"I know." Blue Qianyu said, "In fact, the night flame also knows, just, I am worried that he will ride difficult to ride ..."

I heard this sentence, cold if ice is silent, indeed, now this situation, the night flame is also the body, once it is war, who can guarantee that the law is not overdue? They are all strong in the mall, which will inevitably be the purpose of the purpose.

Even if Night flames have now understood the true meaning of people, he is carrying such a heavy responsibility, but also needs to rely on Qin Xiang, a lot of things, and it is not allowed to make him. .

"Mom, I am very worried now, I am afraid that the night flame is output, I am afraid that he will win ..." The mood of Blue Qian Yu is somewhat entangled. "I don't know if you don't understand what I mean. In fact, I want to say, I hope night. The flame can take back the night, but at the same time, I am worried that he is too much ... "

"I understand." Cold Ruo Bing said, "Qian Yu, now this situation is really difficult to control, but we can't give him pressure, since we can't do anything, choose unconditional trust, believe in Night flaming, he There will be an inch, we have to give him silent support. "

"Well." Blue Qianyu looks back, "I know."

"Well, Qian Yu, I will go to the Queen, I can't tell you, I can't tell you, I will take this about this side, then go to the United States to join you."

"You don't have to worry, mainly in Leizie and Feiier."

"Ok, I have an inch."

"it is good."


Hanging up the phone, the mood of Blue Thousand is still not very quiet, she wants to do something for the night flame, but I don't know what to start.

When I thought about it, the mobile phone of Blue Qianyu rang. I saw the call show, the blushing of Blue Qianyu raised the joyful smile, immediately answer the phone: "Qiao Qing!"

"Qian Yu, it is me." Speaking is Zhao Jun.

"Zhao Jun, how do you use Qiao Qing's mobile phone? When are you going to Qin Jia?" Blue Qian Yu asked.

"I want to tell you this matter, Qiao Qing has a cold, worried that it is sent to you and Xiaoqianyi, so I can't go to Qin to see you now, wait two, I have a cold." Zhao Jun Say.

"She has a cold? What is going on? Have you seen a doctor?" Blue Qian Yu asked.

"This girl will not take care of yourself. I have never seen a doctor in two days. I have eaten some medicine. When I came, she still worked to find us, I saw her illness, now She went to see a doctor. "

"Oh, I am so serious, you are a small way." Qiao Qing said, "said to Blue Qian Yu," If Zhao Jun said that I will transmit your cold to you and Xiaoqianyi, I don't want to go The hospital, I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss you. "

"You go to the hospital, I listen to your voice, it is not serious." Blue Qian Yu said serious.

"I know you will say this ..."

"The phone gave me." Zhao Jun took the mobile phone to the mobile phone, said to Blue Qian Yu, "Qian Yu, I am driving, I don't have much to say."

"Well, you stay there, take care of her, don't have to come back, Qin family has many followers and servants, you don't have to worry about us."

"I know, wait for Qiao Qing, let's go to Qin family together."

"Okay, I am waiting for you."

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