The Si Hui did very satisfied that she and Blue Qian Yu were originally sitting in Dan Ni, did not drive, and Blue Qian Yu inquired her a few minutes in advance, she got a car, driving her home.

On the car, the blue Qian Yu is curious: "Si Hui, where is this car?"

"My car." Si Hui said, "After you go to Deni, after I go to the dining, I have n'thing to do, let people open my car, because I think we go back, it is convenient to drive some Well, and it can be used later. "

"You think about it." Blue Qian Yu praises, "Your car is very new, I haven't seen you before."

"Yeah, I haven't opened it. I used to follow the owner. I did his car. This car was when I was Christmas last year. The owner sent my gift. I only opened the holiday. I usually put it. Home, so the car is very new. "

"Wow, Xiao Han this boss is good, I also give it to the hand."

"It is a year-end bonus, huh, ..."

"Right, he is really smart."


The two have talked and laughed, and the blue rumors were also reminded that she had to prevent duty Hui, but when she got along, she always felt that the Si Hui was straightforward and she would not harm her. .


Extended version of the Rolls-Reps, the night flames have been answering the phone, and the lawyer will neglect Xiao Han's shares. He just listened, occasionally, or said that a simple order, did not say, things did not Before, he didn't want Qin Xiang to know.

The lawyer finally finished the matter, the night flames were ready to hang, and there was a familiar voice from the phone: "Give me the phone."

"Xiao Chang ..." The lawyer had not been to say, the mobile phone was taken away by Xiao Han, Xiao Han said with anger, "Night flaming, the company is you in place, you want to take the shares, I I won't stop, but I said, I have to go according to normal procedures, you don't have to find a lawyer to tell me these nonsense, useless. "

"Normal program? Do you deliberately take a big circle? Isn't it just want to delay?" The night flames said, "But you have to understand, some things, this face, sooner or later, escape is to solve the problem of."

"I have never thought about escape." Xiao Han has increased the volume, and the low drink. "Wenhai did something wrong. He should be punished. But you should use the law to punish him, rather than using the despicable means to work together. He, when you die, do you have any difference with him? You are mad, but now you? What are you doing? "

"We haven't done anything." The night flames were frowned. "Do you hear any bad rumors ??

"Nothing?" Xiao Han ridiculously cleared, "Don't think I don't know, when you hit everyone, quietly put my father-in-law, talk about this, tell him that Qin Wei is in Wenhai, You should let my father-in-law to deal the Wemewhere, and you are happy, now you are satisfied, the Wemewood of the Wemewhere J is Qin Wei, my father-in-law is big, and I have to give you a powerful to you. Sealing property, recapture the night, you are finally satisfied ... "

"Xiao Han!" The night flames broke the words, "You are now in the air, I don't care about you, waiting for you to calm down, let's talk."

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