"You don't care about it ??" Xiao Han surrendered anger, "When you are falling, I don't care about the safety of Weminghai, can you help you, how can you have considered my position? You use me? My father-in-law went to deal with Wenhai, and Xiaa leaving me, my most respectful two elders were killing each other, how did you make me enough??? "

I heard these words, the night flames were silent, no matter what he is interested, it is still unintentional. In fact, he really brought a lot of trouble and pain to Xiao Han, Xiao Han wants him, hate him, he can only bear it.

"How? No words can be said?" Xiao Han smiled coldly, and then saddened, "I guess it. Night flaming, I really regret it to help you, if I don't help you, now Xiaa I won't leave me with my child, my father-in-law and Wemai will not fight into this ... "

"I feel very apogase." Night flaming is a bit embarrassing, "But I want to tell you, your current pain is not that I bring to you, it is Wenhai and yourself, Wemeworrhea committed so many sins, you are destined to bear for him Some stress, as for Hia, you don't know how to cherish, she will leave you. "

The phone is very lonely, Xiao Han did not speak, maybe, he was reflecting, maybe, the night flames saw the blood, I hurt him. .

"Think of yourself, wait for your emotions to calm down, we will see it, talk about it." Night flames finished this sentence, hung it directly.

"You are very good, very right." Qin Xiang, who has been silent, finally opened, "Sadness and pain are caused by himself, it is to protect this animal in Wenhai, he does not know how to cherish Xia."

"He didn't cherish Haya is his fault. As for him to protect Wenhai ..." The night flames have a lip, whispered, "It is the same, he is a philanthone of the Wenhai, and Wenhai is also very good. , Blood is full of water, he protects him, it should be. "

"Maybe .." Qin Xiang deep sigh, "I still have some points in today, what is right, what is wrong. Now I think about it, I should not accept him, maybe when I was Some, sanctions, let him leave Hiya, Xia will not be hurt. And Wenhai, I should not pallo him from the beginning !!!! "

When I said the last sentence, Qin Xiang has a punctual murder, and the fist is also holding tight. .

The night flames frowned him, and the heart faintly disappointed.

"But there is no relationship, soon, I will make the temples to be faulty, the dead is not buried." Qin Xiang's tone is very cold, and the wine in the cup will drink.

"Qin is always ..." The night flames were careful, "" Just now Xiao Han did not intend to talk about Qin Wei, he said that the warm sea's hand put her ... "

Donned, night flames avoid the sharp problem, "Is this true?"

"Yes." The murderous murder in Qin Xiang is heavier.

The night flame did not dare to say anymore, he afraid of saying more, it would be more concentrated, just, his homogenesis is getting stronger and more strong, he always feels that this matter has arrived in the bad level he imagined ... ...


Xiao Han is so crazy, he wants to stop this war, but he can't do anything, he is very impatient, but it is more urgent, then it is more inch. He now feels the six gods, what should I do? How to do?

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