I fell into a deep despair, a bottomless despair. I suddenly understood why my mother chose to die that year.

I gave up struggling and crying and closed my eyes, letting the tears pour from them, waiting for the fate that could not be transcended to play tricks on me.

Just when I thought I was about to be robbed of the woman's most precious possessions in this way, the burden that was weighing down on me suddenly disappeared, and the boy who was trying to do whatever he wanted with me suddenly flew out of my body.

Ke Yfei stood tall, looking down at me, who had been stripped naked by them, and the other male students who were squatting or kneeling beside me. Due to my blurry vision, I could barely make out his expression, but he coldly said, "F * ck, how boring, all of you f * ck off."

Upon hearing Ke Yi Fei's words, the male students swept up their clothes and pants like a gust of wind and ran out of the private room.

I lay on the ground, curled up into a ball, and buried my head deep in my hands. But no matter how much I bit myself, no matter how much I ate, no matter how salty the blood spread in my mouth, no matter how much I tried to convince myself that this was my life. For the sake of Sister Su, I must endure until I found the culprit.

I don't know how long I've been crying, but my curled up body suddenly feels warm. A warm jacket covers my body tightly.

Then I heard a door close.

I got up from the ground. The jacket slipped off my body. It was a well-ironed suit jacket. I recognized it. It was the one that Ke Yifei had just worn.

I hate the way Ke Yi Fei casually trampled on me, yet now he's trying to act kind.

I threw the suit as far as I could.

Then I crawled up and picked up the skirt they'd ripped off me and put it back on, even though it was only a flirting tool.

When I came out of the box, I thought I was going to be scolded by Tian Zemin again, but this time he was really happy to see me and said that I had improved a lot and that the guests had tipped me a lot.

I asked how many there were.

Tian Zemin said he had thirty thousand dollars, and he told me to work harder. If I kept doing this, I would be able to pay him back the money I owed him.

However, Tian Zeming glanced at my sorry state and said, "I thought you didn't know how to play, but I never expected you to be so good at it."

With that, Tian Zhiming went to see how his other sisters were doing.

I knew that after today's announcement, Tian Zhiming would no longer be keeping an eye on me, so I returned to the secret room on the first level of the basement.

I saw Xue Fan sitting there, chatting with some of the other mothers.

When I came in, Xue Fan saw me, so he walked up to me with a cigarette between his fingers. "I just entered the industry and played so much. Can you bear it?"

I know that Xue Fan and Tian Zemin think that I had a relationship with so many people.

I didn't say anything, and Xue Fan should have also noticed that my mood wasn't good, so he leaned against the wall with me. "Since you've entered this business, you'll only suffer the loss of your useless pride, forgetting your so-called self-esteem, your so-called personality, living like a whore, treating yourself as a pleasure by selling yourself cheaply, seeing those men as your prey, don't think that you're being played by others. Just take the initiative into your own hands, play your own tricks, your own ways, and you'll be able to enjoy the fun of playing with men."

This is the first time I've heard such a theory. Sister Xue Fan exhaled a mouthful of smoke on my face, causing me to cough uncontrollably.

"Men always want to play with women all over the world, and isn't this business of ours playing with men all over the world as well? "Don't just think about their disgust. Those men who don't have the ability to play with women live in a sad way. Those men who have money but don't play with women, we just need to respect them."

"But as a woman in our line of work, aren't we forever unable to lift our heads up?" I thought of what Hong Sis had said, that kind of humble feeling from the bottom of my heart, making me unable to feel the attitude and pleasure of living.

"As long as you can see for yourself, you don't have to care about the thoughts of others. A man who says that you are a lowly person, yet you are still toying with him. Isn't he despicable? She really misses Su Lihua. She is the only woman in so many years who has reached the pinnacle in the business of a general. "

"But she's dead!" I slowly said this, but in my heart, I was still reminiscing about her days by my side.

Xue Fan threw away the cigarette in his hand and ground it out with his foot. "Yes, he's dead. He died in a strange way, but it's only natural."

"What do you mean natural?"

Xue Fan glanced at me and said, "One day, you will also be able to reach Su Lihua's position. Then, you will understand what I'm saying."

Xue Fan returned to the main hall and chatted with his mother, Sang, for some reason.

Instead of going out to pick up the guests, I picked up some time and followed Tian back to his apartment in his car.

I knew that it wasn't because he was taking special care of me, but because he wanted to take the opportunity to take me upstairs to see his daughter.

When we opened the door, Tian Lu was sitting on the quilt. She was watching TV and applying a facial mask.

Seeing me come in, Tian Lu glared at Tian Zhiming, who was standing behind me, and asked him if he was bullying her again.

Tian Zhiming spread out his hands and said with a smile, "She performed exceptionally well today. Why would I bully her!"

Tian Lu looked at me. There was only a moment of uncertainty in her eyes before she waved at Tian Zeming, "I'm sleepy. I'm going to sleep. Hurry up and leave."

Tian Zeming felt helpless towards Tian Lu's attitude. He took out a thousand yuan from his pocket and threw it in her direction, "Buy more delicious food. Don't keep on eating snacks."

Tian Lu's eyes swept over me, "It seems like I really earned some money today. So generous."

Tian Lu, on the other hand, bluntly picked up the money from the floor and put it into her pocket.

"Alright, I'll take my leave first. You two go to bed early."

"En!" Tian Lu looked at the television screen and gave a grunt of agreement.

Tian Zhiming closed the door and left in a bored manner.

The moment Tian Zeming closed the door, Tian Lu turned off the TV with the remote control and sized me up.

"Does it hurt?"

"What?" I didn't get what Tian Lu just said.

"I heard that a woman's first time will be very painful. Did you feel any pain?"

I walked up to Tian Lu's quilt and sat beside her. Perhaps it was because we were about the same age, but when I was with her, there was a very natural feeling of intimacy.

"I just feel pain here!" I pointed to my heart.

Tian Lu glanced at me, "Actually, the first time I saw you, I could tell that you didn't want to work in this business. But you would rather bear it than complain. Let me admire you a little bit. "

Tian Lu tore off the mask on her face and stood up to bring me a bottle of soda from the refrigerator. "Drink it. It's very sweet. After drinking it, you won't feel bad anymore."

When Tian Lu comforted me in this way, neither of us felt that this behavior was childish.

"I wasn't picked up, although I was almost picked up by a dozen people."

Even though I played it lightly, but as a girl with a keen mind, Tian Lu was still able to experience the feelings and feelings within my heart.

Tian Lu patted me on the shoulder and told me in her rare age of maturity, "Don't take these things too seriously. It's just a layer of film."

Tian Lu pretends to be very free and easy, but when I turned my head to look at her, she actually blushed in embarrassment.

If I said that I didn't have any lingering fear towards today's matter, then I would be lying. After all, I was still young at that time, so my ability to bear through matters of the heart has yet to reach the level where it can be seen lightly.

I really want to get out of this situation a day earlier, preferably immediately. "Did your friend call you? Did he break the password on his phone? "

"Let me ask you."

Tian Lu didn't have any scruples about the fact that it was already very late, so she immediately gave Cao Mu a call.

"Have you finished what I asked you to do?"

Tian Lu turned on the hands-free, so I could hear Cao Mu's words, "Ah, I-I'm not done yet. About that, wait a minute. When I'm done, I'll give you a call."

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