Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 1124 Humanity, Human Heart, Human 3

"I'm sorry, I am ..." Xiao Han said, "I didn't expect things to make this, I really didn't expect it."

"I know." Qin Xiang sighed, "No one thought, including myself!"

Speaking here, his voice trembles -

"I thought that Wemewhere would not make too much things to Weier, so I always wanted to have two full beauty methods, dragging for more than two months to catch the opportunity, formally taking action, if I know that I will make this At the beginning, I will promise your proposal, and use the child's last name to exchange Weier's peace. It is too self-righteousness, harming the Weier !! "

"Hey, don't do this ..."

Xiao Han looked at Qin Xiang like this, and his heart is even more embarrassed. Hundreds of men in this year have had a happy family, but they have not been involved in a battle, making the family breaking, and why innocent.

Qin Xiang low low, his hands cover his face, immersed in sadness.

Xiao Han didn't know how to comfort him, he had to be silent.

Two men have no words, the atmosphere has recovered quiet.

For a long time, the coffee in the cup was cold. Xiao Han did the coffee pot to give two people in the hot coffee, whispered: "Hey, I don't know how to comfort you, you can still be free to me now, I am really grateful, now the damage has been caused, I know, I can't do anything, but ... "

He bite his lips, drums to say, "Xia is my wife, the child in her belly is my bone, you can't dismantle us, you tell me, where is she? I want to find her? "

"You are not divorced?" Qin Xiang looked up, sharp staring at Xiao Han, "she is not your wife."

"We are divorced, but I still care about her, I have a responsibility to her ..."

"Responsibility ??" Qin Xiang laughs, "Xiao Han, if you really have a responsibility, you will not let her sad, although the death of Xia Mommy is indirectly from you. But I have never blame you, you haven't worry about Xia, I haven't worried about you, do you know why? "

Xiao Han hangs his eyes and didn't speak.

"Because I thought that you and Haya are really love, so I regard those damaged, I think, as long as you are really love, I will not pay more than the past, so I am very inclusive to you, really It is very inclusive, but what about you? How are you doing Xia? "

Qin Xiang did not know the fist and stared at Xiao Han's eyes, and the tone of the bones were franched.

"That time you divorced, I also advised her, don't think about it, I told her that men were playing outside, and he would finally return to the wife, as long as he thinks you in your heart, it is enough. I also advised her, saying that you are separated from Blue Qian Yu, you just think about her for the time being, I will put down for a long time ...

I advise you to forgive you, with you, because I thought it was right, your problem is just temporary, you will change, you have feelings about Hia, but I am wrong, wrong It is too ignorant. You have never been cherished to Xiaa, never ... "

"Sorry." In addition to these three words, Xiao Han didn't know what else.

"Don't say sorry, no use." Qin Xiang said coldly, "You don't think I have a kindness, I am Qin Xiang, nor is it better than your father!"

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