"Well, I should go." The night flames stood up, "there is still something to do."

"You won't you plan to go to the moderate dress?" Louis Earl is curiously asked, "Wen Dynasty betrayed Wenhai is a good thing. When you are in Wenhai, we are better to press him."

"I just just me, I can't judge that this is really true now, so I am going to find Xiao Han." Night flames turned back -

"The betrayal of the Wen Dynasty is indeed a good thing for us, but we have to win the bright and upright, using the law to take the Wenhai rope, not to watch him being hurt, not to mention, Wenhai is Xiao Han's biological father If he really has a big event, Xiao Han will be very difficult, Xiao Han is my brother, I don't want to see him. "

"I rely on, how do you have the same as Qian Yu, it's a saint, treating the enemy is so kind, is it necessary?" Rouza Earl could not understand.

"Some." Night flaming smiled, meaning deeply, "People who have helped me now! She is helping me! She proves me, good news !!!"

After saying this, the night flames left ...

Louis Calt looked at the back of him, and the mood is like a five-flavor, the complexity is difficult to say, the night flame refers to these people, when the night flames fall, the Blue Qian Yu is controversial to help the Qin family, so now the night home , Qin family went all out. .

There is also Louis Earl, Xiao Han, Bacle, all because he has had a good relationship with Blue Qian Yu, so now is helping the night flame.

Perhaps the kindness of Blue Thousand is a stupid thing in some people, or is weak, but the facts prove, sometimes she is right, good and evil is not reported, not not reported, it is not arrived! ! !

The causal cycle in this world, has its own truth, but sometimes, some people only look at their eyes, and they never look forward to the distance, so they can't understand these truths.


The night flames called Xiao Han on the road, and the phone could not be connected. He called the Si Hui and played twice, and finally someone received: "Night Total?"

"Si Hui, Xiao Han?" Asked the night flames.

"The owner is in the airport, ready to go abroad."

Si Hui concealed Xiao Han to go to Switzerland to find Qin Xiya, because she felt that the night flames and Xiao Han were a hostile state. Since the night's home was guarded, she didn't have to say the benefactor.

"Quickly call him to answer." Night flames urged, "I have an urgent matter to discuss him."

"Apologize, the plane is sliding, ready to take off."

Si Hui watched the plane that was spending, Xiao Han was anxious to go to Switzerland to find Qinshiya, so she arranged in advance.

"Notify the airport immediately, let them suspend the takeoff." The night flames decisively, "fast."

"What happened?" Si Hui realized the seriousness of things.

"I doubt that the warmth of the warm sea, now Wenhai is very likely to have an accident, so the situation must be very dangerous, so the special notice of Xiao Han, let him go to see." Night flames said, "Si Hui, you quickly inform him. Although this is just my speculation, I haven't confirmed it. In case I guessed, the consequences are unimaginable. In the future, Xiao Han knows that he can not save his father, he will regret life. "

When I heard this sentence, I panic immediately: "How can it be? I will rush it right away."

Said, she ran quickly outside the airport ...

On the plane, Xiao Han far looked at the back of the Scy Hued, thinking, what happened, is it urgent?

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