In the darkness, there were rustling sounds like wild beasts.

But as the sky fire fell down, it lit up the surroundings... What was reflected was an iron-grey figure.

Next to Lu Meng, Huo Buyang held his steel hands, his muscles tensed, and he entered a defensive posture.

Face them.

He thought of the legendary mechanical legion that suddenly appeared on the battlefield in the borderlands when he was in Scone Town and defeated the Shaq Expeditionary Force.

Nowadays, Brother Lu’s power is no longer weak.

But to face these mysterious, ancient and fearless enemies...

On one side, Lu Meng pressed down his hand.

Indicate that nothing is wrong and there is no need to act rashly.

Sure enough, after the safety spider took out the chip and stuffed it back into the open slot in the body, it did not follow the chip and headed towards the flash ground.

But far apart.

Then, he slowly retreated and merged into the darkness, joining a group of things hiding in the night.

Tianhuo also seemed to be cooperating.

Lasers shot down.

They blocked the border and divided the two places.

After a long time, the fire in the sky went out and the stars closed their eyes.

The place of revenge in the distance fell into deathly silence again.

"It's a demonstration." Lu Meng raised his robe, and the bones on his face slowly changed, and the surgical scars on his body that had been adjusted to disguise himself as Ji Hai also disappeared.

He regained his original appearance.

At this time when Ji Hai's injury has not healed, with these stitched scars, he can not only hide his secrets in front of Qingrong, but also disguise himself as a skin-skinned person... It's a pity that Zero Two believed it too quickly. Lu Meng still has a lot more I didn’t have time to show my hard work, and I strived to be more like a skeleton than a real skeleton.

The identity of the other party...he had some guesses.

But in order to be sure, you still need to check with relevant people for confirmation.

As for the place of revenge...

The reason why Lu Meng dared to bet was because he thought from the other party's perspective:

Although in the eyes of the world, they are very mysterious and hidden... but from another perspective, they are also quite confused when they look at Lu Meng who suddenly broke into the revenge land and used the sky fire.

I can’t figure out who this new force is, and what its methods are...

Therefore, taking the initiative to test is a matter of time.

At the same time, there is a high probability that the dangers of Revenge Land will continue to be exaggerated, and outsiders will be warned not to go deep.

Then, Lu Meng would simply send this information out on his own initiative——

From Zero Two's perspective.

What the security spider took away... was the memory chip.

Although Zero Two and Vengeance Land are both mechanical life forms, they are two different forces.

"I'll go find Sola. Xiao Huo, please take care of the aftermath." Lu Meng asked, "I will report it to Ji Hai myself so that he doesn't reveal any flaws."

Huo Buyang nodded.

Ji Hai's encounters and experiences had long been told to Lu Meng, plus Lu Meng's own understanding of history and background stories... some things could even be explained more clearly than Ji Hai himself.

Plus his stealth camouflage skill level and module assistance.

Once you get into the play, you can't tell the difference at all.

On Ji Hai's side, on the other hand, this young man really had no acting skills, so Lu Meng asked him to start with something simple - playing the role of a harmless god.

Just pretend to be aloof and cherish words like gold.

Naturally, he looks like a saint.

Needless to say, most of the members of the Ember Order have never seen Lu Meng with their own eyes; here in the Baimei Clan, the image of a doctor has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Even if someone occasionally mentions: Does this man look a bit like the young patriarch of the past... But with age, Ji Hai's face has become thinner and changed. More importantly, as long as his father Wuma firmly denies it, it will be enough to dispel the problem. doubt.

——This is the apparent reason.

Lu Meng wouldn't say it. In fact, he was too lazy to deal with fanatical believers... When you are worshiped by others, you must also act according to their imagination.

Otherwise, you will be pulled down from the altar.

In a sense, freedom is also lost, which makes it inconvenient to act.

In the words of Lu Meng’s time.

It's a collapsed house.

As it was with the First Fire, so it was with the Red King.

He can borrow the power of faith, but he will not be restrained.

The initiative must always be taken.

Seeing that Xiao Huo understood and the soldiers from the camp were also coming, Lu Meng took two steps back and disappeared into the darkness before being discovered.

Like a wisp of black smoke.

Hard to stand out.

As for Qing Rong, who was in a coma, he naturally could not see his "friend" at the moment when he took action against his apparent strength...

Skeleton Man Sora, as the representative of the Skinner Gang and the head of the Swamp Logistics Department, is staying in the camp packing his luggage.

Originally, he didn't want to leave the swamp.

In the beginning, because of a series of reasons such as disgust with the chaos of the outside world and the need to seek self-protection, after the collapse of the Second Empire, the first batch of skeletons entered the swamp and built a series of shelters including the Iron Dome.

Sora is already considered the more radical among them.

After the asylum plan failed, he even joined a local gang.

He also regarded the skinned person as his own.

In the past, he had hardly participated in the power struggles between gangs. He only focused on assisting Skinned Town to defend against the blood spiders, and by the way, he provided some help to Kos, the boss of Dancing Bone Man.

In the early years, the transportation of fuel from the Black Desert to Shark Village required the help of smugglers like Skinners.

However, with the unification of the swamp.

These things seem to have disappeared:

With the existence of the Blood Spider Legion, the original enemy insect tide in Skinning Town has now become a source of soldiers. He cannot play the advantage of being a special skeleton race... and the Dancing Skeletons sell only the listed fuel produced in the swamp, and the connection with the Black Desert is no longer so close.

As a skeleton.

For the first time, Sora felt the void.

Just like what his good friend Neil used to say every day... This world is so boring, let's destroy it...

In the end, it was Big Gray who persuaded him.

"The changes in the swamp, at least in my eyes, are all good things." The old man said, "Although it is free now, it was something everyone wanted in the past."

"But what can I do?"

He asked.

"Live your own life... If you really want to find something to do, I have a recommendation..." said Big Gray, "When I was young, I went to Shandi. The herdsmen there really needed outside trade. Unfortunately, because of the gang fights in the swamp, my focus was not there at that time, and I couldn't spare more energy. Now I'm old... But you don't have this problem."

"If you can, how about opening a bar? Do what I didn't do before... Just like your bone man friend."

So, he came.

Coincidentally, this is also what the leader... the Red King needs.

Along with it, there are all kinds of material support from the swamp.

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