Xiaogu naturally didn't understand that it had been assigned the important task of selling itself to save the family without knowing it. It just thought it was a joke, so it opened its belly and rolled along.

Seto, who was amused, also smiled.

Compared to the bone-burying wolf that has just lost its wildness, Xiaogu has been raised since childhood. Even though the size is almost the same, he is usually more familiar.

But at this moment.

In Lu Meng's field of vision, a line of text suddenly lit up on the system panel, glowing faintly.

That's an option on the B-tier mod list.

[More Animals·White Wolf King (B Level)

Lu Meng had a meal.

As he tested before, such modules that directly add physical objects to the world, even if the permissions are met, are still in a gray locked state because the import cannot be reopened.

Or, the nature of the module is directly changed.

Presented in the form of drawings or book knowledge.

You need to make it yourself.

However, ordinary items can still be made by hand or machine tools, but there is no way to create biological modules.

Could it be that we need technology like an incubation chamber or an artificial womb? That would be too far away.

But now.

The options of the [White Wolf King] module are indeed lit up and are in a selectable state.

"'White Wolf' is a newly added creature in the module. It is an evolved or mutated species based on bone dogs. Their actual size, strength, combat effectiveness and other attributes even exceed the largest bone dogs on the planet. Species, elder-stage bone-burial wolf...the shoulder height alone is comparable to that of an adult," Lu Meng recalled, "The wolf armor was actually included with this module, but was later separated and improved. The idea of ​​riding equipment.”

"Now that the White Wolf module is on, if it is installed, will a giant white wolf suddenly appear out of thin air in its original place of origin in the world, or..." Lu Meng looked at his subordinates rolling around. Xiao Gu, "...Is it because of you?"

Xiaogu: "?"

It snarled.

If you control variables, the originally locked module can be selected. There can only be one reason.

That's where the ossicles come in.

What are the triggering conditions?

When he came to his stronghold, he was within the effective range of the module, or he came to his side...but there was no shortage of bone burying wolves and bone dogs around, and none of them were triggered.

Could it be that only mountain dogs can activate the unlocking of the White Wolf module, and then Xiaogu has been genetically modified to be equivalent to a pureblood... But this is also unreasonable. These dogs are essentially subspecies of bone dogs, and there is no clear distinction. .

That's probably only one possibility.

Just the ossicle itself.

Because it was determined by the system to be Lu Meng's "teammate" and happened to be a bone dog breed, it became the medium and carrier for the module to be introduced into reality...

But no matter what the reason is.

Lu Mengdu faces a choice.

That is, should you try to install this mod.

"Brother Lu?" Huo Buyang called from the side with a slight doubt.

Ever since Lu Meng rolled his small bones to the ground, he suddenly paused, as if he had discovered something, and then fell into deep thought.

"Is there something wrong with Xiao Gu?"

He was a little uneasy.

After all, starting from the hub, he has been leading this dog at least half of the time. It is impossible to say that he has no emotions.

And just underwent surgical transformation.

Although it is a black technology decoded from the intelligent core, it has become more mature after countless pre-experiments, and Xiaogu’s surgical plan is not radical. In essence, it just activates its original mountain dog bloodline... but There is always the possibility of something going wrong.

That's when he asked.

Suddenly, I saw a layer of white spreading on the bone dog's back.

Huo Buyang thought at first that he was dazzled, after all, the bone plate protection on Xiaogu's body was also snow-white.

But it was just such a moment of confusion.

The white lines even spread to the bone dog's flanks and legs, where the mane was originally pitch black.

White mane.

Huo Buyang hurriedly squatted down, touched the white spots on Xiaogu's body, and said anxiously: "Brother Lu, what's wrong with Xiaogu? Is he suffering from some disease..."

I don’t know if it’s my own imagination.

The small bones in front of me seemed to have grown in size again.

The originally thick bone plates and bristles as sharp as steel needles... have now become even harder, glowing with a porcelain-like white sheen.


"It's okay," Lu Meng stood up and said, "My hair is still white."

Huo Buyang: "Uh."

What you said seems to make sense.

As Lu Meng stood up, the whitening phenomenon on Xiaogu's body also stopped, and the dark mane turned white, forming a line that ran through its torso and limbs, looking like a supporting exoskeleton.

However, judging from the trend, it is obvious that the white mane has the potential to continue to expand.

"Woof woof woof!" Xiaogu howled wildly.

It was suddenly hungry.

It was obvious that Huo Buyang had fed it the meat of a beaked beast not long ago.

Xiaogu, who still didn't know what had happened to his body, turned his head to look around, and was startled when he lowered his head and caught a glimpse of his own claws.

Retracting and retracting, sharp claws like steel thorns.

Embedded directly into the soil.

And these snow-white dog paws...

"Ouch——" It bit down in one bite.

Then Huo Buyang clamped his mouth directly.

"Silly dog," Xiao Huo said helplessly, "That's your own foot."

At the same time, he was also secretly frightened.

I majored in blunt weapons, and used heavy striking weapons, which required a high level of strength. I had already made some achievements.

If I swung ten hands on the battlefield, I could directly break the enemy's spine through thick armor.

But I just did that.

I almost couldn't control Xiao Gu.

This stupid dog obviously hasn't used all his strength yet.

If it wasn't for the fact that the other party was Xiao Huo, who had been raising him for so long, it might have thrown the unprepared person away with a twist of its head.

Xiao Gu was not like this before.

The blood of mountain dogs.

Is it so strong?

Or... He looked at Lu Meng.

"This is probably part of evolution." Lu Meng just said.

On his personal module slot.

Behind the white wolf module, the big words "effective" were displayed.

I thought before that even if the effect of the white wolf king module was to generate a white wolf somewhere in the world, it would not have much impact on Lu Meng. At most, another legend about auspiciousness or disaster would appear on the continent soon.

But if it acts on Xiaogu...

The supermodel creature is so strong.

It is not comparable to species in nature.

But judging from the effect, if Xiaogu wants to evolve into a white wolf, it will not be instantaneous.

It will consume a lot of its own energy.

It also takes time to grow.

However, this speed is still very terrifying... In its lifetime, it may be able to break through its physiological limits and enter the elder stage.

Looking at this scene, Seto on the side thought thoughtfully and said, "I know this question."

The eyes of the other two were attracted by the little princess.

"White hair will become stronger." She said.

Lu Meng was helpless: "That's not the case..."

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