Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 1135, the heart of the anti-human, no 1

"The front time often vomit in the morning, this month is okay." Blue Qianyu said, "When do you have children and Buck?"

"We ..." Denne's face is somewhat embarrassing, "I don't plan to have children."

"Ah? Why?" Blue Qian Yu is very surprised.

Dennea is light smile, and it doesn't matter if it is installed. "He already has two children, I don't want to be born."

"Hey .." Blue Qian Yu should have a sound, there is no question, this is a personal privacy, Denne has her own reasons.

"Right, Si Hui, have you seen Xiao Hong?" Denne suddenly asked the Si Hui.

"No, I will call him a plane. He let me protect the Blue Miss, I will go directly to Qin." Si Hui said.

"Xiao always is now the low mood, there should be a person around you, how can he send you a martial art at this time? How can he have someone around him?"

Dennea's tone is full of concern and compassion, but the Si Hui felt some awkward, she felt that Dennea has been going to prevent her, but she didn't mind, but said, "The owner is probably A person is quiet and quiet. "

"That is also, there is this kind of thing, he should not want to face people around you." Denne is quite emotional, "he is also a heart, knowing that the night is needed, so I will send you. Protect the night. "

"Miss master and Miss are many years of friends, and the night is also a good brother. He also cares about the blue lady." Si Hui said.

Danieia did not speak, just rushing blue and thousands of patches.

Blue Qian Yu always feels that Daniegia has a speech, Deniya is somewhat surprised by Division today, it seems to be in preventing him, but also implies something. .

I thought about it, Blue Qianyu understood that Wemewood and night home were dead, Xiao Han is a biological son of Wenhai, and Si Hui is Xiao Han's personal follower. Now Qin Xiang and Night flames are about Bache and Louis Piam. Dan Nija probably taboo, so this will be like this.

But when the face of the two people, the blue thousand is not good to say something, just want to wait for the time to communicate with Dennea.

I was thinking that the car has already opened to the Century Dynasty, the car just stopped, the responsible person of the hotel came to the door, respectful greetings: "Mrs. Deni!"

Everyone came down from the car, and the Si Hui took the Blue Thousands of feathers. Daniegia introduced the arrangement of tonight to Blue Qian Yu, and walked towards the elevator while taking elegant pace.

Go to the elevator, she suddenly stopped, looking back to Si Hui: "The division assistant, the above is our own place, it is not convenient to bring it, can you wait? My follower will give you dinner and Rest. "

Si Hui looked to Blue Qian Yu, and Lin Qian Yu is about to say, Denne is holding her hand: "The night is always waiting for you."

Blue Qian Yu is a lip, and finally it is swallowed back, and apologizes to Si Hui: "Si Hui, you are also right to go with me, or do you take a break downstairs?"

"Okay." Si Hui did not have a half-pointed performance, smiling, "Then I will wait for you below, you have something to call me."

"Well." Blue Qianfei nodded, "I am sorry, let you run with me, now let you wait, you have a dinner, if you are tired, just take a break, I am walking Call you again. "

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