Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 1138, the heart of the anti-human is not 4

"It is also." Daniya laughed, "When I went out today, I met you, he was still happy, I really envy you, my husband and wife are so good."

"Oh, we have experienced a lot of things, but now I know how to cherish each other." Blue Qian Yu said.

"This is good." Deni nodded, "Hey, I almost forgot, let's eat first, they have already prepared dinner, I have a Chinese meal today, I specially let them prepare some pregnant women like something."

"I will go to the bathroom first." Blue Qian Yu stood up.

"Just here, I will accompany you."

Daniya accompanied blue thousands of feathers to the dedicated toilet in the box, carefully pushed the door, waiting for her to go in, she took the makeup on the dressing table, at this time, her mobile phone rang, see the call display, Her face raised a happy smile and immediately listened to the phone, "Louis!"

"Qian Yu is coming?" Louis Pu is asking.

The smile on Daniya is light, but still fell into a light answer: "Well, I appreciate her for dinner."

"I will be right over."


Dennea's words have not finished, Louis Puch directly, Daniya frowned, the face is very unrest, although she knows that the Earl of Lu Yi is still memorable, but I didn't expect to be so enthusiastic, I know Blue thousand feathers came, he immediately put down the big things and ran to see her, and the husband is still next door.

Blue Qian Yu heard Denne's phone in the bathroom, and the heart faintly felt a little strange. She knew that Denneian couple had not much shallow to the Earl of Louis, but Dennea's concern is a bit unusual.

Blue Qian Yu remembers the past, Deniya can even deceive her in order to help the Louis Earl, and she felt that there was a embarrassment, and Bache didn't know the mind. Although the last thing solved, Daniea did not say Real reason.

Now think about it, Blue Qianyu can't help but have a secret between Dennea and Louis, there is no secret ...

"Hey!" At this time, knock on the door outside.

"Mrs. Night, I will go out and open the door. You are slow, there is something to call me." Denne greeted the blue thousand and went out to open the door.

Blue Qian Yu does not come out in order to avoid embarrassment.

"Qian Yu?" Louis Earl asked.

"In the bathroom." Daniya said coldly, "Human husband is still next door, you run over, see her, this is not suitable?"

"I just came over to say hello, what is not suitable?" Louis elm took her, sit down on the sofa, "helping me take a glass of wine."

Denneia handed him the half cup red wine on the table: "Is there a matter of thinking? You don't know the way, don't you know?"

"I have already come out, they are talking, you know, I don't like this kind of heavy conversation, everything makes Backer's work, I believe him." Rouza.

"Then you have come early, let's talk about it." Deniya urged.

"I am not anxious, what are you rushing?" Louis counterer frowned, , , "She knows our relationship?"

Daniea's face has changed immediately: "How about knowing? Don't know how?"

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