Several people observed the small bone again and confirmed its changes. Its size, the sharpness of its canine teeth and claws, and the toughness of its fur were no longer inferior to those of the bone-burying wolf.

And in terms of the defensive properties of the horny mane, bone plates and armor, it has to be superior.

After all, the Bone Burial Wolf has to forage in the wild, and its natural enemies are almost only beaks. The key is not to be caught. The most important thing is the absolute speed, and there are not many talent points in the armor.

But now, even with such a thick layer of natural protection, the flexibility of the small bones is still undiminished.

It shows that its inner strength and endurance are even more terrifying... This is just the beginning.

This caused several people to praise him.

Until Xiaogu couldn't bear the hunger anymore and started to howl.

"Okay, let's let it go for extra food." Lu Meng looked at Huo Buyang, "Does anyone need to take it with me?"

"No need." Huo Buyang patted Xiaogu's neck. As soon as he signaled, the big dog turned into a black and white streamline and disappeared.

The dust left behind made him cough several times.

"Damn it..." Huo Buyang fanned the wind and scolded with a smile, and then said to Lu Meng: "Brother Lu, don't look at the stupid look in front of you, but he is actually very smart behind the scenes. He just came here within two days. After finding out the way to the camp, the slaughterhouse, the kitchen... well, no one can escape if they can find a place to eat. "

The ability to sneak is the same.

Also a must.

Later, special personnel were arranged to feed him.

Just fixed the location.

However, most of the people in the camp were from wandering tribes. The herdsmen had long been accustomed to being with various ferocious beasts, and they would not have been frightened by this wandering big dog before.

Lu Meng nodded.

Xiaogu wasn't stupid before. After all, he had the foundation of a mountain dog. It was the top domesticated hound, and it became even more obvious after purifying his bloodline.

It was similar to what he had heard before: a dog is a dog and a border collie is a border collie... although sometimes there is a tendency to be awkward.

The module of [White Wolf King] is still in effect.

If it is completely evolved.

It's not just a matter of making up for the relative disadvantage of mountain dogs in combat.

However, Lu Meng still doesn’t know:

If the White Wolf module is cancelled, will Xiaogu continue to evolve during this period, or will it directly degenerate back to its original appearance?

If it is the latter, then the strategic significance is actually not high.

This remains to be experimented with.

But the example of the "White Wolf King" module inspired Lu Meng... Similarly, there are more species and race modules.

Some permissions have been unlocked.

This proves that the reason why it could not be installed before is because a suitable carrier has not been found in the real world.

Some of them have not been unlocked yet and should be in a gray state. Lu Meng originally thought that they could not be used even if they had reached the corresponding permissions... such as the flesh and blood biochemical robot [Whistleblower].

That doesn't seem to be the case now.

However, as an A-level module, "Whistleblower" is not a simple racial species package, but comes with a set of background stories... Once it takes effect, the presentation form may not be so simple.

"Brother Lu, it's almost time." After dealing with Xiaogu's matter, Huo Buyang looked at the sun in the sky, and the celebration in the distance was reaching its most lively stage, "They should be here at this time."

"Okay." Lu Meng nodded, "Go and meet."

The three of them left the camp and walked outside. With Huo Buyang's checkpoint token, even if they couldn't recognize Lu Meng, the journey was smooth.

Soon, we arrived at the nearest small village beside the Red Wall.

There are many commune huts of the bee hive tribe everywhere here. Although the shape is primitive, the layout is orderly and very reasonable.

Even for first timers.

Follow the signs and you can get where you want to go.

Like other places, this place was built to house and work the herdsmen who were affected by the animal disaster and displaced.

However, as time goes by.

Some foreign faces gradually appeared in the crowd - they were all people from outside Shandi. In this broken and troubled world, Shandi, which had just suffered from a beast disaster, had actually become a relatively stable area in the surrounding area. Promised Land.

So gradually refugees from other places came.

Request placement.

This is also the effect Lu dreams of achieving.

In fact, the Shark Kingdom's policy of absorbing refugees only affects the area near its borders, at most including a little bit west of the swamp. When it reaches Shen Land, it has almost nothing to do with them.

Even if the refugees here heard about the policies of Shaq's New Deal, they would not go all the way across almost half a continent to rush there - to die.

The stability of the situation in Shendi.

It just fills the need.

There are relatively few refugees from other places in this small village. According to reports, they account for more than half of the earliest Hive Traveler villages built in the west of Shendi.

Of course, there is also the factor that the herdsmen in the west are less affected by the disaster and their tribes are basically intact.

After the three entered the village.

Occasionally, you can still hear the recently resettled refugees discussing the Red King in the streets and alleys, with a lot of speculation and praise in their tone.

A few people will also mention the first fire.

It was obvious that he had accepted the teachings of the Ember Order.

However, neither Lu Meng nor Huo Buyang, the high-ranking priest of the sect, revealed their identities. Instead, they put on the hats they had prepared to cover their appearance.

Along the way, the privileges were not exercised again.

Just walk the normal route like an ordinary passer-by, and then show your certificate when you encounter a guard interrogating you.

Looking at the guard who was obviously suppressing his excitement, Lu Meng stretched out a finger to signal the other person to keep quiet.

The guard straightened his back.

He bowed.

The subsequent inspections seemed to be much more serious.

Of course, Lu Meng knew.

When the other person comes home, they will inevitably tell their family and neighbors as a topic of conversation, saying "I met the Red King and so on"; even exaggerating, it will be passed down for several generations, becoming "In such and such a certain month in the autumn, my grandfather... ..." and other versions.

Then, he added some words: "Invite the Red King to come and sit at home. He was so kind and welcoming, and then he praised the simple dishes but they are really rare treasures and rare in the world... So you see, the soy milk fried dough sticks in my house are better than other places." "It's normal to be fifty cents more expensive" and other small details.

But for now.

None of this matters.

It's enough not to expose the news today.

After a while, they finally came to a commune hut, which looked ordinary from the outside, no different from other places.

Lu Meng and Huo Buyang looked at each other.

Huo Buyang nodded.

Seto was following behind and wanted to knock on the door, but was stopped by Lu Meng.

He stepped forward directly.

Push the door open.

"Whoosh!" An automatically triggered crossbow arrow ejected from the crack in the door with a slight sound of breaking wind.


Lu Meng held it between his fingers. The arrow was only an inch away from his cheek, glowing with a faint blue light.

Obviously poisonous.

There was the sound of swords being unsheathed in the room.

"It's okay, it's me." He said:

"Anti-slavery people."

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