But Xiao Han didn't think much. He believes that even if it really happened, Si Hui can solve it, she has been with him for many years, never lost hands.

The plane slowly increased the horizon, Xiao Han closed his eyes, there was a weak face of Qin Xiya in his mind, and the fantasy will see what the scene will be, in fact, there are so many things, and now he finally fully understands his inner heart, Indeed, he is not a pure love for Xia, but she really has a lightweight position in his heart, he cares about her, care about her, not only because of the child in her belly ...

No matter where they can be together, he also hopes that they can make friends. .


Si Hui drove to the suburban hospital where Wen Jia is in the middle of the hospital, while calling on the sea, the phone will not be able to dial, she dials the phone call, just in the dial, the mobile phone receives a text message: " Hui, your mobile phone has been busing, I can't do it, listen to me, don't contact the Wen Dynasty, he is likely to betray the sea. "

See this text message, the Si Hui faces change, the Temperature Dynasty? She has long figured that the person is not positive, he really has a problem.

When I was thinking, the Wen Dynasty's telephone was connected, and a familiar voice came over there: "Secret?"

I heard this voice, the heart of the Si Hui happened, but she quickly returned to calm down, with a calm tone intention to test: "Mr. Wen, I have already done, I have already done, I Now come to find him, talk to him. "

"Oh, no need." Wen Dynasty immediately said that "the owner has been very uncomfortable from the beginning of this morning, just eat medicine, he said with me, saying that he is not seeing today, let us not quarrel him. "

"Ah, Mr. Wen is not suitable? Do you have to see a doctor? He's okay?" Sushu language relationship, the heart has already had a problem.

"The doctor has already seen it, there is nothing serious." Wen Dynasty said, "You come again to find the master tomorrow."


"Right, I heard that the young master went to Switzerland today?" Qian Dynasty trials.

"Yes, his special plane just took off." Si Hui said casually, "How? Do you have anything to find him?"

"No, I just asked, I've been able to go to a young lady because of the departure of the young man before the young master, and now I will be able to find a young lady."

When the Wen Dynasty, he sounded very sincere, but in fact, he is thinking, Xiao Han is good, waiting for them to get the money, can leave the United States soon, go to Russia to live.

"Oh, thank you." Si Hui smiled and smiled, "Yes, Mr. Wen said that let me take care of Dai Yu, I didn't go to Russia with the owner today, I will have a thing to do now. give to me?"

"This ..." Wen Dynasty is somewhat hard. He is now going to the bank to pay the money. There is no time to cope with Si Hui, but if he refuses again, she may cause suspicion, think about it, Temperature, " Ah, I went to Miss Miss to talk with her, I will call you later, you will come again. "

"What time is it?" Si Hui asked.

"At 5 o'clock in the afternoon." Wen Dynasty was postponed for four hours. At that time, he and Bart had left the United States.

"Okay, I will wait for you to call." Si Hui didn't seem to care, and the phone was hung by this sentence.

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