Love and passion, cutting up the wasteland

Chapter 559 Reconstruction (Combined Chapter)

"How are you adapting to the environment here?" The curtain was opened and someone stepped in. "Compared to the swamp, the humidity is not that heavy, right?"

"If you mean the air humidity, then it is true, but I have to remind you... No matter which side, our skeleton model is not equipped with corresponding sensors, so there will be no intuitive feeling." Sora did not turn his head, "At most, the decay speed is slower - and this process is also recorded in hundreds of years, so basically there is no difference."

Until the man walked in front of him.

He turned around and saluted: "Red King."

Lu Meng waved his hand and looked at the box in the skeleton's hand. The other party had been tinkering with it just now.

"Excuse me... Long time no see..." Sora nodded and slowly pushed open the iron box cover-

A sphere the size of a human head appeared in the box. Its skin was distributed with synapses of various interfaces. It looked like a blue sea urchin, and the surroundings were filled with cotton wool and sponges.

In Lu Meng's vision,

A line of light curtain text appeared on it:

[Artificial Intelligence Core·Swamp]

[People who study it can unlock the most advanced technology in ancient times. 】

[No.: 004]

He picked it up, and it sank in his hand. He didn't know what material it was made of. Its high density made it much heavier than he could intuitively feel at first glance.

Seeing Lu Meng still looking at it, Sora explained: "As you guessed, when we found it, it was connected to the instruments and equipment of the entire laboratory, calculating and transmitting data day and night... The people in South Union City were copying it on the side."

"The people in charge of copying were just a group of illiterate poor people and slaves. They copied it in the form of images and then sent it to professional researchers outside."

"The copyists don't know what they copied, nor do they know the value of the core of artificial intelligence; and the researchers don't know where the data sent to them comes from..." Sora paused.

"Where are they?" Lu Meng asked.

"They are all dead." Sora said, "The laboratory was set up with poison gas to prevent intruders. It seems that it was designed at the beginning of construction. However, after so many years of aging equipment and gas leakage... it is no longer enough to defend against external invaders. Someone changed it to internal... to destroy evidence."

In fact, the entire underground laboratory collapsed, explosions, mud and water backflow... almost destroyed all traces of research that had been conducted.

However, the artificial intelligence core was the strongest one among them. The people of South United City who got it regarded it as a treasure and would not try to destroy it in any way, thus misjudging its solidity.

The sphere lay quietly in the box.

It became the only survivor.

And the person who designed the self-destruction of the laboratory did not expect that the research notes carried by the members of the Red Sword Group would level the progress of reading the intelligent core.

"It seems that this is also a cooperative project." Lu Meng closed the lid of the box. "The person in charge of interpreting the intelligent core hopes to 'destroy the body and eliminate the traces' after the plan is exposed - at least the enemy cannot get it... But someone secretly kept the results."

After the decline of Ai Mining Town, the three city-states of Kaiton City, Coronce, and Wandering End were left in the Southern Union City. The intelligent core of the swamp mainly involves biotechnology, and the Scrap Master Blacksmith Group of Kaiton City may not be interested. The only ones left are Grace of Coronce and Madam Meilin of Wandering End.

Chai Shi is loyal to Grace and knows the location of the laboratory... They are probably the leaders of the research.

Then, the manpower of the Red Sword Group is most likely provided by Meilin.

However, she secretly arranged for researchers to copy privately...It seems that even if they belong to the same Southern Union City, the lords are not completely united...This is also human nature.

This is of course a good thing for Lu Meng.

If they had not taken advantage of the gap between South Union City and the Northern Merchant Guild, they would not have been able to obtain the intelligent core; and the internal conflicts of South Union City could have continued to divide them...

"But it will probably take a long time to rebuild the laboratory." Sora said dutifully, "As you expected, South Union City noticed the loss of the intelligent core and sent assassins to attack and retaliate. Fortunately, most of them were blocked by the swamp ninjas... But the remaining one or two suicide attacks also caused a lot of trouble..."

The reason why South Union City did not move the intelligent core was, on the one hand, of course, because they could not decide who the core belonged to, and would rather not get it than put it in the other party's home and let others get it, so they found a neutral area... On the other hand, it was because there were very few places suitable for interpreting the intelligent core.

Sora said that it was a reconstruction, which was already a euphemism... In fact, basically only the laboratories left over from ancient times can do these jobs.

This one has been destroyed... If Lu Meng had not determined the location of another laboratory through the map obtained from the forbidden area of ​​Huangshui Village before, Dr. Zhong and others from the Medical Department would not have been able to carry out the next step of research.

Now, in order to prevent the core from being destroyed, it is indeed an unexpected move to bring it to the Flash Land - but correspondingly, the work of interpreting the core can only be stopped before finding a new laboratory.

Lu Meng: "It doesn't matter."

He has learned about the relevant situation from Dr. Zhong - the work of interpreting the intelligent core has already reached a bottleneck.

After all, the people in South United City have already done all the initial work for them.

Now we need to make further breakthroughs.

It's not that easy.

In contrast, the priority is to ensure the security of the intelligent core and find talents who can continue to interpret it.

At present, the medical, genetic modification, biological breeding... and other technologies obtained from the intelligent core are enough for them to digest for a while.

There was no objection to seeing Lu Meng.

Sora naturally didn't say much, just thinking about what else needed to be reported.

But he heard Lu Meng mention another thing:

"Sora, when was the last time you cleared your memory...?"

The Bone Man paused. This was indeed a somewhat private question for them...but personally, it was not impossible for him to answer it. After all...

"Red King, I probably know why you asked this question...but unfortunately, I can't remember the specific number."

He looked at his mechanical hand.

"The more we skeleton people want to retain our abilities, the less storage space we can use for memory... Otherwise, we will fall into self-conflict and chaos."

Like Sora, in order to help the Skinners, he maintained a high level of combat all year round - correspondingly, he retained very few other unnecessary memories.

"Are there any exceptions?" Lu Meng asked.

"There are some, but the principle has not changed, just some mechanisms are used." Sola said, "For example, living in seclusion alone to reduce exposure to new information from the outside world; or simply falling into deep sleep and reactivating after many years; or From another perspective, if you give up all your skills, you can choose to retain more memories...I don’t know how many more.”

All in all, it would be difficult for Lu Meng to learn the truth from thousands or even tens of thousands of years ago from the living skeletons.

Speaking of which.

Sora had some vague feelings of guilt.

As Kos, the boss of the Dancing Bone Man, once mentioned to him...whether it was for his own safety or to protect the remaining civil society of the Bone Man.

All references to past history should be avoided as much as possible.

Even Sora is no exception.

This is their consensus.

Those that didn’t comply… would have been scrapped long ago.

Unexpectedly, Lu Meng bumped into this soft nail, and did not show any look of disappointment, but concluded thoughtfully: "In other words, if there is still a skeleton man with high combat power, either he has accumulated memories. The lunatic who caused so much chaos either left a certain blank in history..."

He looked at the box containing the intelligent core.

Sora has cleared his past memory, but according to Seto, the other party mentioned law enforcers - that was at the end of the Second Empire. The remaining part is not short, but it is not short according to the other party's time scale. Nothing more.

But the Skeleton Man codenamed "Zero Two" cannot recognize the Hive Tribe and the Shakers...

Either, during the period of time when he retained his memory, unlike Sora, he had no contact with the Hives and Shaks at all; or, someone cleared the relevant data and changed the other party's perception.

Or maybe, both.

If the Sharks originated from the law enforcers at the end of the Second Empire... then when did the Hive People appear?

He had asked Sora Yu the boss of the Dancing Bone Man this question before - and the answer he got was that they themselves only encountered this strange race after entering the swamp.

But those are all stray bees.

Not the origin of the hive race.

"The last question," Lu Meng asked before leaving, "Sora, do you want to become a human?"

Sora: "...Skeleton people cannot turn into humans."

"To be more precise, I asked 'do you want to'...not 'can you do it?'"

"This is a difficult question to answer." The skeleton man, who has almost completely integrated into human society, said, "From the perspective of many people, we skeleton men are even better than humans, apart from being unable to reproduce. They can do almost everything that humans can do...but I have to admit that there are some Skeleton Men who have thought about it, but they are definitely not the majority."

He deftly avoided questions about himself.

"That is to say, if a large number of skeletons with this idea appear... then it is not a normal phenomenon, right?" Lu Meng said.

Sora: "Yes."

After all, the appearance of large-scale skeletons... this is not normal.

He hadn't seen it for a long time.

"In contrast, I think you should be more worried about other races wanting to become Skeleton Men..." Sola thought for a moment and reminded him tactfully, "As far as I know, there used to be such a secret School, they preach that humans can also become mechanical beings like skeletons, just like themselves..."

He thought of the increasingly popular Ember Order... When they were in the swamp, those believers saw him as if they were seeing a treasure, touching here and there...

Although he is a skeleton man, he does not have touch in the narrow sense.

But this is the first time I understand what "creepy" means...

But for him who has gone through countless times.

The teachings of the Order of Ember... there are many similarities in history.

"and after?"

"They were suppressed as a cult, and there are very few survivors." Sola said.

This is the truth.

"The religion founded by the Skeleton it a spiritual can?" Lu Meng smiled, "Remember, I hope this won't be my ending."

Sora didn't understand, but nodded anyway.

In addition, the intelligent core is still temporarily kept with him... By definition, this can even be regarded as a holy object in the doctrine of the Embers.

However, considering the confidentiality and the current strength of religious dissemination, the news that they obtained the core has not been made public to ordinary believers.

Otherwise, it is not just the believers who are crazy.

In the Land of Flash, from the west to the east, from the smallest tribes like the Far Traveler Clan to the largest White Eyebrow Clan... hundreds of wandering tribes, big and small, have now settled down.

The chief engineer of the Bee People and the Wall Lover, Woman, looked at the people who came to report to his command and was amazed.

Originally, everyone was basically a member of the Engineering Department of the Swamp.

Now, although a group of miners and construction workers from the Rotten Town have come from the Swamp... but the number of people recruited from the native part of the Land of Flash has exceeded the total number of people in the Swamp.

After all, there is still the advantage of proximity.

Moreover, the farmers and miners in the Wandering Land who were originally abducted by the Sand Bandits finally have a stable residence and can be put into production.

Even more satisfied than before.

Before, they were just ordinary people at the bottom of the Holy Kingdom, working hard to support their families and survive... Even so, it was often difficult to do so.

But in the Dingju Village built around the Red Fortress, there are not only beehive commune huts to live in, but also cheap and delicious beef and mutton from Shandi, and free food for workers from the swamp... It can be said that the living standard is much higher.

Many people can be said to be "happy to roam" and submitted applications, ready to settle down.

Become the first batch of residents in the new city.

Woman is ready to go.

Now that the eastern and western herdsmen have joined forces, plus the support of the swamp... The large-scale beast disaster in Shandi is under control. Next, we only need to fill the Great Wall in the east, and the task will be completed.

In dealing with future beast disasters, even if it is not a permanent solution, we can breathe a sigh of relief.

For the future development of Shandi.

It is absolutely a great merit.

Of course, this bee man Woman did not think so much - for him, he only knew that his time to perform has come again.

Finally, he could take the limelight from that priest Maier...

During this period of time, the other party has built four watchtowers. Although they are just crude foundations, they are indeed very efficient and have all the necessary functions.

Now, with so many manpower and resources...

He wants to build the red fort all the way to the sky...

"Who built this?" A black-armored paladin passed by and frowned at the blood-red earth wall mixed with fur, branches... and a strange smell, "It reveals a sense of evil..."

The bee man was furious.

He said:

"This was designed by the order of the Red King."

"It reveals a feeling that evil will eventually be suppressed," Griffin said, "It is worthy of being Lord Chuhuo."

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