"Don't you use people on the side of Xiao Han?" Blue Qian Yu thought Xiao Han's current situation, there is not a bit compassion in my heart, "You see him?"

"No, I will call him a plane. He let me come over to protect you, I will come back." The face of Si Hui also became heavy. "The owner now encloses himself, don't want to see anyone, including me "

"His mood must be very bad." Blue Qian Yu sighted, "Unfortunately, we can't do anything."

"Protect you, it is the only thing I can do for him now." Si Hui said seriously.

"It's hard to think about my safety at this time, I am really embarrassed." Blue Qian Yu said.

"You don't think too much. Some things have been done. I can't avoid it." Si Hui comforted, "Yes, you just gave a plane, should you be very tired? Let's take a break, if you want to go out, if you want to go out Just call me, I will accompany you. "

"I want to say this." Blue Qian Yu said, "I have to go out at 6 o'clock in the evening, Zhao Jun is not there, I am still worrying to let you go, just have you come."

"I am going with you, tall it at 6 o'clock?"

"Okay, I will arrange a room to you, you will take a break."

"No, I will communicate with the housekeeper. I am more familiar with you, you will take a break."

"Well, trouble you."

"Don't be polite."


Because of the arrival of Si Hui, the blue millennium heart is more in the heart, and the time to accompany the child, sleep a nap, time is almost, she dress up, eat some snacks, Deniya called the car has arrived in Qin Home, ready to pick her.

Si Hui is a professional bodyguard. I will do all the preparedness early in the morning. Dennea's car opened to the door. She took the blue thousand.

Dennea saw that Si Hui did not exempt some accidents. She learned that Si Hui, Xiao Han's personal bodyguard, because people have a clear and temperament, extraordinary, and very thoughtful, so there is a famous gas in this circle.

"Mrs. Deniya, I am ordered to protect the blue lady, so I will go to the appointment with her, please don't mind." Si Hui politely

"You are too polite, how can I mind." Deniya said, "Come, get on the bus."

"Okay, thank you." Si Hui took Blue Qian Yu to get on the bus.

Dennea's assistant took several exquisite gift boxes from the car and handed it to the bodyguards of Qin family: "These are the gifts of our lady to the night wife, please ask you."

"No." Blue Qianyu said, "You invite me to eat, give me a gift, it is too polite."

"It's just a little gift, nothing." Deni laughed, "There is an old man in your home, it is also good, good, let's go."

"It's embarrassed, I haven't given you a gift, it is too rude." Blue Qian Yu is somewhat embarrassing.

"I am not a child, what kind of gift is to be, huh, huh." Deni is gently laughed, "You don't want to think so much, we are all good friends, don't need to be so clear."

"Thank you." Blue Qian Yu said.

Si Hui is sitting behind, sitting on the window, do not talk, so as not to affect them.

Daniya looked at Si Hui, and the eyes were a bit complex, and then chat with Blue Qianyu: "Do you have to be almost three months now? Is it strong?"

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