Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 556 Becoming a Human (Combined Chapter)

Under the dim moonlight and the firelight of the tent, the face of the person was slightly illuminated... Qing Rong recognized that it was Lin Er, the survivor of the previous skyfire.

However, he couldn't help but shudder.

When he found Lin Er, although some of his skin was ulcerated by the high temperature, compared with Ji Hai and most of the herdsmen of the White Eyebrow Clan, it was only a minor injury, so they didn't care, but just sighed that this person was lucky and was just covered by Ren Lin's body and escaped.

But at this moment, his face was scratched and scratched, and the flesh was rolled up.

It was more serious than the burn.

And looking at his hands covered with broken flesh... This was actually scratched by the other party himself, but his face seemed to be relieved with a smile as if he didn't feel any pain.

Coupled with the weird tone, the alarm of the tent, and the fact that this person was clearly under guard and appeared here again...

Qing Rong turned his hand and quietly pressed down the saber.

He stepped sideways and blocked in front of Ji Hai.

Lin Er frowned, as if he was very dissatisfied with his behavior.

"Did we know each other before?" Ji Hai asked.

He saw where the other person was looking.

"No, we don't need to know each other..." Lin Er approached excitedly, "But I saw you that day, so I can't forget it..."

After replenishing the alcohol.

Lin Er felt that his strength was back.

This might be what the doctor said "drinking and eating well", after all, he had performed the eating ceremony properly...

Qing Rong remembered:

Before they took Lin Er back to the camp, they passed by Ji Hai who was in emergency treatment, but the other party was still in a coma.

"I had collected a lot of pieces, but unfortunately they were burned by the thing in the sky, but if they saw you, they would be very satisfied..." Lin Er was still pressing step by step.

"Pieces?" Ji Hai pulled his collar, "Do you want my clothes."

"It's clothes..." Lin Er paused.

"But it's your skin!"

Before he finished speaking, he had already pounced on him.

But Qing Rong and Ji Hai reacted faster, and they dodged on the left and right.

The situation in front of him.

Even a fool could see that something was wrong.

The reason why they were still dealing with Lin Er was that they saw that the alarm had been sounded in the camp behind him, so they only needed to delay time and wait for reinforcements to arrive, without having to take risks themselves.

It was just a pity that the other party looked like he had a bad brain, but in fact he was even more impatient.

Qing Rong dodged and unsheathed his steel knife.

But just when the blade was half pulled out, a streak of sparks flashed, and at the same time, his single arm shook violently.

Lin Er's palm had already grasped his knife tightly, making a creaking friction sound.

Fragments of flesh kept falling down.

The speed and strength of this weirdo... were much more amazing than he had imagined.

Qing Rong took a quick glance and saw the broken iron shackles on his feet - Lin Er had actually broken free from the restraints of the safety measures alive.

It seemed that if he had not been tied up on his own initiative that day, it would be impossible for the soldiers of the White Eyebrow Clan to bring him back.

- Qing Rong only had time to flash these thoughts in his mind.

A heavy blow.

It hit his chest.

Before Lin Er's whip kick came, Qing Rong quickly abandoned his knife and pulled out his scabbard to block.

A huge bone cracking sound.

The exquisite scabbard made of animal bones was instantly shattered and fell on the gold and iron chest armor - the good news is that with these defenses, Qing Rong at least did not break his ribs.

But he was still beaten away... and misfortunes never come alone. When he struggled to get up, he had already rolled into the grass hill valley and plowed a large gully.

On the other side, Ji Hai was left alone.

Qing Rong rushed over quickly, blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

Not good...

He was anxious.

Although his work in the White Eyebrow Clan was mostly just a diplomatic mission... but as the companion of the young patriarch, he was born to fight for him in the future and blocked the knife. He has been practicing martial arts since he was a child.

His true strength is no less than any commander in the army.

It's just that his qualifications are still insufficient.

However, in front of Lin Er, he was repelled in a single encounter.

In contrast,

Ji Hai had just recovered from a serious injury, and his talent was in taming animals, not in fighting. How could he be Lin Er's opponent?

The white-haired young man on the other side reached into his animal robe, looking a little flustered.

He obviously wanted to take out his bone flute, but he forgot that it had been damaged before and he had not had time to equip a new one.

What's more.

Ji Hai did not have his own powerful pet at the moment, and even if he exerted his talent, he would not have much combat power...

Qing Rong immediately took out his short knife and dagger and rushed towards them.

But Lin Er had already shown his speed before. After repelling Qing Rong, he immediately pounced on Ji Hai.

He pressed him to the ground.

Lin Er's other hand held the broken knife - just now, he actually twisted off the blade of Qing Rong's saber.

He was about to stab Ji Hai's neck.

"Wait..." Ji Hai ignored the force that seemed to crush his chest like an iron clamp, and struggled to block the opponent's arm. For a moment, Lin Er's movements really slowed down. I don't know when he had such great strength.

However, the broken knife was still approaching inch by inch.

"Qingrong, don't come over first!" Ji Hai gritted his teeth and shouted, then turned his head to look at the weirdo who was pressing on him, "You want my skin... why?"

"Why..." Lin Er seemed to be inspired by a key word. Although his expression was still distorted and broken, his voice became excited, "Of course it is for..."

"To become the same thing as become...a human!"

In his tone.

Contains countless envy,

even jealousy.

Sex, appetite, touch...and even reproduction.

The doctor said that these are all extremely wonderful things, but they...only humans can experience them.

And himself, and his kind.

Can only restart, forget, and decay in despair again and again in endless years.

More importantly.

——This world does not belong to them.

We betrayed the master.

The doctor said...One day, someone will come out to settle this sin, settle every betrayer, and even His Majesty the Emperor will not be able to escape.

Different from the small fights of the Oakland people.

That is the real trial.

Sweeping the world.

They haven't forgotten...

Broken words flashed wildly in Lin Er's "brain", ancient memories, the doctor's teachings, the prophecy of the collapse of the empire... These things, many of which are even logically contradictory, are now mixed together at the same time, multiple lines running in parallel.

"At that time, the only ones who can survive are real humans..." He finally said, "So, I want to become you."

"Please... give me the skin..."

"But..." Ji Hai at this time, unlike his previous actions, seemed unusually calm.

He said:

"Do you think I am a 'human'?"

Ji Hai's words made Lin Er suddenly stunned.

He scanned quickly.

Hair, pupils, skin color... Humans have only one pair of eyes and one mouth... It is also different from the insects and scaly monsters he encountered before... This is the human in his impression and definition...

The sharp edge of the broken knife has been attached to the aorta in Ji Hai's neck.

Qing Rong, who was on the other side, was still seven or eight meters away from them. With his speed, he could reach them in less than a breath... But because Lin Er had completely held his friend hostage, he did not dare to act rashly even without Ji Hai's stop.

Not to mention his own lack of strength.

At the moment, Ji Hai did not know how to hold this weirdo back, so the best strategy was to maintain the status quo and wait for the arrival of the pursuit reinforcements.

At this time, Lin Er suddenly noticed.

Below Ji Hai's neck... there was a sutured wound, densely wrapped around.

Adjacent skin.

The color and tissue were also slightly different.

"You changed your skin!"

Lin Er reacted and became furious.

"Yes." The young man said, "Sorry, I got there first."

"What number are you!" Lin Er lifted him up suddenly, "How could you do this? I found this person first... His skin is mine!"

"You're too slow."

"No, I don't believe it!" Lin Er held the sharp knife and continued to stab, "I heard from the doctor... In the ancient past, humans could also undergo skin replacement surgery..."


His hand was stuck again.

"Then how do you explain my strength?" The young man pressed the other's hand and slowly moved it down, saying, "It's okay if I'm a human... But if not..."

"The guilt of hurting your partner, wouldn't the [Scholar] not have told you?"

"Zero Two."

Lin Er... Zero Two's mind was running at high speed, electric sparks jumped in the circuit, and the epidermis on his forehead turned scorched yellow.

He had never mentioned the title of doctor... scholar to these two people, but the other party could say it so accurately...

Plus their unique strength, the sutures of the skin...

The possibility of being the same kind

More than 80%——

"Where are your number and identification code?"

Zero Two's voice was emotionless, and the simulated tone changes disappeared completely.

Cold as a machine.

"Right in front!"

The beam of the searchlight suddenly rushed over and enveloped them.

And all over the mountains, people holding torches appeared——from the sound of the collision of armor, they were obviously fully armed soldiers.

The leader was a young general in a black robe, rushing towards this side.

He led the way, and his speed left all the followers behind him behind.

Qing Rong was happy.

They were now at the junction of Shandi and Revenge. Now that the reinforcements had arrived, even if this weirdo suddenly attacked, the two of them could delay it for a while with all their strength.

The other party had no way to retreat...

"Let's go!" Unexpectedly, Zero Two grabbed Ji Hai's hand and was about to drag him towards the direction of Revenge, saying in a complex secret code, "At this point, leave here first... We'll settle the rest in private!"


The young man shook him off.

"I can't bear to part with this skin."

He was speaking the common language.

Zero Two was stunned, and suddenly realized that this companion was not exposed among humans.

At that moment, an inexplicable emotion surged in his heart.

He felt that at this critical moment, he understood what the doctor...scholars said, what true jealousy meant.

But the rules of scholars must be followed.

He had no choice but to abandon this fellow and run to the place of revenge alone.

Seeing that his friend was out of danger, Qing Rong hurried to his side. He didn't have time to check on his condition, but looked at him with surprise: "How did you..."

How did you convince him?

The two sides just chatted a lot, and some parts could be heard clearly, but Qingrong didn't understand.

He just felt it suddenly.

This friend suddenly seemed like a stranger.

"Leave me alone," Ji Hai set off on his own without looking at him, "Hurry up and chase!"

Qingrong quickly grabbed him: "That's the place of revenge!"

As the sky fire moved westward, Zero Two ran very fast, and it wouldn't take long before he would escape into a place that could be covered by the revenge sky fire.

not to mention……

Can you beat him... Qingrong cursed.

Ji Hai glanced at him.

At this time, the black-robed general leading the rear had rushed to the two of them and saluted them.

Qingrong quickly returned the gift.

As the envoy in charge of the Baimei clan’s foreign affairs, he knew this person——

Huo Buyang.

Although he is young, it is said that he was a good friend of the Red King before he became famous, and is now an important figure in the Ember Order. After a long journey, we only arrived in Shandi recently.

Compared with when he was in Sikun Town, Xiao Huo was taller and stronger. He pressed the heavy steel whip with ten hands and only nodded slightly to Qing Rong in return.

Instead, he turned to Ji Hai beside him.

Want to say something.

But at this time, the red stars shone brightly, and the sky fire from the Vengeance Land roared in.

This time, countless huge light beams were not aimed at a certain target, but were shot aimlessly, densely packed, forming a harp-like net from the sky to the vast land.

Zero Two ran out.

It landed right in the net.

Qingrong, who was attracted by the strong light, suddenly opened his eyes with disbelief on his face: he saw the laser that could melt the earth, shrouding Zero Two's body, indeed igniting flames - but this man was still running With.

The skin and flesh he cherished... turned into charcoal inch by inch, flying into ashes in the air.

Red human form.

All that's left is a running steel frame.

"Bone, bone man..." A word squeezed out from Qingrong's throat.

Even if it is burned red by the high temperature, it has not melted after all... The third rule of survival: The only ones that can move in the Vengeance Land are mechanical life forms.

Skeleton Man.

A skeleton disguised as a human!

Before he could react further, his friend beside him - "Ji Hai" suddenly made a gesture to Huo Buyang.

For Xiao Huo, this gesture was extremely familiar to him.

At the hub, this was a secret code that was agreed upon and used successfully countless times.


Qingrong, who was still in shock, saw his eyes darken and his whole body went limp.

The young man in black robe appeared behind Qingrong like a ghost. At the same time, he retracted his hand and caught him out of courtesy.

"How is Ji Hai?" the white-haired young man asked.

"He dressed up like you and was distributing engine oil and spreading the gospel to the believers in the religious group... Now he is exhausted... The first meeting with 'First Fire', everyone's impression was not bad." Huo whispered, "But Brother Lu, you can't even tell the difference between his friends and the Bone Man... Is that enough?"

"Not even close."

Lu Meng took out something that had been hidden under the beast's robe, and his fingers flew with great skill.

It wasn't a bone marrow or a wine bag... Almost in the blink of an eye, the folded and disassembled crossbow of the old world was reshaped in his hands.

A new masterpiece.

The crosshair in the field of vision was pointed directly at the mechanical figure running in the flames.

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