"Oh, you are welcome, as long as you don't do it in the future." The night flames are relaxed, "Ok, time is not early, you have to go to Bacle, I have other things to handle, first left." "

"Well, I will go out soon." Louis, I nodded, "I will go all out, you will be relieved, I must help you take home."

"I am only afraid that this is not a warm sea." The night flames wrinkled, and if I thought, "I will not make such a low IQ thing to make such a low IQ. He doesn't have a little more benefit. "

"How?" Said that Louis said, "Do you just start? Do you do it, I and Bacle work together, he will have less than two opponents."

"Just starting to have an urgent situation, I can only tell you something." The night flame explained, "But in fact, I think this is not like a Wemeword style, he is not so stupid."

"Is there another person who recorded?" Louis Earl.

"The recording is definitely he sent people, but the spread of the news is not necessarily him." Night flaming said.

"How do you say?" Asked Lu Zijue.

Night flame explanation: "Although Wenhai is sinister, he is indeed a brain wise, people who are far away, he should consider that if this news spreads out, you will sin you and Bacle, you will never let him, In this critical moment, how can he increase the enemy? "

"Maybe he feels that he is doing secret, we may not know that he is doing it." Earl of Louis said.

"It's impossible." The night flames shakes the head. "Now we are four people to join hands, the only opponent is him, let alone, you and Bucks usually have any enemies, except where he is?"

"It's also." Louis, I nodded. "Then I don't understand, since it is the sound of the tone, the recording should be in his hand, who can get the recording to spread to the Internet?" "

The night flame was silent for a few seconds, saying: "If I don't guess the wrong, it should be a Temperature."

"Wen Dynasty ???" Louis Earl is horrified, "You said, the assistant of Weminghai? Will you have this ability?"

"Wenhai was seriously injured, was recycling, Xiao Han didn't work with him, and he only had a man who had been trustworthy, so many things will be handed over to the Wen Dynasty, and the Wen Dynasty wants to be unauthorized. "Night flames said.

"Then why do he do this? He is not afraid of his master punishment?" Louis Earl.

"I have long seen that the Wen Dynasty is a wild, and she is a picture of the picture. Maybe he saw that our four people were combined to deal with Wenhai, and they worried that the Wemewood will be defeated. When he lost his mountain, it was a chaotic chair of Wenhai disease, then Stealing the money in the warm sea flies away. "Night flames said.

"You have reasonable, this is not possible." Louis count nodded, admire the night flames, "I didn't see it before you didn't see you so smart? It's really more than my imagination, it is no wonder that Qianyu is dead to you. "

"Oh, didn't you have a chance to show?" Night flames smiled, "Today I specially come to you, just to reveal my wisdom."

"Cut, less." Louis else made him glance.

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