Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 1137, the heart of the anti-human, no 3

One-third of these bodyguards is Qin family, and the remaining people are Bacle and Route, they have seen Denien and Blue Thousands, all respectfully.

Daniya made a gesture, indicating that they don't have to pay attention, and then pulled blue thousand feathers into the box next to it.

On the door, Daniya talented: "Today's meeting is very important, you will know this, now I understand why I don't let Division come up?"

"Well." Blue Qianfei nodded, worried, "I know this, let's eat here, will this hang them?"

"This is not." Dani said, "I am also specially arranged here today. First, I will gather together with you. The second is to express my sincerity, the third is to make up for you before the trouble "

Blue Qian Yu is a little surprised: "Those things have passed, why bother to mention?"

"Things are the past, but I can't go in my heart." Dani is very embarrassed, "I could have a lot of troubles that I have caused you this time. Bacle has always said that I want to make up for you, but I have no chance, This time I came back, the night summons and Bucks also had a one-way cooperation, I hope we can become a good friend who doesn't talk about nothing like when you first see. "

"Yes, you and Bacle are good people." Blue Qian Yu really said.

"But there is a person ..." Deniya's lips, carefully asked, "Do you really understand him?"

Blue Qian Yu said, "I said," You said, Louis Earl? He has already put down, there is no connection between us. Is it today what he lets you come out? "

"No, Of course, not." Denney shook his head, an eager explanation, "Since the Louis decided to let go, then he didn't mention you, I and Bacle thought that he really put it down. However, yesterday he heard that you came back, the mood is very excited, I am worried, I am worried that he still can't put it ... "

"I don't quite understand, so what did you come out for?" Blue Qian Yu asked, "confirmed that he did not put down?"

"No ..." Daniea's look is a bit complicated. "You have only two months before and after returning to Hong Kong. At the beginning, he is also a deep use of you. He is definitely not completely put down, this does not need to prove. "


"Okay, I will tell" Daniya whispered, "I have a special approach to you, I want Louis to see your belly, one day, see you with night total feelings. , Then, he can die. I know that I may be somewhat deliberate, but I really don't have malicious, and I want to make up the mood is true, I hope you don't misunderstand ... "

"I understand." Blue Qianyu nodded, "I thought it was something, if so, I can fully understand that I also hope that Louis Earl can really put down the mistakes of the mistake, this, my heart is also practical. "

"This is good." Dani is a sigh of breath, staring at Blue Qian Yu's belly, "But your stomach is not very much, this is three months, still so flat."

"Well, Asian women are delicate, even if they are pregnant, there will be a big change." Blue Qian Yu said, "But I and my husband's feelings are very good, I believe that Louis Earl saw us so love, will "

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