Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 1123 Humanity, Human Heart, Human 2

Qin Xiang did not protect his wife and daughter, and he was a husband. He felt guilty, no self-contrary. .

At this moment, he stood in the floor window of his own villa study, quietly looked at the tombstones in the yard, and the hearts of the rivers were so sad, recalling all kinds of past ...

Before there is no accident, he and his wife are good, two daughters are self-confident, calm, proud princess, but they love those who should not love, and the robbery begins.

Now think about it, it is wrong or him. If he can find problems in time, I will prevent my daughter from starting mistakes, maybe everything will happen.

The lady will not die, the daughter will not be hurt, home, will not scatter. .

"The owner, the ambolic car has already opened it." Since the light reports.

"Let him come up." Qin Xiang said low.



Xiao Han's car habitually opened the left villa, that is his home and Qin Xia's home, but the bodyguard came to report: "The Master, the owner let you go to him."

Xiao Han, turned the steering wheel, and turned to the middle villa.

I started the rain this morning, the greater the rain, and when Xiao Han stopped, I have already walked over the black umbrella and opened the door for him.

Xiao Han lost the car key to the parking body, took an umbrella into the villa, looked at this solemn villa, he suddenly took a footsteps, and he was awe, although he lived in Qin Jia for half a year, but I rarely come here.

Before Qin family did not have an accident, Qin Xiang was very prestigious in the two worlds in the business, and it was a self-defeating, but the family is particularly careful.

After the accident, he became silent, and his hand is low-key. Even if there is more hatred in his heart, in order to take into account the safety of two daughters, he still endures.

But now, he can't bear it and started to attack.

No one dares to hear him, although his official dare to quit, but his person is still, the influence of Wen Ni family is also, if he really wants to be sea, it is not possible, not to mention, he still There is a helper with a night flaming. .

Thinking of this, Xiao Han is uneasy, the footsteps become more heavy, step by step, such as thin ice.


I finally came to the study, Xiao Han knocked on the door: "Hey!"

"Please come!" Qin Xiang's voice came, as soon as possible.

Xiao Han pushed in, see Qin Xiang, as if the old age is very old, the hair is white, the eyes are full of blood, the face is very embarrassed, Xiao Han is very embarrassed, can't bear to see, and it is going down.

"Sit." Qin Xiang greeted.

Xiao Han sat on the sofa, the maid sent a pot of coffee, gave them two cups, and also came to some refreshments, then returned to the door.

Qin Xiang sat down in Xiao Han, and the coffee was tasting slowly.

Xiao Han is also in the coffee.

The two are silent, with a cool day, the atmosphere is quiet.

For a long time, Qin Xiang finally said: "Thank you for saving We. No matter how, life is saving."

His tone is very calm and low, and it is very sincere.

I heard this sentence, Xiao Han didn't exempt some sorrow, in fact, he is not a sense of sensibility, many times, he is more indifferent, but Qin Xiang is not thin, he has already been like a relatives with Qin, he also Qin Xiang as a father, now Qin Xiang said like this in this case, he is very sad in his heart ...

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