Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 1122 Humanity, Human Heart, Human 1

"Yes, a family came back together." Qin Xiang means a deep saying, "The United States is their base area, where there is their family business, they have to come back sooner or later, but I now let them put the itinerary."

Louis Earl faintly felt that Qin Xiang's spending, but he did not ask more: "Well, then we will see tomorrow."

"see you tomorrow!"

Hang up the phone, Qin Xiang took the car, asked: "The owner, where are we going now?"

"Go home." Qin Xiang's decisive order, "I put my villa, ready to let the night family come in."

"This little thing makes the housekeeper to do it, and the owner is going to personally?" Asked without solving.

"I will go back to do things, but ..." Donned, Qin Xiang looked at the window, the sky did not know when the fur is soaked, his eyes became confused, "Go see someone. "

"Well?" Followed.

Qin Xiang silently took a moment, recovered his eyes, calmly: "Give Xiao Han, let him come back, I am waiting for him at home."

"Yes." Asin, it understood that the people who were in Qin Xiang would be Xiao Han.


When Xiao Han received the phone, he was still in the car. He heard that Qin Xiang made him go home, his mood became more heavy, he knew that it would come, finally.

Hanging up the phone, Xiao Han stared at the mobile phone, and found a WeChat, he opened, it is the text from Blue Qianfei -

"Xiao Han, I apologized, I just hide you all in the phone, in order to burn the branch, I don't want you to be difficult, I don't dare to tell you too much, the night flame criticized me, he said that you are our friend, you don't I will sell us, I shouldn't be like that, I think, I am embarrassed, I will apologize, I hope you forgive. Xia 's things, I am very sad, but I believe that as long as you really don't change, one day, she will return Go to you !!! "

This text message WeChat has made Xiao Han's hearts a little comfort, at least let him understand, he still have friends, Night flames and Blue Thousands are really concerned.

Xiao Han's lips raised a shallow radio, with a bitterness, he knew that even if the night flames and Blue Qian Yu can not avoid suspicion, he can't do it. He thought that he really kept neutral, no one No, no one will ignore, but now he knows that it is easy to say, it is difficult to do. .

His life, his position, could not help but decide.

Perhaps, he should also leave like Xia, leaving this is right, then it is not difficult.

But he is a man, he can't escape, you must face it brave.

Thinking of this, Xiao Han started the car and opened to the Qin family.


Qin family has three villas together, Qin Xiang and two daughters live together.

In the case of the first to build a villa, he thought about it. After the two daughters grew up, they had to marry, but no matter where they married, they will go home.

So he gave them a villa to each of his villas, just like his left and right hairs, as long as they returned home, they can reunite with him, and a family is happy, warm and Shuxin.

He is like a big tree, expanding his arms, and sends the rain for them.

Unfortunately, the two villas are empty, two daughters, walk, hurt, and his big tree, did not protect their role.

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