Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 1136, the heart of the anti-human

"Okay, there is no relationship, let's go." Si Hui said.


The elevator door slowly closed, Blue Qian Yu looked there, there is no bit embarrassing, and she let the Si Hui come with her. As a result, people are now downstairs, and even the elevators don't let her enter. .

Si Hui originally not ordinary bodyguards, she helped them when she was helpless in the night home, and did a lot of things for them. Blue Qian Yu as a friend, and the way to treat friends is obviously very rude. .

Dennea saw the uneasiness of Blue Qianpun, whispered: "Mrs. Night, I don't want to be difficult, just, Tonight Qin, Night and my husband, there is also Louis to meet, there is something to talk about, our The box is next door, and the company is Xiao Han, and we should have some concerns. "

"I understand." Blue Qian Yu is helpless, "even Xiao Han, I don't dare to contact more now, these preparation should be."

"You understand it." Denne nodded, dignified persuasion, "Not my more heart, do something big, sometimes you will leave more eyes. Although you are very good with the company, but for your husband I advise you to lift the company. "

"Thank you for your kindness." Blue Qian Yu Yang lipped, seriously said -

"Si Hui is not an ordinary bodyguard. She helped us when the night's most removal is the most difficult time. I have done a lot of things for us. I have long used her as my own person, let alone, her and Xiao Han's position Different, Xiao Han and Wemewood have some feelings, but she doesn't, she is a very right girl, she won't sell us. "

"This can be said." Deni is serious about her, "The principle of bodyguard is to be loyal to his owner. The owner of Si Hui is Xiao Han. If one day, Xiao Han's position is confronted with you, and Si Hui will Will help her master. "

"Xiao Han didn't do it as so." Blue Qian Yu shook his head, "before Wenhai persecution night, he wants to help us, although he is very difficult now, he should at least take neutral, how can he have confront to our position? "

"Some things are could not help but have you have to control themselves." Denney frowned, "Mrs. Night, you are so smart, this truth, you should understand."

Blue Qianyu, silent, Dienia said that these did make sense, blood is full of water, it is inevitable that Xiao Han will shelter Wenhai because they can't bear to help the sea, maybe he will not harm night, but confrontation The opportunity is not there ...

Now, the Si Hui is around, in case, the position changes, let her leave, it is not good.

However, Xiao Han is so goodbye to send the Sihui to protect her. How can she condemn her this?

That's too bad.

It's awkward, the door of the elevator is open, Denne said to Blue Qian Yu: "Don't think too much, let's go to the box first."

"Well." Blue Qian Yu came out with her. This floor is very quiet. Today, he was packed by Qin Xiang. Every three meters will stand a bodyguard, and it is very strict.

One of the boxes of the box stood more bodyguards, which is the place where Qin Xiang, Night Flame, Bacle, Louis Co, and the next door is a place to rest in Denneia and Blue Qian Yu.

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