Qin Xiang arranged everything very well. His villa is air out to give the night family, and he is moving in Qin Wei's villa to facilitate Qin Wei.

Considering that Qin Wei was very excluded to the hospital, Qin Xiang took her back home, let Yuan Qingmate care, and Yuan Qing also contacted the psychiatrist for the treatment of Shenconduo to make a comprehensive examination for Qin Wei.

Qin Xiang's housekeeper and followed by the night family, even Lao Cui and Xiao Yun also arranged a room.

Everyone is happy to accept such arrangements, but Zhao Jun is very unhappy. He thinks that he is in the first place, but now lives in Qinjia, everything is not so convenient.

But for the big way, he has only so.

Blue Qian Yu took care of his feelings, and he also wanted to see Qiao Qing, so let Zhao Jun went to pick up Qiao Qing gathered together, Zhao Junxun is crazy, and quickly talk to Qiao Qing, and then borrowed Qin Jia's car Take her. .


Night old pools have been remembered back to the night, although they can't go back now, but Qin Xiang said the words have given him a lot of comfort.

Burg pushed the night old woman walking in the garden of Qin family, although it is cloudy, there is nothing sunshine, but his mood is still very good.


After the bumps were bumped, I got off the bus, Xiao Cui and Xiao Yu accompany him.

Blue Qian Yu stayed in the room, standing on the floor window, looking at the scenery in the garden, the heart is uneasy, the night flame just sent them home and followed Qin Xiang, Qin Xiang planted all the plans so carefully, you can see His revenge. .

revenge. .

Thinking of these two words, the mood of Blue Qian Yu is very heavy, and when is this, when is this grievous, when can I end? ? ?

She deeply sighed a sigh of relief, hanging down his eyes, did not want to think more.

"Dudu -" The awkward ringtone interrupted the thoughts of Blue Thousand, she came back, took out the mobile phone, and quickly listened to the phone, "Mom!"

"Qian Yu, arrived?"

Blue Qianyu returned to the United States to call the cold, and said the current situation and told her that a family is ready to return to France.

"It's here, when are you coming to the United States?" Blue Qian Yu asked.

"We may have to have a few days." Cold Ruo Bing said, "William family is very big, the Queen is not willing to let it go, you will find a way."

"Sorry, I can't help me." Blue Qian Yu is very embarrassed. "You don't have to worry about me, try to help Gong Feier."

"I know this." Cold Ruo Bing said, "Do you return home? Qiao Qing is okay?"

"We didn't go home, now live in Qinjia." Blue Qian Yu said, "Qin always picks us, he arranges very thoughtful, we are not refused."

"It seems that Qin Xiang this is really true." "Cold, the tone of the ice became dignified," Do you see Qin Wei? What happened to her? "I called Yuan Qing, Yuan Qing Mobile phone is turned off. "

"I didn't see it, I was not very clear ..." Blue Qian Yu sighted, "But I think it should be very serious."

"I really didn't expect things to make this, Wenhai is a little bit of human feelings. Now it is like this. I am afraid I can't get it. Qian Yu, you must remind the night flames, don't fall too deep, we now take it now Night home and night, reveal the true face of the Wemewood, take him to the law, don't retaliate, violate the law. "

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