Louis Pu, if Bacle knows that my woman is Denneya, I don't know what it will be thought, I am afraid he will immediately jump and kill me.

"You, or just find a girlfriend." Bacha shakes his head smiles. "I didn't see you these years, I didn't see you seriously, the only thing I had a husband, the next time There are so many nice girls, you don't like it, you have to take love, what is your good? "

"How are you talking so hard?" Louis Mist looked at him, "What is it necessary to take a knife? I don't because she is a husband who likes her, but I like her, and She is also a woman who has a husband. "

"The line is row, I don't want to talk to you." Buckl put down the wine glass and stood up. "I went to see Daniea back."

Said, he got up and got out.

Louis Earl continued to wine, the mind is in the mind, and a day Bacle knows what the adults between him and Dennea will respond, the mobile phone suddenly rang, received a WeChat, he took out the mobile phone Look, the avatar of WeChat is a purple rose. The name is first love, this is Denneia to contact the Louis Earl, a special new micro signal.

Rouzaouou looked back, the alert was a door, but fortunate, the door was closed, no other people.

Louis Earl opened voice news, Deni's charming voice came: "Louis, I want to see you, let's talk!"

Louis Earl put the wine in the cup and replied with the voice: "It is not convenient to meet now, talk about it again, and there will be, don't send a speech, there is something directly."

Daniya returned a text message: "I have to see you now, there is something to talk about, four or a half, the old place see, don't see you!"

The Louis Earl brow is wrinkled. It is necessary to reply, and suddenly there is a familiar voice: "I caught it by me? Which woman is chatting?"

The Route is shocked. Handling, the mobile phone almost fell, he warehouses the mobile phone, looking back, looking at Bache: "You, isn't you?"

"I just walked to the elevator and received Dennea's WeChat. She said that she had to go shopping with the night, back late, so I came to you." Bacle smiled at the Earl of Louis, "I didn't expect it just I came in and found that you chat with women, who is it? "

"Yes, a woman." Louis Earl relieves light answers.

"Haha, I certainly know that it is a woman." Bacle laughed, "I ask you who is that, I don't know? Which thousand gold ??"

"It's an ordinary girl." Routensk said with the mouth, "Oh, you should not be so gossip, my affairs you have less tube."

"Yes, prince with gray girl, love in the fairy tale, romance." Backer said, "That must be a good girl? It is good to be a good family, it is best to set it out, the Queen is always looking forward to you. Married as soon as possible. "

"The eight characters have not yet, it is true." Louis elm took him, cracking on the mobile phone, got up, "I still have something, go first."

"Have fun." Backe shouted behind.

The Louis Earl did not respond. He is like a pressure like it. It is very uncomfortable. He didn't dare to face Buckle. I felt that I did so too, but he couldn't help but see Dan Nia.

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