friends with the nobles and deepen cooperation and relations, which could be regarded as a hostage.

Then, the incident came up.

"That's another matter..." He shook his head. For Ji Hai, those experiences were still full of mysteries and could not be fully understood.

The so-called Red King...

It was because of these things that he came to Ji Hai.

He was about to speak.

The alarm sounded suddenly from the camp behind him.

The two of them immediately became alert and turned around abruptly.

However, this glance saw:

In the moonlight, a figure stumbled in the distance.

That person also found them - or to be more precise, he looked at Ji Hai.

A happy smile appeared on the broken face:

"That's right... I found you..."

"Your skin is really beautiful."

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