"Cao Mu, why did you stumble after not seeing you for two days? "Hey, hey …" Tian Lu looked at her cell phone that was already beeping. She curled her lips and said with dissatisfaction, "What is this guy doing? This is the first time he's talking to me like this."

Tian Lu threw the phone to the side and comforted me, "Cao Mu is definitely very busy. He is a night owl and likes working at night. I think he forgot about what I entrusted him to, so he said that. You don't have to worry. How about this, tomorrow night I will personally go to his house to find him. I'll sit beside him and urge him to settle the matter that he gave you first. "

I nodded. "Then I'll have to trouble you to hurry me up. I'm a bit worried."

Tian Lu patted her chest and promised, "Don't worry. With me here, we will be absolutely safe."

In order to reassure me, Tian Lu suddenly and mysteriously came close to my ear and whispered to me, "I'll tell you a small secret. Cao Mu likes me. He definitely won't dare to mess up the things I tell him."

I looked at Tian Lu as I curled my lips and smiled, "Then, do you like him?"

Tian Lu honestly shook her head at me and shrugged her shoulders. "He's not my type. I don't have any feelings for him."

I asked Tian Lu if asking Cao Mu for help on my behalf would bring her any trouble.

Tian Lu said nonchalantly. What was there to be afraid of? Besides, it was fine to have a spare tire.

I chatted casually for a while before I lay down on the bed and slept.

It's always easy to get used to a kind of indolent lifestyle. It's only been a few days, but I'm already beginning to get used to the fact that I don't get up until the afternoon.

Actually, I wanted to tell Tian Zhiming that I was sick and couldn't go to work. After Tian Lu gets her phone back tonight, I wouldn't work anymore if I had any clues.

But that day, when Tian Zhiming came to pick me up, I had just started talking when Tian Zhiming interrupted me to go back. He said not to think about resting in his profession and to rest in his guest's arms.

I saw that Tian Zhiming wanted to get angry at me again. Furthermore, I couldn't guarantee that the contents of that phone would become evidence to find the real culprit. Thus, just to be safe, I chose to obediently follow Tian Zhiming.

In Caitou, we were not rushed into the box, but were gathered together by Sister Xuefan.

Many of us girls are not new to this business. Many of us have our own ways of greeting customers, but don't keep to the old ways. The appropriate way is to introduce something new and exciting to our customers.

Xue Fan gave a simple instruction and then opened a cabinet behind her. He then took out a few bags of clothes. The styles were basically the same.

I can't help but admire Xue Fan's understanding of the stature of our subordinates. Everyone's clothes fit perfectly.

The clothes that Xue Fan gave us was a professional suit. Her lower body wasn't a skirt, but pants. She had us wrap our hair up properly, then gave each of us a pair of black-rimmed glasses.

Our makeup under the request of the snow sail, from the heavy makeup to a lot more natural.

Many older sisters, after looking at themselves in the mirror, were not very satisfied. They asked Xue Fan if he would not like such conservative clothes.

I was pleased to accept the look on her face, which made me look more like a decent woman.

"Today, you are all teachers. You have to let the guests know that you are playing with a proper teacher, so you have to grasp the standard well. You can't be too casual, too sticky."

Some elder sisters were already impatient to try out the effect of this new outfit, so they asked when Xue Fan could go greet the guests.

Xue Fan let her hide her impatient expression, then she can go.

In order not to give the guests a false impression, a few of us were separated and not prepared to appear in the same room at the same time.

A few older sisters who had entered the other rooms did not come out. All of them had been left behind by the guests. It seemed that this trick of Xue Fan's was still quite useful.

Soon it was my turn to enter the compartment, and compared to my sister, who wore the same sexy outfit, I was a special sight, a little green in a hundred flowers. It looked like a foil, but because it was rare, it was also rare.

I was ordered by a man in his early thirties, and he didn't even ask me to sit next to him.

"You are different from them. Are you really the young lady of this place?"

I did not forget Xue Fan's words and said, "Actually, I am a teacher. I only came here because …"

Actually, I didn't think of how to describe it properly. It was just that the moment I swallowed, the guest actually had his own imagination and thoughts. He pitifully asked me if my family needed money, so I had no choice but to come out and do such a thing.

Seeing the look on my guest's face as he tried to confirm my guess, I pursed my lips and nodded.

The customer was pleased to see me nod, and he was right about his guess.

When the other guests and ladies in the room have already started their daily business, my guest gently places his hand on my leg in a probing manner.

I unconsciously quivered, I was still unable to adapt to this kind of touch from the bottom of my heart.

I was afraid that I was going to offend the guests like I did for the first time, so I hurriedly apologized.

It was just that I did not expect a very natural reaction, but the guest's face looked very satisfied.

"Today is the first time, right?"

I nodded, lying again.

The customer's face revealed a satisfied smile. He took the initiative to approach me and gently grabbed my hand.

"What did you do at school? I see that you are young? "

The beginning of a lie requires countless lies to make up for it. I can only start to weave the story from the bottom of my heart.

I know it's not natural for me to tell these lies now, but I think it's because I was too nervous the first time I did it.

"I'm a preschool teacher."

"Oh, no wonder he's so young." As the guest said that, he took my hand and gently stroked it.

His movements, on the other hand, were gentle. I think it was to take care of me and let me get used to it.


I shook my head. "Not yet."

The man's face lit up again as he started to move his hand from my shoulder to my shoulder. Then, he slowly started to move his hand from my shoulder to my back.

I just sat there, not daring to move. I just hope that he won't do something too excessive again.

However, I overestimated the guests who came here. A few of them didn't come here for fun.

As for the other pair, they were still drinking and punching, but for some reason, the man actually pressed that big sister down on her in the room.

The older sister, who was under the other customer's body, said, "You're annoying. This place isn't suitable. Let's go downstairs later. It's safe there."

The customer said what was there to be afraid of, then began to kiss his sister disobediently, and caressed her body.

I lowered my head, blushing in embarrassment. I didn't dare to look again.

The visual impact had a great effect on the guests around me, and I could clearly feel that the hand he placed on my back was growing stronger and that even his breathing had become a lot more rapid.

"Do you have a boyfriend? Is your boyfriend willing to let such a beautiful girlfriend come to a place like this? "

"I don't have a boyfriend."

"Is he still a chick?" The eyes of the guests were filled with ecstasy, and he was even closer to me than he was to me. The other hand wrapped around me.

Seeing that I didn't deny it, he put his mouth close to my ear, "Baby, give me the first time, I will be very gentle to you, I won't hurt you, and I will make you very comfortable. I tell you, making love is a wonderful thing, I can be your boyfriend, come, don't be shy, hold me tight. "

Sensing that I still didn't have any reaction, the customer panted, "Hug me, my baby master, hug me tight so I can test if you're young. If you're clean, I can be your boyfriend, I can raise you, you don't have to work here anymore."

Before I could even react, the pair by the side had already started panting, so loud that it caused one's face to flush red.

Finally, my guest lost his patience and forcefully placed my hand on his waist. He crossed his legs and lowered his head to kiss me.

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